

  • ️Wed Feb 28 2007

The Arabic, Croatian, Greek and Thai names given are not official.

正 (せい) 統 (とう) なる血 (けっ) 統 (とう)
English Birthright
Chinese 正統的血統
French Droit d'ainesse
German Geburtsrecht
Italian Diritto di Nascita
Korean 정통한 혈통
Portuguese Direito de Nascença
Spanish Derecho de Nacimiento
Japanese (kana) せいとうなるけっとう
Japanese (base) 正統なる血統
Japanese (rōmaji) Seitō-naru Kettō
Card type Trap
Property Continuous
Passcode 35539880
Card effect types
Card descriptions


Activate this card by targeting 1 Normal Monster in your Graveyard; Special Summon that target in face-up Attack Position. When this card leaves the field, destroy that monster. When that monster leaves the field, destroy this card.


Sélectionnez 1 Monstre Normal depuis votre Cimetière et Invoquez-le Spécialement en Position d'Attaque face recto. Lorsque cette carte est retirée du Terrain, détruisez ce monstre. Lorsque ce monstre est retiré du Terrain, détruisez cette carte.


Wähle 1 Normales Monster von deinem Friedhof und beschwöre es als Spezialbeschwörung in die offene Angriffsposition. Wenn diese Karte vom Spielfeld entfernt wird, zerstöre das Monster. Wenn das Monster vom Spielfeld entfernt wird, zerstöre diese Karte.


Scegli 1 Mostro Normale dal tuo Cimitero ed Evocalo Specialmente scoperto in Posizione d'Attacco. Quando questa carta viene rimossa dal Terreno, distruggi quel mostro. Quando quel mostro viene rimosso dal Terreno, distruggi questa carta.


Selecione 1 Normal Monster do seu Cemitério e o Special Summon virado para cima na Posição de Ataque. Quando esta carta é removida do campo, destrua aquele monstro. Quando aquele monstro é removido do campo, destrua esta carta.


Selecciona 1 Monstruo Normal de tu Cementerio e Invócalo de modo Especial en Posición de Ataque boca arriba. Cuando esta carta sea retirada del Campo, destruye ese monstruo. Cuando ese monstruo sea retirado del Campo, destruye esta carta.






자신의 묘지에서 일반 몬스터 1장을 선택하고, 공격 표시로 특수 소환한다. 이 카드가 필드 위에 존재하지 않게 되었을 때, 그 몬스터를 파괴한다. 그 몬스터가 필드 위에 존재하지 않게 되었을 때, 이 카드를 파괴한다.
TCG sets


Release Number SetFrench name Rarity
2007-02-24 STON-FR057 Strike of Neos L'Attaque de Néos Super Rare
2007-02-24 STON-FR057 Strike of Neos L'Attaque de Néos Ultimate Rare
2008-08-05 5DS1-FR040 Starter Deck: Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Deck de Démarrage: Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Common
2009-10-22 SDWS-FR037 Warriors' Strike Structure Deck L’attaque des Guerriers Deck de Structure Common
2013-12-05 YSKR-FR047 Starter Deck Kaiba Reloaded Deck de Démarrage - Kaiba Revient Common


Release Number SetGerman name Rarity
2007-02-28 STON-DE057 Strike of Neos Strike of Neos Super Rare
2007-02-28 STON-DE057 Strike of Neos Strike of Neos Ultimate Rare
2008-08-05 5DS1-DE040 Starter Deck: Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Starter Deck: Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Common
2009-10-22 SDWS-DE037 Warriors' Strike Structure Deck Warriors' Strike Structure Deck Common
2013-12-05 YSKR-DE047 Starter Deck Kaiba Reloaded Starter Deck - Kaiba Reloaded Common


Release Number SetItalian name Rarity
2007-02-28 STON-IT057 Strike of Neos Attacco di Neos Super Rare
2007-02-28 STON-IT057 Strike of Neos Attacco di Neos Ultimate Rare
2008-08-05 5DS1-IT040 Starter Deck: Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Starter Deck: Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Common
2009-10-22 SDWS-IT037 Warriors' Strike Structure Deck Attacco dei Guerrieri Structure Deck Common
2013-12-05 YSKR-IT047 Starter Deck Kaiba Reloaded Starter Deck Kaiba - Il Ritorno Common


Release Number SetPortuguese name Rarity
2013-12-06 YSKR-PT047 Starter Deck Kaiba Reloaded Deck Inicial - Kaiba Reloaded Common


Release Number SetSpanish name Rarity
2007-02-28 STON-SP057 Strike of Neos Golpe de Neos Super Rare
2007-02-28 STON-SP057 Strike of Neos Golpe de Neos Ultimate Rare
2008-08-05 5DS1-SP040 Starter Deck: Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's La Baraja de Principiante: Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Common
2009-10-22 SDWS-SP037 Warriors' Strike Structure Deck Golpe de los Guerreros Baraja de Estructura Common
2013-12-05 YSKR-SP047 Starter Deck Kaiba Reloaded La Baraja de Principiante Kaiba - Vuelve Common
OCG sets


Release Number SetJapanese name Rarity
2006-11-16 STON-JP057 Strike of Neos STRIKE OF NEOS Super Rare
2006-11-16 STON-JP057 Strike of Neos STRIKE OF NEOS Ultimate Rare
2008-03-15 YSD3-JP040 Starter Deck 2008 STARTER DECK 2008 Common
SD17-JP038 Structure Deck: Warrior's Strike Common
2012-05-12 DE01-JP109 Duelist Edition Volume 1 デュエリストエディション Volume 1 Rare
2015-04-15 EN01-JP019 Entry Pack エントリーパック Common

Traditional Chinese

Release Number SetChinese name Rarity
SP01-TC055 Starter Pack Volume 1 Common


Release Number SetKorean name Rarity
2008-01-22 STON-KR057 Strike of Neos 네오스의 공격 Super Rare
2008-01-22 STON-KR057 Strike of Neos 네오스의 공격 Ultimate Rare
2009-02-18 YSD3-KR040 Starter Deck 2008 STARTER (스타터) DECK (덱) 2008 Common
SD17-KR038 Structure Deck: Warrior's Strike Common
2014-03-26 PC02-KR034 Precious Pack Volume 2 프레셔스 팩 Volume 2 Rare
Video game sets
Card search categories
Other card information
External links
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"Birthright" pages