
Break Off Trap Hole

  • ️Thu Aug 03 2017
Break Off Trap Hole
絶 (ぜつ) 縁 (えん) の落 (お) とし穴 (あな)
English Break Off Trap Hole
Chinese 绝缘的落穴
French Trappe de Rupture
German Einstürzende Fallgrube
Italian Buco Trappola Staccamento
Korean 절연의 함정 속으로
Portuguese Livrar-se do Buraco Armadilha
Spanish Agujero Trampa Roto
Japanese (kana) ぜつえんのおとしあな
Japanese (base) 絶縁の落とし穴
Japanese (rōmaji) Zetsuen no Otoshiana
Japanese (translated) Break Off Pitfall
Card type Trap
Property Normal
Passcode 56526564
Card effect types
Card descriptions


When a Link Monster is Link Summoned: Destroy all monsters on the field that are not linked.


Lorsqu'un Monstre Lien est Invoqué par Lien : détruisez tous les monstres sur le Terrain qui ne sont pas liés.


Wenn ein Linkmonster als Linkbeschwörung beschworen wird: Zerstöre alle Monster auf dem Spielfeld, die nicht gelinkt sind.


Quando un Mostro Link viene Evocato Link: distruggi tutti i mostri sul Terreno che non sono linkati.


Quando um Monstro Link for Invocado por Invocação-Link: destrua todos os monstros no campo que não estiverem linkados.


Cuando un Monstruo de Enlace es Invocado por Enlace: destruye todos los monstruos en el Campo que no estén enlazados.




①: 링크 몬스터가 링크 소환에 성공했을 때에 발동할 수 있다. 필드의 링크 상태가 아닌 몬스터를 전부 파괴한다.
TCG sets


Release dateCard codeSetRarity

2017-08-03COTD-EN075Code of the DuelistSuper Rare


Release dateCard codeSetFrench nameRarity

2017-08-03COTD-FR075Code of the DuelistCode des DuellistesSuper Rare

2018-08-30MP18-FR0852018 Mega-Tin Mega Pack2018 Méga-Boîtes Méga PackSuper Rare

2019-02-14SDSB-FR037Structure Deck: SoulburnerDeck de Structure : SoulburnerCommon


Release dateCard codeSetGerman nameRarity

2017-08-03COTD-DE075Code of the DuelistCode of the DuelistSuper Rare

2018-08-30MP18-DE0852018 Mega-Tin Mega Pack2018 Mega-Tin Mega PackSuper Rare

2019-02-14SDSB-DE037Structure Deck: SoulburnerStructure Deck: SoulburnerCommon


Release dateCard codeSetItalian nameRarity

2017-08-03COTD-IT075Code of the DuelistCodice del DuellanteSuper Rare

2018-08-30MP18-IT0852018 Mega-Tin Mega PackMega-Tin 2018 Mega-PackSuper Rare

2019-02-14SDSB-IT037Structure Deck: SoulburnerStructure Deck: SoulburnerCommon


Release dateCard codeSetPortuguese nameRarity

2017-08-22COTD-PT075Code of the DuelistCódigo do DuelistaSuper Rare

2018-08-30MP18-PT0852018 Mega-Tin Mega PackMega-Pacote da Mega-Latas 2018Super Rare

2019-02-14SDSB-PT037Structure Deck: SoulburnerDeck Estrutural: Queima-AlmasCommon


Release dateCard codeSetSpanish nameRarity

2017-08-03COTD-SP075Code of the DuelistCódigo del DuelistaSuper Rare

2018-08-30MP18-SP0852018 Mega-Tin Mega PackMega-Latas 2018 Mega-PackSuper Rare

2019-02-14SDSB-SP037Structure Deck: SoulburnerBaraja de Estructura: SoulburnerCommon

OCG sets


Release dateCard codeSetJapanese nameRarity

2017-04-15COTD-JP075Code of the Duelistコード・オブ・ザ・デュエリストSuper Rare

2017-04-15COTD-JP075Code of the Duelistコード・オブ・ザ・デュエリストSecret Rare

2018-12-08SD35-JP037Structure Deck: SoulburnerSTRUCTURE DECK -ソウルバーナー-Common

Simplified Chinese

Release dateCard codeSetSimplified Chinese nameRarity

October 17, 2020SD35-SC037Structure Deck: SoulburnerCommon


Release dateCard codeSetKorean nameRarity

2017-07-13COTD-KR075Code of the Duelist코드 오브 더 듀얼리스트Super Rare

2017-07-13COTD-KR075Code of the Duelist코드 오브 더 듀얼리스트Secret Rare

2019-03-19SD35-KR037Structure Deck: SoulburnerSTRUCTURE (스트럭처) DECK (덱) 소울버너Common

Card search categories
Other card information
External links

"Break Off Trap Hole" pages