
Burial from a Different Dimension

  • ️Wed Feb 07 2007

The Arabic, Croatian, Greek, Thai and Vietnamese names given are not official.

Burial from a Different Dimension
異 (い) 次 (じ) 元 (げん) からの埋 (まい) 葬 (そう)
English Burial from a Different Dimension
French Enterrement d'une Autre Dimension
German Begräbnis aus einer anderen Dimension
Italian Sepoltura da un'Altra Dimensione
Korean 이차원에서의 매장
Portuguese Enterro de Outra Dimensão
Spanish Entierro de una Dimensión Distinta
Japanese (kana) いじげんからのまいそう
Japanese (base) 異次元からの埋葬
Japanese (rōmaji) Ijigen kara no Maisō
Other names Burial from the Different Dimension
Other names (Japanese) 異次元 (いじげん) からの埋 (まい) 葬 (そう)
Card type Spell
Property Quick-Play
Passcode 48976825
Card effect types
Card descriptions


Target up to 3 banished monsters; return them to the Graveyard.


Ciblez max. 3 monstres bannis ; renvoyez-les au Cimetière.


Wähle bis zu 3 verbannte Monster; lege sie auf den Friedhof zurück.


Scegli come bersaglio fino a 3 mostri banditi; falli ritornare nel Cimitero.


Escolha até 3 monstros banidos; devolva-os para o Cemitério.


Selecciona hasta 3 monstruos desterrados; devuélvelos al Cementerio.




①: 제외되어 있는 자신 및 상대 몬스터 중에서 합계 3장까지 대상으로 하고 발동할 수 있다. 그 몬스터를 묘지로 되돌린다.
TCG sets


Release dateCard codeSetRarity

2009-01-05CP08-EN010Champion Pack: Game EightRare

2015-02-12THSF-EN051The Secret ForcesSuper Rare

2023-03-09MAZE-EN057Maze of MemoriesRare

English—North America

Release dateCard codeSetRarity


Release dateCard codeSetFrench nameRarity

2007-02-07DP03-FR026Duelist Pack: Jaden Yuki 2Pack du Duelliste: Jaden Yuki 2Ultra Rare

2009-01-05CP08-FR010Champion Pack: Game EightPaquet du Champion: 8éme PartieRare

2011-06-09SDLS-FR029Lost Sanctuary Structure DeckLe Sanctuaire Perdu Deck de StructureCommon

2015-02-12THSF-FR051The Secret ForcesLes Forces SecrètesSuper Rare

2017-04-13SR04-FR025Dinosmasher's Fury Structure DeckLa Rage du Dinobroyeur Deck de StructureCommon

2018-11-01SR07-FR032Structure Deck: Zombie HordeDeck de Structure : la Horde de ZombiesCommon

2023-03-09MAZE-FR057Maze of MemoriesLe Labyrinthe des SouvenirsRare


Release dateCard codeSetGerman nameRarity

2007-02-07DP03-DE026Duelist Pack: Jaden Yuki 2Duelist Pack: Jaden Yuki 2Ultra Rare

2009-01-05CP08-DE010Champion Pack: Game EightChampion Pack: Game EightRare

2011-06-09SDLS-DE029Lost Sanctuary Structure DeckLost Sanctuary Structure DeckCommon

2015-02-12THSF-DE051The Secret ForcesThe Secret ForcesSuper Rare

2017-04-13SR04-DE025Dinosmasher's Fury Structure DeckDinosmasher's Fury Structure DeckCommon

2018-11-01SR07-DE032Structure Deck: Zombie HordeStructure Deck: Zombie HordeCommon

2023-03-09MAZE-DE057Maze of MemoriesMaze of MemoriesRare


Release dateCard codeSetItalian nameRarity

2007-02-07DP03-IT026Duelist Pack: Jaden Yuki 2Duelist Pack: Jaden Yuki 2Ultra Rare

2009-01-05CP08-IT010Champion Pack: Game EightBusta dei Campioni: Sfida OttoRare

2011-06-09SDLS-IT029Lost Sanctuary Structure DeckSantuario Perduto Structure DeckCommon

2015-02-12THSF-IT051The Secret ForcesLe Forze SegreteSuper Rare

2017-04-13SR04-IT025Dinosmasher's Fury Structure DeckFuria del Dinodistruttore Structure DeckCommon

2018-11-01SR07-IT032Structure Deck: Zombie HordeStructure Deck: Orda ZombieCommon

2023-03-09MAZE-IT057Maze of MemoriesLabirinto delle MemorieRare


Release dateCard codeSetPortuguese nameRarity

2015-02-13THSF-PT051The Secret ForcesAs Forças SecretasSuper Rare

2017-04-13SR04-PT025Dinosmasher's Fury Structure DeckFúria do Dinosmagador Deck EstruturalCommon

2018-11-01SR07-PT032Structure Deck: Zombie HordeDeck Estrutural: Horda ZumbiCommon

2023-03-09MAZE-PT057Maze of MemoriesLabirinto de MemóriasRare


Release dateCard codeSetSpanish nameRarity

2007-02-07DP03-SP026Duelist Pack: Jaden Yuki 2Sobre de Duelista: Jaden Yuki 2Ultra Rare

2011-06-09SDLS-SP029Lost Sanctuary Structure DeckSantuario Perdido Baraja de EstructuraCommon

2015-02-12THSF-SP051The Secret ForcesLas Fuerzas SecretasSuper Rare

2017-04-13SR04-SP025Dinosmasher's Fury Structure DeckFuria de Dinodespedazador Baraja de EstructuraCommon

2018-11-01SR07-SP032Structure Deck: Zombie HordeBaraja de Estructura: Horda de ZombisCommon

2023-03-09MAZE-SP057Maze of MemoriesLaberinto de RecuerdosRare

OCG sets


Release dateCard codeSetJapanese nameRarity

2006-10-26DP03-JP026Duelist Pack: Jaden Yuki 2デュエリストパック -十代編2-Ultra Rare

2009-04-14DT05-JP044Duel Terminal - Champion of Chaos!!デュエルターミナル「混沌の覇者!!」Duel Terminal Super Parallel Rare

2010-12-11SD20-JP029Structure Deck: Lost SanctuarySTRUCTURE DECK -ロスト・サンクチュアリ-Common

2014-10-11SPTR-JP053Booster SP: Tribe ForceブースターSP -トライブ・フォース-Common

2014-10-11SPTR-JP053Booster SP: Tribe ForceブースターSP -トライブ・フォース-Normal Parallel Rare

2020-07-0120TP-JP311Tournament Pack 2020 Vol.3トーナメントパック 2020 Vol.3Common


Release dateCard codeSetKorean nameRarity

2008-01-11DP03-KR026Duelist Pack: Jaden Yuki 2듀얼리스트 팩 —주다이 편 2—Ultra Rare

2011-04-11SD20-KR029Structure Deck: Lost SanctuarySTRUCTURE DECK (스트럭처 덱) —잃어버린 성역—Common

2015-01-26SPTR-KR053Booster SP: Tribe Force부스터-SP 트라이브포스Common

2015-01-26SPTR-KR053Booster SP: Tribe Force부스터-SP 트라이브포스Normal Parallel Rare

Card search categories
Other card information
External links

"Burial from a Different Dimension" pages


D.D. 異 (い) 次 (じ) 元 (げん)
