
Big Bang Blow


  • In episode 165, Valon uses this card during his Duel against Rebecca Hawkins and Duke Devlin. He Special Summons this card via "Armored Gravitation". This card then attack Rebecca's "Diamond Head Dragon". Rebecca activates "Mirror Force" to destroy all of Valon's Monster Cards but the effect of "Trap Buster" negates and destroys "Mirror Force" and the effect of "Active Guard" nullifies the damage he would take this turn. "Diamond Head Dragon" then destroys this card but this card's effect destroys all Monster Cards on the field and inflict damage to all Duelists equal to the total ATK of every Monster Card they controlled. The effect of "Active Guard" saved Valon so only Duke and Rebecca take damage from this card's effect, thus winning Valon the Duel.
  • In episode 169, Valon uses this card during his Duel against Joey Wheeler. He Special Summons this card via "Armored Gravitation". This card then attacks Joey's "Alligator's Sword". The effect of "Active Guard" reduces the damage Valon would take this turn to 0. "Alligator's Sword" then destroys this card, resulting in this card's effect of destroying all Monster Cards on the field and inflicting damage to both Duelists equal to the combined ATK of each Monster Card they controlled. The effect of "Active Guard" saved Valon so only Joey takes the damage. Three episodes later, Joey activates "Graverobber" to Special Summon this card from Valon's Graveyard to his side of the field. Joey then banishes this card and "Claw of Hermos" in order to Special Summon "Big Bang Dragon Blow".
    • In episode 171, this card appears in a flashback Joey has when he remembers how the effect of "Active Guard" works.

Yu-Gi-Oh! GX[]

  • This card appears in the Season 2 dubbed intro amongst the cards behind Aster Phoenix.