Ryu-Kishin Powered
- In episode 22, Seto Kaiba uses this card during his Duel against Yami Yugi. He Normal Summons this card on the Duel's first turn. Yami Yugi's "Curse of Dragon" then attacks and destroys this card which Kaiba wanted to happen. Kaiba later uses this card's power to increase the ATK of "Swordstalker" by 25% of this card's ATK.
- In episode 26, this card can be seen in Seto Kaiba's hand during his Duel with Maximillion Pegasus. In the next episode, Kaiba abandons this card and some other unknown cards in his hand when he decides to start Top-Decking as he figures Pegasus can see cards in his hand even though he can't figure out how.
- In episode 135, Seto Kaiba uses this card during his Duel against Joey Wheeler. He summons this card on the Duel's first turn. Joey's "Gearfried the Iron Knight" then attacks this card, but Kaiba activates "Shrink" to halve this card's ATK. "Gearfried the Iron Knight" then destroys this card, but Kaiba activates "Crush Card Virus" which destroys "Gearfried the Iron Knight" and all of the Monster Cards with 1500 or more ATK in Joey's hand and Deck.