
Cardcar D

  • ️Sat Apr 28 2012

The Arabic, Chinese, Croatian and Greek names given are not official.

The Chinese lore given is not official.

Cardcar D
カードカー・D (ディー)
English Cardcar D
Chinese 卡片机车·D
French Voiturcarte D
German Kartenauto D
Italian Cartauto D
Korean 카드카·D (디)
Portuguese Autocard D
Spanish Autocard D
Japanese (kana) カードカー・ディー
Japanese (base) カードカー・D
Japanese (rōmaji) Kādokā Dī
Card type Monster
Attribute EARTH
Types Machine / Effect
Level 2
ATK / DEF 800 / 400
Passcode 45812361
Card effect types
Card descriptions


Cannot be Special Summoned. During your Main Phase 1, if this card was Normal Summoned this turn: You can Tribute this card; draw 2 cards, then it becomes the End Phase. You cannot Special Summon during the turn you activate this effect.


Non Invocable Spécialement. Durant votre Main Phase 1, si cette carte a été Invoquée Normalement ce tour: Vous pouvez Sacrifier cette carte; piochez 2 cartes, puis passez à la End Phase de ce tour. Vous ne pouvez pas Invoquer Spécialement durant le tour où vous activez cet effet.


Kann nicht als Spezialbeschwörung beschworen werden. Während deiner Maine Phase 1, falls diese Karte in diesem Spielzug als Normalbeschwörung beschworen wurde: Dun kannst diese Karte als Tribut anbieten; ziehe 2 Karten, dann beginnt die End Phase dieses Spielzugs. Du kannst in dem Spielzug, in dem du diesen Effekt aktivierst, keine Monster als Spezialbeschwörung beschwören.


Non può essere Evocata Specialmente. Durante la tua Main Phase 1, se questa carta è stata Evocata Normalmente in questo turno: puoi offrire come Tributo questa carta; pesca 2 carte, poi passa alla End Phase. Non puoi Evocare Specialmente durante il turno in cui attivi questo effetto.


Não pode ser Invocado por Invocação-Especial. Durante a sua Fase Principal 1, se este card foi Invocado por Invocação-Normal neste turno: você pode oferecer este card como Tributo; compre 2 cards e, depois, essa se torna a Fase Final deste turno. Você não pode Invocar por Invocação-Especial no turno em que ativar este efeito.


No puede ser Invocado de Modo Especial. Durante tu Main Phase 1, si esta carta fue Invocada de Modo Normal este turno: puedes Sacrificar esta carta; roba 2 cartas, y después entra en la End Phase. No puedes Invocar de Modo Especial durante el turno en el que activas este efecto.






이 카드는 특수 소환할 수 없다. 이 카드의 효과를 발동한 턴에, 자신은 몬스터를 특수 소환할 수 없다. ① : 이 카드가 일반 소환에 성공한 자신 메인 페이즈 1에 이 카드를 릴리스하고 발동할 수 있다. 자신은 덱에서 2장 드로우한다. 그 후, 이 턴의 엔드 페이즈가 된다.
TCG sets


Release Number SetFrench name Rarity
2012-05-10 GAOV-FR006 Galactic Overlord Le Seigneur de la Galaxie Secret Rare
2013-06-27 BP02-FR112 Battle Pack 2: War of the Giants Battle Pack 2: La Guerre des Géants Rare
2013-06-27 BP02-FR112 Battle Pack 2: War of the Giants Battle Pack 2: La Guerre des Géants Mosaic Rare
2014-02-21 SP14-FR012 Star Pack 2014 Pack Étoile 2014 Common
2014-02-21 SP14-FR012 Star Pack 2014 Pack Étoile 2014 Starfoil Rare
2015-02-12 THSF-FR044 The Secret Forces Les Forces Secrètes Super Rare
2015-10-01 HSRD-FR051 High-Speed Riders Riders à Grande Vitesse Common
2017-07-20 YS17-FR016 Starter Deck: Link Strike Deck de Démarrage : L'Attaque du Lien Common


Release Number SetGerman name Rarity
2012-05-10 GAOV-DE006 Galactic Overlord Galactic Overlord Secret Rare
2013-06-27 BP02-DE112 Battle Pack 2: War of the Giants Battle Pack 2: War of the Giants Rare
2013-06-27 BP02-DE112 Battle Pack 2: War of the Giants Battle Pack 2: War of the Giants Mosaic Rare
2014-02-21 SP14-DE012 Star Pack 2014 Star Pack 2014 Common
2014-02-21 SP14-DE012 Star Pack 2014 Star Pack 2014 Starfoil Rare
2015-02-12 THSF-DE044 The Secret Forces The Secret Forces Super Rare
2015-10-01 HSRD-DE051 High-Speed Riders High-Speed Riders Common
2017-07-20 YS17-DE016 Starter Deck: Link Strike Starter Deck: Link Strike Common


Release Number SetItalian name Rarity
2012-05-10 GAOV-IT006 Galactic Overlord Sovrano Galattico Secret Rare
2013-06-27 BP02-IT112 Battle Pack 2: War of the Giants Battle Pack 2: Guerra dei Giganti Rare
2013-06-27 BP02-IT112 Battle Pack 2: War of the Giants Battle Pack 2: Guerra dei Giganti Mosaic Rare
2014-02-21 SP14-IT012 Star Pack 2014 Star Pack 2014 Common
2014-02-21 SP14-IT012 Star Pack 2014 Star Pack 2014 Starfoil Rare
2015-02-12 THSF-IT044 The Secret Forces Le Forze Segrete Super Rare
2015-10-01 HSRD-IT051 High-Speed Riders Piloti ad Alta-Velocità Common
2017-07-20 YS17-IT016 Starter Deck: Link Strike Starter Deck: Attacco Link Common


Release Number SetPortuguese name Rarity
2013-06-28 BP02-PT112 Battle Pack 2: War of the Giants Pacote de Batalha 2: Guerra dos Gigantes Rare
2013-06-28 BP02-PT112 Battle Pack 2: War of the Giants Pacote de Batalha 2: Guerra dos Gigantes Mosaic Rare
2014-02-21 SP14-PT012 Star Pack 2014 Pacote Estelar 2014 Common
2014-02-21 SP14-PT012 Star Pack 2014 Pacote Estelar 2014 Starfoil Rare
2015-02-13 THSF-PT044 The Secret Forces As Forças Secretas Super Rare
2015-10-01 HSRD-PT051 High-Speed Riders Pilotos de Alta-Velocidade Common
2017-08-22 YS17-PT016 Starter Deck: Link Strike Deck Inicial: Ataque Link Common


Release Number SetSpanish name Rarity
2012-05-10 GAOV-SP006 Galactic Overlord Señor Supremo Galáctico Secret Rare
2013-06-27 BP02-SP112 Battle Pack 2: War of the Giants Battle Pack 2: Guerra de los Gigantes Rare
2013-06-27 BP02-SP112 Battle Pack 2: War of the Giants Battle Pack 2: Guerra de los Gigantes Mosaic Rare
2014-02-21 SP14-SP012 Star Pack 2014 Sobre de Estrellas 2014 Common
2014-02-21 SP14-SP012 Star Pack 2014 Sobre de Estrellas 2014 Starfoil Rare
2015-02-12 THSF-SP044 The Secret Forces Las Fuerzas Secretas Super Rare
2015-10-01 HSRD-SP051 High-Speed Riders Conductores de Alta-Velocidad Common
2017-07-20 YS17-SP016 Starter Deck: Link Strike Baraja de Principante: Golpe de Enlace Common
OCG sets


Release Number SetJapanese name Rarity
2012-02-18 GAOV-JP006 Galactic Overlord GALACTIC OVERLORD Rare
2013-09-21 DP14-JP017 Duelist Pack: Yuma Edition 2: Gogogo & Dododo デュエリストパック -遊馬編 2 ゴゴゴ&ドドド- Super Rare
2015-08-22 SPHR-JP042 Booster Special: Highspeed Riders ブースターSP -ハイスピード・ライダーズ- Common
2015-08-22 SPHR-JP042 Booster Special: Highspeed Riders ブースターSP -ハイスピード・ライダーズ- Normal Parallel Rare
2017-02-11 20AP-JP089 20th Anniversary Pack 2nd Wave 20th ANNIVERSARY PACK 2nd WAVE Normal Parallel Rare
2017-03-25 ST17-JP016 Starter Deck 2017 STARTER DECK 2017 Common


Release Number SetKorean name Rarity
2012-05-21 GAOV-KR006 Galactic Overlord 갤럭틱 오버로드 Rare
2012-10-13 EV12-KR013 Jump Festa Invitational 2012 promotional cards JUMP FESTA INVITATIONAL 2012 Secret Rare
2013-11-25 DP14-KR017 Duelist Pack: Yuma Edition 2: Gogogo & Dododo 듀얼리스트 팩 —유마 편2 고고고&도도도— Super Rare
2015-12-24 SPHR-KR042 Booster Special: Highspeed Riders 부스터-SP 하이스피드 라이더스 Common
2015-12-24 SPHR-KR042 Booster Special: Highspeed Riders 부스터-SP 하이스피드 라이더스 Normal Parallel Rare
2017-05-11 20AP-KR089 20th Anniversary Pack 2nd Wave CHRONICLE (크로니클) PACK (팩) 2nd WAVE Normal Parallel Rare
2017-07-06 ST17-KR016 Starter Deck 2017 STARTER DECK (스타터 덱) 2017 Common
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