
Count Crazy Fang

Count Crazy Fang, known as Nosferatu Nakajima in the Japanese version, is one of the finalists of the World Duel Carnival in the Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL anime.

His appearance and Japanese name are taken from the German horror film, Nosferatu.


Fang is a famous amateur Duelist, known as the strongest amateur Duelist there is. He qualified for the World Duel Carnival finals. At the party for the finalists, he signed autographs for his fans. He was knocked out by Flip, who stole his elaborate outfit and mask and attempted to take his place in the finals. When Fang woke up, he chased after Flip.[1] In the underground section of the Duel Coaster, he, Lord Percius, and Pepe Perez formed an alliance to defeat Vetrix but failed.[2]


It is not known what kind of Deck he plays, as the only card shown was "Rabidragon".


Opponent(s) Episode(s) Outcome
Vetrix 53 Lose (with Lord Percius and Pepe Perez; Duel Coaster)


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL episode 50: "Party Panic"
  2. Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL episode 53: "Test Your Luck!"
Yuma's group
Heartland Academy
Faker's group
Vetrix Family
Yuma's family
"Number" holders
World Duel Carnival
Quattro's opponents
Astral World
Barian World
Barian Emperors
Fearsome Four
Human pawns
"Number" Guardians
Monster Spirits
Sparrow Family characters
Aim For Number 1 in the World!

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Nosferatu Nakajima'"`UNIQ--ref-00000001-QINU`"' +