
Crimson Sunbird

  • ️Fri Jan 25 2013

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CrimsonSunbird-CBLZ-EN-C-1E.png +

Oiseau du Soleil Cramoisi +

Πορφυρό Πουλί του Ήλιου +

Uccello del Sole Cremisi +

"Faith Bird" + "Skull Red Bird" +

DM2 +, DM3 +, DDS +, DM4 +, EDS +, GX1 +, GX02 +, NTR +, DM7 +, TSC +, WC6 +, YGO +, TCG +  and OCG +

Crimson Sunbird (en) +, 紅陽鳥 (zh) +, Oiseau du Soleil Cramoisi (fr) +, Blutroter Sonnenvogel (de) +, Uccello del Sole Cremisi (it) +, 홍염조 (ko) +, Pássaro-solar Carmesin (pt) +, Pájaro Sol Carmesí (es) +  and 紅陽鳥 (ja) +

<<ruby class="rubytext ruby-ja" lang="ja"><rb>紅</rb><rp> (</rp><rt>こう</rt><rp>) </rp></ruby><ruby class="rubytext ruby-ja" lang="ja"><rb>陽</rb><rp> (</rp><rt>よう</rt><rp>) </rp></ruby><ruby class="rubytext ruby-ja" lang="ja"><rb>鳥</rb><rp> (</rp><rt>ちょう</rt><rp>) </rp></ruby>> (ちょう) +

<<ruby class="rubytext ruby-ja" lang="ja"><rb>紅</rb><rp> (</rp><rt>こう</rt><rp>) </rp></ruby><ruby class="rubytext ruby-ja" lang="ja"><rb>陽</rb><rp> (</rp><rt>よう</rt><rp>) </rp></ruby><ruby class="rubytext ruby-ja" lang="ja"><rb>鳥</rb><rp> (</rp><rt>ちょう</rt><rp>) </rp></ruby>> (ちょう) +

2 Fusion Materials +, Requires only specific Normal Monsters as Fusion Materials +  and Can be Special Summoned +