
Darklord Zerato

  • ️Wed Feb 13 2008

The Arabic, Chinese, Croatian, Greek, Irish, Polish and Vietnamese names given are not official. (card names)

The Chinese lore given is not official. (card lores)

Darklord Zerato
堕 (だ) 天 (てん) 使 (し) ゼラート
English Darklord Zerato
Chinese 堕天使 捷拉特
French Ange Déchu Zerato
German Finsterlord Zerato
Italian Zerato, Signore Oscuro
Korean 타락천사 제라토
Portuguese Senhor Obscuro Zerato
Spanish Señoroscuro Zerato
Japanese (kana) だてんしゼラート
Japanese (base) 堕天使ゼラート
Japanese (rōmaji) Datenshi Zerāto
Japanese (translated) Fallen Angel Zerato
Card type Monster
Attribute DARK
Types Fairy / Effect
Level 8
ATK / DEF 2800 / 2300
Passcode 40921744
Card effect types
Card descriptions


If you have 4 or more DARK monsters with different names in your Graveyard, you can Tribute Summon this card by Tributing 1 DARK monster. You can send 1 DARK monster from your hand to the Graveyard; destroy all monsters your opponent controls. Once per turn, during the End Phase, if this effect was activated this turn: Destroy this card.


Si vous avez min. 4 monstres TÉNÈBRES de noms différents dans votre Cimetière, vous pouvez Invoquer par Sacrifice cette carte en Sacrifiant 1 monstre TÉNÈBRES. Vous pouvez envoyer 1 monstre TÉNÈBRES depuis votre main au Cimetière ; détruisez tous les monstres contrôlés par votre adversaire. Une fois par tour, durant la End Phase, si cet effet a été activé ce tour : détruisez cette carte.


Falls du 4 oder mehr FINSTERNIS Monster mit unterschiedlichen Namen in deinem Friedhof hast, kannst du diese Karte als Tributbeschwörung beschwören, indem du 1 FINSTERNIS Monster als Tribut anbietest. Du kannst 1 FINSTERNIS Monster von deiner Hand auf den Friedhof legen; zerstöre alle Monster, die dein Gegner kontrolliert. Einmal pro Spielzug, während der End Phase, falls dieser Effekt in diesem Spielzug aktiviert wurde: Zerstöre diese Karte.


Se hai 4 o più mostri OSCURITÀ con nomi diversi nel tuo Cimitero, puoi Evocare tramite Tributo questa carta offrendo come Tributo 1 mostro OSCURITÀ. Puoi mandare 1 mostro OSCURITÀ dalla tua mano al Cimitero; distruggi tutti i mostri controllati dal tuo avversario. Una volta per turno, durante la End Phase, se questo effetto è stato attivato in questo turno: distruggi questa carta.


Se você tiver 4 ou mais monstros de TREVAS com nomes diferentes no seu Cemitério, você pode Invocar este card por Invocação-Tributo ao oferecer como Tributo 1 monstro de TREVAS. Você pode enviar 1 monstro de TREVAS da sua mão para o Cemitério; destrua todos os monstros que seu oponente controla. Uma vez por turno, durante a Fase Final, se este efeito foi ativado neste turno: destrua este card.


Si tienes 4 o más monstruos de OSCURIDAD con nombres diferentes en tu Cementerio, puedes Invocar esta carta por Sacrificio sacrificando 1 monstruo de OSCURIDAD. Puedes mandar al Cementerio 1 monstruo de OSCURIDAD en tu mano; destruye todos los monstruos que controle tu adversario. Una vez por turno, durante la End Phase, si este efecto fue activado este turno: destruye esta carta.






자신 묘지에 어둠 속성 몬스터가 4종류 이상 존재할 경우, 이 카드는 어둠 속성 몬스터 1장을 릴리스하고 어드밴스 소환할 수 있다. ①: 패에서 어둠 속성 몬스터 1장을 묘지로 보내고 발동할 수 있다. 상대 필드의 몬스터를 전부 파괴한다. ②: 이 카드의 ①의 효과를 발동한 턴의 엔드 페이즈에 발동한다. 이 카드를 파괴한다.
TCG sets


Release dateCard codeSetRarity

2008-02-13PTDN-EN081Phantom DarknessSecret Rare

2016-11-17DESO-EN041Destiny SoldiersSuper Rare


Release dateCard codeSetFrench nameRarity

2008-01-26PTDN-FR081Phantom DarknessTénèbres FantômesSecret Rare

2011-06-24GLD4-FR022Gold Series 4: Pyramids EditionCollection Gold 4: Édition PyramidesGold Rare

2012-09-27LCYW-FR212Legendary Collection 3: Yugi's World Mega PackCollection Légendaire 3: Le Monde de Yugi Méga PackCommon

2013-06-27BP02-FR060Battle Pack 2: War of the GiantsBattle Pack 2: La Guerre des GéantsRare

2013-06-27BP02-FR060Battle Pack 2: War of the GiantsBattle Pack 2: La Guerre des GéantsMosaic Rare

2016-11-17DESO-FR041Destiny SoldiersLes Soldats de la DestinéeSuper Rare


Release dateCard codeSetGerman nameRarity

2008-01-26PTDN-DE081Phantom DarknessPhantom DarknessSecret Rare

2011-06-22GLD4-DE022Gold Series 4: Pyramids EditionGold Series 4: Pyramids EditionGold Rare

2012-09-27LCYW-DE212Legendary Collection 3: Yugi's World Mega PackLegendary Collection 3: Mega PackCommon

2013-06-27BP02-DE060Battle Pack 2: War of the GiantsBattle Pack 2: War of the GiantsRare

2013-06-27BP02-DE060Battle Pack 2: War of the GiantsBattle Pack 2: War of the GiantsMosaic Rare

2016-11-17DESO-DE041Destiny SoldiersDestiny SoldiersSuper Rare


Release dateCard codeSetItalian nameRarity

2008-02-13PTDN-IT081Phantom DarknessOscurità FantasmaSecret Rare

2011-06-22GLD4-IT022Gold Series 4: Pyramids EditionSerie Oro 4: Edizione PiramidiGold Rare

2012-09-27LCYW-IT212Legendary Collection 3: Yugi's World Mega PackCollezione Leggendaria 3 Mega-PackCommon

2013-06-27BP02-IT060Battle Pack 2: War of the GiantsBattle Pack 2: Guerra dei GigantiRare

2013-06-27BP02-IT060Battle Pack 2: War of the GiantsBattle Pack 2: Guerra dei GigantiMosaic Rare

2016-11-17DESO-IT041Destiny SoldiersSoldati del DestinoSuper Rare


Release dateCard codeSetPortuguese nameRarity

2013-06-28BP02-PT060Battle Pack 2: War of the GiantsPacote de Batalha 2: Guerra dos GigantesRare

2013-06-28BP02-PT060Battle Pack 2: War of the GiantsPacote de Batalha 2: Guerra dos GigantesMosaic Rare

2016-11-17DESO-PT041Destiny SoldiersSoldados do DestinoSuper Rare


Release dateCard codeSetSpanish nameRarity

2008-01-26PTDN-SP081Phantom DarknessOscuridad FantasmaSecret Rare

2011-06-22GLD4-SP022Gold Series 4: Pyramids EditionSerie Dorada 4: Edición de las PirámidesGold Rare

2012-09-27LCYW-SP212Legendary Collection 3: Yugi's World Mega PackColección Legendaria 3: El Mundo de Yugi Mega PackCommon

2013-06-27BP02-SP060Battle Pack 2: War of the GiantsBattle Pack 2: Guerra de los GigantesRare

2013-06-27BP02-SP060Battle Pack 2: War of the GiantsBattle Pack 2: Guerra de los GigantesMosaic Rare

2016-11-17DESO-SP041Destiny SoldiersSoldados del DestinoSuper Rare

OCG sets


Release dateCard codeSetJapanese nameRarity

2008-09-13EXP1-JP024Extra PackEXTRA PACKUltra Rare

2016-08-06SPDS-JP041Booster SP: Destiny SoldiersブースターSP -デステニー・ソルジャーズ-Common

2016-08-06SPDS-JP041Booster SP: Destiny SoldiersブースターSP -デステニー・ソルジャーズ-Normal Parallel Rare


Release dateCard codeSetKorean nameRarity

2009-09-11EXP1-KR024Extra Pack엑스트라 팩Ultra Rare

2016-11-22SPDS-KR041Booster SP: Destiny Soldiers부스터-SP 데스티니 솔저스Common

2016-11-22SPDS-KR041Booster SP: Destiny Soldiers부스터-SP 데스티니 솔저스Normal Parallel Rare

Card search categories
Other card information
External links

"Darklord Zerato" pages


"Darklord" 「堕 (だ) 天 (てん) 使 (し) 」
