
Death-T (arc)




DEATH (デス) -T (テイー)



  • Desu-Teī




First chapter

26: "Russian Roulette"

Last chapter

40: "A Piece of His Heart"




Monster World

Section 2: Death-T arc (第 (だい) 二章 (しょう) DEATH (デス) -T (テイー) 編 (へん) Dainishō Desu-Teī hen) is the second arc in the Yu-Gi-Oh! manga.

Yugi Mutou and his friends face the Death-T theme park, which Seto Kaiba created to get revenge on Yugi.



Game Players Winner Penalty Game
Russian Roulette Dinner Dark Yugi Poisonous Meal
Duel Monsters game Seto Kaiba Experience of Death
Stardust Shootout
  • Yugi Mutou
  • Katsuya Jonouchi
  • Hiroto Honda
  • Johji
Electric Chair Ride
  • Yugi Mutou
  • Katsuya Jonouchi
  • Hiroto Honda
  • Anzu Mazaki
  • Johji
Deathmatch Katsuya Jonouchi
Rhythm Rock
  • Anzu Mazaki
  • Hiroto Honda
  • Katsuya Jonouchi
  • Yugi Mutou
  • Anzu Mazaki
  • Hiroto Honda
  • Katsuya Jonouchi
  • Yugi Mutou
Capsule Monster Chess game
  • Dark Yugi
  • Mokuba Kaiba
Dark Yugi Experience of Death
Duel Monsters game
  • Dark Yugi
  • Seto Kaiba
Dark Yugi MIND CRUSH, Collapse of the Heart


Image Number English title Japanese title
Duel 25 The One-Inch Terror 1インチの恐怖
Wan Inchi no Kyōfu
The One-Inch Terror
Yugi and Jonouchi go to the arcade to try beat someone's high scores, but end up in a spot of trouble after meeting Street Fighter, who does not take too well to losing.
Duel 26 Russian Roulette 死のロシアン・ルーレット
Shi no Roshian Rūretto
The Russian Roulette of Death
Seto Kaiba invites Yugi and Jonouchi to his mansion, where they are to be treated as V.I.P.s for the grand opening of his secret project the next day. Mokuba still comes across as sinister, but invites the guests to a meal.
Duel 27 Project Start! 計画 (プロジェクト) 始動 (スタート) !!
Purojekuto Sutāto!!
Project Start!!
Kaiba reveals his secret project, as he brings Yugi and Jonouchi to the grand opening of the indoor amusement part Kaiba Land.
Duel 28 Arena #1 第一の戦場 (バトルフィールド)
Daiichi no Batoru Fīrudo
The First Battlefield
Yugi starts the first stage of Death-T.
Duel 29 Shooting Stardust シューティング・スターダスト
Shūtingu Sutādasuto
Shooting Stardust
Yugi, Jonouchi and Honda face Johnny Gayle, Bob McGuire and "name unknown" in the Stardust Shootout.
Duel 30 Don't Make a Sound! 声を出すな!!
Koe o Dasuna!!
Don't Make a Sound!!
The Kaiba Manor butler, subjects Yugi and his friends to the Electric Chair Ride.
Duel 31 Murderer's Mansion 殺人 (マーダーズ) の館 (マンション)
Mādāzu no Manshon
Murderer's Mansion
Yugi and his friends enter the Murderer's Mansion stage of Death-T.
Duel 32 Chainsaw Deathmatch!! チェンソーデスマッチ!!
Chensō Desumacchi!!
Chainsaw Deathmatch!!
Jonouchi is lured into a deathmatch with the Chopman.
Duel 33 Terror Cubed!!! 正方形の恐怖!!!
Seihōkei no Kyōfu!!!
Terror Cubed!!!
Inside the empty Death-T 3 room, Yugi and his friends reminisce over how their lives have changed, before large blocks start to fall from the ceiling.
Duel 34 Arena #2 第2の闘技場!!!
Arena #2
As Yugi, Jonouchi and Anzu grieve over the loss of Honda, Yugi admits to thinking there is another Yugi inside him, before advancing to face Mokuba in the next stage of Death-T.
Duel 35 Board Game Deathmatch 盤上の死闘
Banjō no Shitō
Board Game Deathmatch
Dark Yugi faces Mokuba in a game of Capsule Monster Chess in the penultimate stage of Death-T.
Duel 36 Battle Beyond Hope 無常のラストバトル
Mujō no Rasutobatoru
The Unknown Last Battle
Seto Kaiba tries to inflict the "Experience of Death" Penalty Game on Mokuba for losing to Dark Yugi. Afterwards, Seto faces Dark Yugi in a game of Duel Monsters in the final stage of Death-T.
Duel 37 To the Death!! 死闘!!死闘!!
Shitō!! Shitō!!
Deathmatch!! Deathmatch!!
Dark Yugi continues his Duel with Seto Kaiba. Yugi mostly plays defensive, while Kaiba maintains the upper hand, with his powered-up "Saggi the Dark Clown".
Duel 38 The Terror of Blue-Eyes!! 青眼の恐怖!!
Burūaizu no Kyōfu!!
The Terror of Blue-Eyes!!
Dark Yugi and Seto Kaiba continue their Duel in Death T-5. Kaiba Summons more copies of "Blue-Eyes White Dragon" making things more difficult for Yugi.
Duel 39 Endgame!! 死闘の果て!!
Shitō no Hate!!
End of the Deathmatch!!
With his life depending on what he gets, Dark Yugi prepares to draw his final card in his Duel against Kaiba. His only hope is to get the final piece of "Exodia", but he starts to doubt he can get it.
Duel 40 A Piece of His Heart 心の1片
Kokoro no Ichiben
A Piece of His Heart
After defeating Seto Kaiba, Dark Yugi inflicts the "Mind Crush" Penalty Game and Mokuba tells the story of how Seto grew-up to be the way he is.



#060 "Challenge!!"
#061 "Don't Draw That Card!!"
#062 "Countdown!!"
#063 "I Won't Lose!!"
#064 "Fate on the High Seas!!"
#065 "Let the Duel Begin!"
#066 "The Trap"
#067 "The Ultimate Great Moth"
#068 "Demon Lightning"
#069 "The Siren"
#070 "Things that Don't Change"
#071 "The Scourge of the Sea"
#072 "Attack from the Deep"
#073 "The Thief"
#074 "Messenger From Hell"
#075 "The Cards Bare Their Teeth"
#076 "The Legendary Dragon"
#077 "On My Own"
#078 "I Won't Lose!"
#079 "The Ticking Clock!"
#080 "The Night Intruder"
#081 "The Invisible Cards"
#082 "Defeat the Darkness!"
#083 "Swords of Light"
#084 "A Storm in the Kingdom"
#085 "Duelist's Honor"
#086 "The Secret Weapon"
#087 "The Terror of Pegasus!"
#088 "The Lurking Duelists"
#089 "Duel Without End"
#090 "Call of the Grave"
#091 "Death to the Undead!"
#092 "Enter the Labyrinth!"
#093 "Deathtrap Dungeon!"
#094 "The Magic of the Maze!"
#095 "The Terror of the Dungeon"
#096 "The Deadly Guardian!!"
#097 "The Final Card"
#098 "Choose Wisely!"
#099 "The Last Piece"
#100 "Duel Disk Battle!"
#101 "Advance and Retreat"
#102 "A Close Fight!"
#103 "Hang In There!"
#104 "Crisis!"
#105 "No Mercy"
#106 "Another Kind of Courage"
#107 "To the Castle!"
#108 "The First Stages of Fear!"
#109 "The Deadly Duelist King!"
#110 "Toons Attack!"
#111 "The Promise"
#112 "The Eve of Battle"
#113 "Stealth in the Night!"
#114 "The Bewitching Mai"
#115 "The Beautiful Trap!"
#116 "Find Yourself!"
#117 "Running on the Edge!"
#118 "The Legendary Swordsman"
#119 "Because We're Friends"
#120 "Heavy Metal Raiders"
#121 "Rise of the Machines"
#122 "Betting to Win!"
#123 "The Final Turn!"
#124 "Its Time!"
#125 "Seen Through!?"
#126 "The Perfect Defense"
#127 "Do the Impossible!"
#128 "The Downfall of Toon World"
#129 "The Sacrifice!"
#130 "Heart to Heart"
#131 "Attack of Chaos"
#132 "The Tragic Tale of the Millennium Eye"
#133 "The Precious Piece"


#146 "The Ancient Stone"
#147 "The Lost Cards"
#148 "The God of the Obelisk"
#149 "Where I Belong"
#150 "The Gathering"
#151 "Rare Hunters!"
#152 "Battle City Begins!"
#153 "Duel of Vengeance!"
#154 "To Destroy a Deck"
#155 "Millennium Battle"
#156 "Esper Roba"
#157 "Psycho Deck!"
#158 "A Brave Gamble!"
#159 "Behold the God!"
#160 "Marik Strikes!"
#161 "The Fatal Duel!"
#162 "Magician Battle!"
#163 "Crucifix Trap!"
#164 "The Calling Soul!"
#165 "Imprints of a Memory"
#166 "Eyes that See the Future"
#167 "Smoothly!"
#168 "Bugs! Bugs! Bugs!"
#169 "Breaking the Net!"
#170 "Nearer to God"
#171 "Fight of the Millennium!"
#172 "Summon the Nightmare"
#173 "Combo of Despair!!"
#174 "The Combo of God!!"
#175 "A Duelist's Power"
#176 "God Falls!?"
#177 "Attack that Opponent!"
#178 "Each Other's Duel!"
#179 "Full Strength!!"
#180 "Return of the Sea Scourge"
#181 "Conquer the Sea!!"
#182 "A Warrior's Gamble!!"
#183 "The Reason for Dueling"
#184 "Arena of Death!!"
#185 "Awaken the Gods!!"
#186 "Monsters Unite!!"
#187 "Teamwork"
#188 "Combine Your Power!"
#189 "Ultimate Summon!!"
#190 "Where Jonouchi Waits"
#191 "The Place of Destiny"
#192 "The Unwanted Duel!!"
#193 "Heart Attack!!"
#194 "The Card of Pride"
#195 "Yugi Fights Alone"
#196 "The Last Piece of the Puzzle"
#197 "One Card of Life and Death!"
#198 "Friends till the End"
#199 "The Treasure"
#200 "The Courage to See"
#201 "Warriors Assemble"


#202 "The Eight Finalists"
#203 "The First Enemy!"
#204 "The Thing in the Dark"
#205 "The Undying Grudge!"
#206 "Unbreakable Spirit!"
#207 "One-Turn Kill"
#208 "The Line of Fire"
#209 "Jonouchi's Revenge!"
#210 "The Trap in the Temple!"
#211 "Death Trap World!"
#212 "Those Who Inherit the Duel"
#213 "The Unexpected Card!"
#214 "The Cursed Bloodline!"
#215 "The Proof of the Clan!"
#216 "God's Judgement!"
#217 "Darkness Awakens!"
#218 "One Duelist"
#219 "The Dark Game!!"
#220 "The Unbreakable Duelist"
#221 "Descent of the God!"
#222 "The Rise of Ra!"
#223 "The Depths of Darkness!"
#224 "The Future is Now"
#225 "Kaiba Declares War!"
#226 "The Chosen One"
#227 "The Waiting Grave"
#228 "The Death of Obelisk?"
#229 "The Eyes of Memory"
#230 "Shatter the Future"
#231 "Out of the Past"
#232 "The Clan of Darkness!"
#233 "Duel in the Dark!"
#234 "Evil vs. Evil!"
#235 "The Crumbling Darkness"
#236 "The Dark God is Born!"
#237 "The Eve of Battle"
#238 "The Dawn of Battle!"
#239 "Cross Purposes!"
#240 "The Deadly Rebound!"
#241 "Eyes on the Target!"
#242 "A True Duelist"
#243 "The Final Stage!"
#244 "The Hymn of Hell"
#245 "The Darkness of Death!"
#246 "Cage of Fire!"
#247 "Duel the Lightning!"
#248 "God's Third Power!"
#249 "Phoenix Rising!"
#250 "Light from the Future!!"
#251 "A Battle to Tear the Skies Asunder!"
#252 "Sky Duel Coliseum!"
#253 "God in Hand!!"
#254 "Secret Plan to Call God!"
#255 "Obelisk Strikes Back!"
#256 "God vs. God!"
#257 "Memories of Fate"
#258 "The Servants Surpass God"
#259 "Deck of Glass!"
#260 "Red Spirit"
#261 "Beyond Hatred"
#262 "As a Friend"
#263 "The Monster of Victory or Defeat"
#264 "The Entrusted Card"
#265 "Showdown in the Heavens!"
#266 "The Quick Attack Trap"
#267 "Slifer vs. Ra!"
#268 "Ra the Immortal"
#269 "Card of Fate!!"
#270 "Devil's Sanctuary"
#271 "Immortal Wall!!"
#272 "Unbeatable?"
#273 "God's Sword, God's Shield"
#274 "Attack from the Darkness!"
#275 "One Point of Life!"
#276 "Than Curse the Darkness"
#277 "The End of Alcatraz"
#278 "A New Journey!"


#279 "The Millennium Treasure"
#280 "A Sleepless Night"
#281 "Mystery of the the Artifact!!"
#282 "Voyage into Memories"
#283 "The Six Chosen Priests"
#284 "The Evil Shadow"
#285 "Bakura, King of Thieves"
#286 "Diabound vs. Galestgoras"
#287 "The Father's Shadow"
#288 "In the Name of the Gods"
#289 "The Supreme Blow!"
#290 "Search for the Pharaoh's Name!"
#291 "The Ancient Duel!!"
#292 "A Wizards' Battle"
#293 "Dark Genesis"
#294 "The Invisible Door"
#295 "Tears in the Nile"
#296 "Ka Hunt!!"
#297 "Bakura Lives!"
#298 "Out of the Darkness"
#299 "Assault on the Palace"
#300 "Slifer vs. Diabound"
#301 "Divine Light, Divine Shadow"
#302 "Surprise Attack! Power Attack!"
#303 "To Pierce the Darkness!"
#304 "The Summoning of Ra!"
#305 "Ruler of Shadows!!"
#306 "Time Rewound!!"
#307 "Shadows Fall!!"
#308 "The Birth of the Millennium Items!!"
#309 "Ripples in the Shadows"
#310 "The White Dragon Awakes!"
#311 "The Vessel of the White Dragon"
#312 "The Pharaoh Returns!"
#313 "The Village of Ghosts!!"
#314 "The Spirit Beast!!"
#315 "Shadow Camouflage!!"
#316 "Aura Shield!!"
#317 "Return of the Priests!"
#318 "Together Against the Darkness!"
#319 "The Pawns of Memory!"
#320 "The Ultimate Shadow RPG!"
#321 "The Dark God Awakes!"
#322 "The Mysterious NPC!"
#323 "Into the Tomb!"
#324 "Battle in the Shrine!"
#325 "The Silent Duelist!!"
#326 "Gather, Ghosts!"
#327 "I Won't Give Up!!"
#328 "The End of the World!!"
#329 "Until Our Ba Runs Out!"
#330 "The Guardian God!"
#331 "The Light of the Soul!"
#332 "The Stone Slabs of the Modern World!"
#333 "In the Name of the Pharaoh"
#334 "The Survivors"
#335 "White Dragon, Black Magician"
#336 "He Who Inherits the Light"