
Destiny Hero - Dasher (anime)

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Tributes for cost +, Changes battle positions +, Activates from your Graveyard +  and Reveals your hand for cost +


Yu-Gi-Oh! GX;Episode 079 +  and Yu-Gi-Oh! GX;Episode 101 +

Destiny Hero - Dasher.jpg +

DestinyHERODasher-JP-Anime-GX.png +

Sudbinski HEROJ - Dasher +

Ignition Effect +, Continuous Effect +  and Trigger Effect +

DestinyHERODasher-EN-Anime-GX.png +

Fonceur - Héros de la Destinée +

ΗΡΩΑΣ του Πεπρωμένου - Εξορμητής +

Dasher - EROE del Destino +

DestinyHERODasher-JP-Anime-GX.png +

Limited activations +  and Once while in the Graveyard +

بطل المصير: المسرع (ar) +, Sudbinski HEROJ - Dasher (hr) +, Fonceur - Héros de la Destinée (fr) +, Schicksalsheld-Dasher (de) +, ΗΡΩΑΣ του Πεπρωμένου - Εξορμητής (el) +, Dasher - EROE del Destino (it) +, 데스티니 히어로 대시 가이 (ko) +  and Heroi do Destino - Colisão (pt) +

DestinyHERODasher-JP-Anime-GX-NC.png +

Destiny Hero - Dasher (anime) +

Heroi do Destino - Colisão +

Desutenī Hīrō Dasshugai +

Special Summons from your hand +