
Dimensional Prison

  • ️Tue Dec 04 2007

The Arabic, Croatian and Thai names given are not official. (card names)

The Greek lore given is not official.

Dimensional Prison
次 (じ) 元 (げん) 幽 (ゆう) 閉 (へい)
English Dimensional Prison
Chinese 次元幽禁
French Prison Dimensionnelle
German Dimensionsgefängnis
Italian Prigione Dimensionale
Korean 차원 유폐
Portuguese Prisão Dimensional
Spanish Prisión Dimensional
Japanese (kana) じげんゆうへい
Japanese (base) 次元幽閉
Japanese (rōmaji) Jigen Yūhei
Card type Trap
Property Normal
Passcode 70342110
Card effect types
Card descriptions


When an opponent's monster declares an attack: Target that attacking monster; banish that target.


Lorsqu'un monstre de votre adversaire déclare une attaque : ciblez le monstre attaquant ; bannissez la cible.


Aktiviere dies nur, wenn dein Gegner angreift. Entferne das angreifende Monster aus dem Spiel.


Quando un mostro dell'avversario dichiara un attacco: scegli come bersaglio quel mostro attaccante; bandisci quel bersaglio.


Quando um monstro do oponente declarar um ataque: escolha o monstro atacante; bana o alvo.


Cuando un monstruo del adversario declara un ataque: selecciona ese monstruo atacante; destierra ese objetivo.






상대 몬스터의 공격 선언시에 발동할 수 있다. 그 공격 몬스터 1장을 게임에서 제외한다.
TCG sets


Release dateCard codeSetFrench nameRarity

2008-03-27WC08-FR003Yu-Gi-Oh! World Championship 2008 promotional cardsYu-Gi-Oh! WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP 2008 JeuxSuper Rare

2010-02-18SDMM-FR032Machina Mayhem Structure DeckDévastation Méchabot Deck de StructureCommon

2012-02-16RYMP-FR084Ra Yellow Mega PackMega-Pack Jaune RaUltra Rare

2014-02-06SDCR-FR033Cyber Dragon Revolution Structure DeckRevolution Cyber Dragon Deck de StructureCommon

2014-11-20NKRT-FR034Noble Knights of the Round Table Box SetTable Ronde du Chevalier Noble CoffretPlatinum Rare

2020-06-15OP13-FR023OTS Tournament Pack 13OTS Pack de Tournoi 13Common

2020-11-12MAGO-FR158Maximum GoldOr MaximumRare


Release dateCard codeSetGerman nameRarity

2008-03-27WC08-DE003Yu-Gi-Oh! World Championship 2008 promotional cardsYu-Gi-Oh! WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP 2008 PaketeSuper Rare

2010-02-18SDMM-DE032Machina Mayhem Structure DeckMachina Mayhem Structure DeckCommon

2011-10-20LCGX-DE220Legendary Collection 2: The Duel Academy Years Mega PackLegendary Collection 2: Mega-PackUltra Rare

2012-02-16RYMP-DE084Ra Yellow Mega PackRa Yellow Mega PackUltra Rare

2014-02-06SDCR-DE033Cyber Dragon Revolution Structure DeckCyber Dragon Revolution Structure DeckCommon

2014-11-20NKRT-DE034Noble Knights of the Round Table Box SetNoble Knights of the Round Table Box SetPlatinum Rare

2020-06-15OP13-DE023OTS Tournament Pack 13OTS Tournament Pack 13Common

2020-11-12MAGO-DE158Maximum GoldGold Series: Maximum GoldRare


Release dateCard codeSetItalian nameRarity

2008-03-27WC08-IT003Yu-Gi-Oh! World Championship 2008 promotional cardsYu-Gi-Oh! WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP 2008 BundleSuper Rare

2010-02-18SDMM-IT032Machina Mayhem Structure DeckI Mek Devastatori Structure DeckCommon

2011-10-20LCGX-IT220Legendary Collection 2: The Duel Academy Years Mega PackCollezione Leggendaria 2: Mega-PackUltra Rare

2012-02-16RYMP-IT084Ra Yellow Mega PackMega Pack Ra GialloUltra Rare

2014-02-06SDCR-IT033Cyber Dragon Revolution Structure DeckRivoluzione Cyber Drago Structure DeckCommon

2014-11-20NKRT-IT034Noble Knights of the Round Table Box SetNobili Cavalieri della Tavola Rotonda Box SetPlatinum Rare

2020-06-15OP13-IT023OTS Tournament Pack 13OTS Buste da Torneo 13Common

2020-11-12MAGO-IT158Maximum GoldOro MassimoRare


Release dateCard codeSetPortuguese nameRarity

2014-02-07SDCR-PT033Cyber Dragon Revolution Structure DeckRevolução do Dragão Cibernético Deck EstruturalCommon

2014-11-21NKRT-PT034Noble Knights of the Round Table Box SetColeção Nobre Cavaleiros da Tavola RedondaPlatinum Rare

2020-06-15OP13-PT023OTS Tournament Pack 13OTS Pacote de Torneio 13Common

2020-11-12MAGO-PT158Maximum GoldOuro MáximoRare


Release dateCard codeSetSpanish nameRarity

2008-03-27WC08-SP003Yu-Gi-Oh! World Championship 2008 promotional cardsYu-Gi-Oh! WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP 2008 VideojuegosSuper Rare

2010-02-18SDMM-SP032Machina Mayhem Structure DeckVorágine de la Maquinaria Baraja de EstructuraCommon

2012-02-16RYMP-SP084Ra Yellow Mega PackMega Pack Ra AmarilloUltra Rare

2014-02-06SDCR-SP033Cyber Dragon Revolution Structure DeckRevolución del Cíber Dragón Baraja de EstructuraCommon

2014-11-20NKRT-SP034Noble Knights of the Round Table Box SetColección Noble Caballero de la Mesa RedondaPlatinum Rare

2020-06-15OP13-SP023OTS Tournament Pack 13OTS Sobre Torneo 13Common

2020-11-12MAGO-SP158Maximum GoldOro MáximoRare

OCG sets


Release dateCard codeSetJapanese nameRarity

2007-11-29WC08-JP003Yu-Gi-Oh! World Championship 2008 promotional cards遊戯王デュエルモンスターズ WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP 2008 同梱カードUltra Rare

2012-01-07GS04-JP019Gold Series 2012GOLD SERIES 2012Common

2012-01-07GS04-JP019Gold Series 2012GOLD SERIES 2012Gold Rare

2012-08-25GDB1-JP079The Gold BoxTHE GOLD BOXGold Rare

2013-12-07SD26-JP033Structure Deck: Blitzkrieg of the Mechlight DragonsSTRUCTURE DECK -機光竜襲雷-Common

Traditional Chinese

Release dateCard codeSetTraditional Chinese nameRarity

November 29, 2014SP03-TC051Starter Pack Volume 3Super Rare


Release dateCard codeSetKorean nameRarity

2008-04-05WC08-KR003Yu-Gi-Oh! World Championship 2008 promotional cards유희왕 월드챔피언십 2008 게임소프트 동봉 카드Ultra Rare

2012-04-03GS04-KR019Gold Series 2012골드 시리즈 2012Common

2012-04-03GS04-KR019Gold Series 2012골드 시리즈 2012Gold Rare

2014-03-13SD26-KR033Structure Deck: Blitzkrieg of the Mechlight DragonsSTRUCTURE DECK (스트럭처 덱) -사이버 드래곤 레볼루션-Common

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External links

"Dimensional Prison" pages