Duel Terminal 7b
7b is the second part of Duel Terminal 7 made up of the OCG set Duel Terminal - Ouroboros, Wicked Dragon of Destruction!! and was released February 1, 2013.
The set includes 50 cards, all of which are Parallel Rare. 40 of the cards are new, while 10 are reprints. It also Includes further support for the "Gem-Knight", "Gishki", "Constellar" and "lswarm" archetypes. Introduces Bronk Stone and Nelson Andrews as duelable opponents. Includes cards used by Bronk Stone and Nelson Andrews in the anime.
Main page: Set Card Ratios:Duel Terminal 7 (TCG)
The set includes 50 cards all of which are Parallel Rare. 40 of the cards are new, while 10 are reprints.
- 4 Duel Terminal Ultra Parallel Rare
- 6 Duel Terminal Super Parallel Rare
- 10 Duel Terminal Rare Parallel Rare
- 30 Duel Terminal Normal Parallel Rare
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