
Elemental HERO Neos Alius

  • ️Wed Aug 15 2007

The Arabic, Croatian and Greek names given are not official. (card names)

Elemental HERO Neos Alius
E・HERO (エレメンタルヒーロー) アナザー・ネオス
English Elemental HERO Neos Alius
French Nouveau Néos, HÉROS Élémentaire
German Elementar-HELD Another Neos
Italian Nuovo Neos EROE Elementale
Korean 엘리멘틀 히어로 어나더 네오스
Portuguese Neos Alius, o HERÓI do Elemento
Spanish HÉROE Elemental Otro Neos
Japanese (kana) エレメンタルヒーロー アナザー・ネオス
Japanese (base) E・HERO アナザー・ネオス
Japanese (rōmaji) Erementaru Hīrō Anazā Neosu
Japanese (translated) Elemental Hero Another Neos
Card type Monster
Attribute LIGHT
Types Warrior / Gemini / Effect
Level 4
ATK / DEF 1900 / 1300
Passcode 69884162
Card effect types
Card descriptions


This card is treated as a Normal Monster while face-up on the field or in the GY. While this card is a Normal Monster on the field, you can Normal Summon it to have it become an Effect Monster with this effect.
● This card's name becomes "Elemental HERO Neos" while on the field.


Cette carte est traitée comme un Monstre Normal tant qu'elle est face recto sur le Terrain ou dans le Cimetière. Tant que cette carte est un Monstre Normal sur le Terrain, vous pouvez l'Invoquer Normalement pour qu'elle devienne un Monstre à Effet avec cet effet.
● Le nom de cette carte devient "Néos, HÉROS Élémentaire" tant qu'elle est sur le Terrain.


Diese Karte wird als Normales Monster behandelt, solange sie offen auf dem Spielfeld oder im Friedhof liegt. Solange diese Karte ein Normales Monster auf dem Spielfeld ist, kannst du sie als Normalbeschwörung beschwören, damit sie ein Effektmonster mit diesem Effekt wird.
● Der Name dieser Karte wird zu „Elementar-HELD Neos“, solange sie auf dem Spielfeld liegt.


Questa carta viene considerata come un Mostro Normale mentre è scoperta sul Terreno o nel Cimitero. Mentre questa carta è un Mostro Normale sul Terreno, puoi Evocarla Normalmente per farla diventare un Mostro con Effetto con questo effetto.
● Il nome di questa carta diventa "Neos EROE Elementale" mentre è sul Terreno.


Este card é considerado um Monstro Normal enquanto estiver com a face para cima no campo ou no Cemitério. Enquanto este card for um Monstro Normal no campo, você pode Invocá-lo por Invocação-Normal para fazer com que ele se torne um Monstro de Efeito com este efeito.
● O nome deste card se torna "Neos, o HERÓI do Elemento" enquanto estiver no campo.


Esta carta se trata como un Monstruo Normal mientras esté boca arriba en el Campo o en el Cementerio. Mientras esta carta sea un Monstruo Normal en el Campo, puedes Invocarla de Modo Normal para que se convierta en un Monstruo de Efecto con este efecto.
● El nombre de esta carta se convierte en "HÉROE Elemental Neos" mientras esté en el Campo.


● このカードはモンスターゾーンに存在する限り、カード名を「E・HERO ネオス」として扱う。


이 카드는 묘지 또는 필드 위에 앞면 표시로 존재할 경우, 일반 몬스터로 취급한다. 필드 위에 앞면 표시로 존재하는 이 카드를 일반 소환으로 취급하여 다시 소환하는 것으로, 이 카드는 효과 몬스터로 취급되며, 이하의 효과를 얻는다.
● 이 카드는 필드 위에 앞면 표시로 존재하는 한, 카드명을 "엘리멘틀 히어로 네오스" 로 취급한다.
TCG sets


English—North America

Release dateCard codeSetRarity


Release dateCard codeSetFrench nameRarity

2007-08-04TAEV-FR018Tactical EvolutionÉvolution TactiqueSuper Rare

2007-08-04TAEV-FR018Tactical EvolutionÉvolution TactiqueUltimate Rare

2008-01-22DP06-FR005Duelist Pack: Jaden Yuki 3Pack du Duelliste: Jaden Yuki 3Common

2009-06-25GLD2-FR028Gold Series 2009Collection Gold 2009Common

2012-02-16RYMP-FR010Ra Yellow Mega PackMega-Pack Jaune RaSecret Rare

2015-01-29SDHS-FR008HERO Strike Structure DeckL'Assaut des HÉROS Deck de StructureCommon

2015-03-19PGL2-FR029Premium Gold: Return of the BlingGold Premium 2Gold Rare

2018-12-06OP09-FR013OTS Tournament Pack 9OTS Pack de Tournoi 9Common

2020-07-23BLAR-FR053Battles of Legend: ArmageddonBatailles de Légende : ArmageddonUltra Rare


Release dateCard codeSetGerman nameRarity

2007-08-15TAEV-DE018Tactical EvolutionTactical EvolutionSuper Rare

2007-08-15TAEV-DE018Tactical EvolutionTactical EvolutionUltimate Rare

2008-01-22DP06-DE005Duelist Pack: Jaden Yuki 3Duelist Pack: Jaden Yuki 3Common

2009-04-21GLD2-DE028Gold Series 2009Gold Series 2009Common

2011-10-20LCGX-DE028Legendary Collection 2: The Duel Academy Years Mega PackLegendary Collection 2: Mega-PackSecret Rare

2012-02-16RYMP-DE010Ra Yellow Mega PackRa Yellow Mega PackSecret Rare

2015-01-29SDHS-DE008HERO Strike Structure DeckHERO Strike Structure DeckCommon

2015-03-19PGL2-DE029Premium Gold: Return of the BlingPremium Gold 2Gold Rare

2018-12-06OP09-DE013OTS Tournament Pack 9OTS Tournament Pack 9Common

2020-07-23BLAR-DE053Battles of Legend: ArmageddonBattles of Legend: ArmageddonUltra Rare


Release dateCard codeSetItalian nameRarity

2007-08-15TAEV-IT018Tactical EvolutionEvoluzione TatticaSuper Rare

2007-08-15TAEV-IT018Tactical EvolutionEvoluzione TatticaUltimate Rare

2008-01-22DP06-IT005Duelist Pack: Jaden Yuki 3Duelist Pack: Jaden Yuki 3Common

2009-04-21GLD2-IT028Gold Series 2009Serie Oro 2009Common

2011-10-20LCGX-IT028Legendary Collection 2: The Duel Academy Years Mega PackCollezione Leggendaria 2: Mega-PackSecret Rare

2012-02-16RYMP-IT010Ra Yellow Mega PackMega Pack Ra GialloSecret Rare

2015-01-29SDHS-IT008HERO Strike Structure DeckAttacco degli EROI Structure DeckCommon

2015-03-19PGL2-IT029Premium Gold: Return of the BlingPremium Oro 2Gold Rare

2018-12-06OP09-IT013OTS Tournament Pack 9OTS Buste da Torneo 9Common

2020-07-23BLAR-IT053Battles of Legend: ArmageddonBattaglie della Leggenda: ArmageddonUltra Rare


Release dateCard codeSetPortuguese nameRarity

2015-01-30SDHS-PT008HERO Strike Structure DeckAtaque do HERÓI Deck EstruturalCommon

2015-03-20PGL2-PT029Premium Gold: Return of the BlingPremière Ouro 2: Um Mar de OuroGold Rare

2018-12-06OP09-PT013OTS Tournament Pack 9OTS Pacote de Torneio 9Common

2020-07-23BLAR-PT053Battles of Legend: ArmageddonBatalha das Lendas: ArmagedomUltra Rare


Release dateCard codeSetSpanish nameRarity

2007-08-15TAEV-SP018Tactical EvolutionEvolución TácticaSuper Rare

2007-08-15TAEV-SP018Tactical EvolutionEvolución TácticaUltimate Rare

2008-01-22DP06-SP005Duelist Pack: Jaden Yuki 3Sobre de Duelista: Jaden Yuki 3Common

2009-04-21GLD2-SP028Gold Series 2009Serie Dorada 2009Common

2012-02-16RYMP-SP010Ra Yellow Mega PackMega Pack Ra AmarilloSecret Rare

2015-01-29SDHS-SP008HERO Strike Structure DeckGolpe del HÉROE Baraja de EstructuraCommon

2015-03-19PGL2-SP029Premium Gold: Return of the BlingDorada Premium 2Gold Rare

2018-12-06OP09-SP013OTS Tournament Pack 9OTS Sobre Torneo 9Common

2020-07-23BLAR-SP053Battles of Legend: ArmageddonBatallas de Leyenda: ArmagedónUltra Rare

OCG sets


Release dateCard codeSetJapanese nameRarity

2007-05-12TAEV-JP018Tactical EvolutionTACTICAL EVOLUTIONSuper Rare

2007-10-20DP06-JP005Duelist Pack: Jaden Yuki 3デュエリストパック -十代編3-Rare

2011-04-26DT12-JP002Duel Terminal - Xyz Startup!!デュエルターミナル「エクシーズ始動!!」Duel Terminal Rare Parallel Rare

2012-05-12DE02-JP008Duelist Edition Volume 2デュエリストエディション Volume 2Common


Release dateCard codeSetJapanese-Asian nameRarity


Release dateCard codeSetKorean nameRarity

2007-06-08TAEV-KR018Tactical Evolution전술의 발전Super Rare

2008-04-25DP06-KR005Duelist Pack: Jaden Yuki 3듀얼리스트 팩 —주다이 편 3—Rare

2010-12-18EV10-KR013Winter Festival 2010 promotional cardsWINTER FESTIVAL 2010Secret Rare

Video game sets
Card search categories
Other card information
External links
Video gameDate#NameCostAlignmentATKDEFStatus
World Championship 20082007-11-29???Unlimited

"Elemental HERO Neos Alius" pages


"Elemental HERO" 「E・HERO (エレメンタルヒーロー) 」


"HERO" 「HERO (ヒーロー) 」


... further results


"Neo-Spacian" 「N (ネオスペーシアン) 」


"Neos" 「ネオス」
