
Fossil Dig

  • ️Tue Sep 01 2009

The Arabic, Croatian and Greek names given are not official. (card names)

Fossil Dig
化 (か) 石 (せき) 調 (ちょう) 査 (さ)
English Fossil Dig
French Recherche de Fossiles
German Fossile Grabung
Italian Scavi Fossili
Korean 화석조사
Portuguese Escavar Fóssil
Spanish Búsqueda de Fósiles
Japanese (kana) かせきちょうさ
Japanese (base) 化石調査
Japanese (rōmaji) Kaseki Chōsa
Japanese (translated) Fossil Examination
Card type Spell
Property Normal
Passcode 47325505
Card effect types
Card descriptions


Add 1 Level 6 or lower Dinosaur monster from your Deck to your hand.


Ajoutez 1 monstre Dinosaure de max. Niveau 6 depuis votre Deck à votre main.


Füge deiner Hand 1 Dinosaurier-Monster der Stufe 6 oder niedriger von deinem Deck hinzu.


Aggiungi 1 mostro Dinosauro di Livello 6 o inferiore dal tuo Deck alla tua mano.


Adicione 1 monstro Dinossauro de Nível 6 ou menos do seu Deck à sua mão.


Añade a tu mano 1 monstruo Dinosaurio de Nivel 6 o menor en tu Deck.




①: 덱에서 레벨 6 이하의 공룡족 몬스터 1장을 패에 넣는다.
TCG sets


Release dateCard codeSetRarity

2009-09-01ANPR-EN062Ancient ProphecyCommon

2021-11-18MGED-EN057Maximum Gold: El DoradoRare

2021-12-02BROL-EN089Brothers of LegendUltra Rare

2023-06-01WISU-EN055Wild SurvivorsRare

2023-06-01WISU-EN055Wild SurvivorsCollector's Rare


Release dateCard codeSetFrench nameRarity

2009-08-27ANPR-FR062Ancient ProphecyAncienne ProphétieCommon

2011-12-01DL13-FR018Duelist League 13 participation cardsLigue du Duelliste 13Rare

2013-10-10LCJW-FR164Legendary Collection 4: Joey's World Mega PackCollection Légendaire 4: Le Monde de Joey Méga PackCommon

2017-04-13SR04-FR022Dinosmasher's Fury Structure DeckLa Rage du Dinobroyeur Deck de StructureCommon

2018-12-06OP07-FR009OTS Tournament Pack 9OTS Pack de Tournoi 9Super Rare

2021-11-18MGED-FR057Maximum Gold: El DoradoOr Maximum: EldoradoRare

2021-12-02BROL-FR089Brothers of LegendFrères de LégendeUltra Rare

2023-06-01WISU-FR055Wild SurvivorsLes Survivants SauvagesRare

2023-06-01WISU-FR055Wild SurvivorsLes Survivants SauvagesCollector's Rare


Release dateCard codeSetGerman nameRarity

2009-08-27ANPR-DE062Ancient ProphecyAncient ProphecyCommon

2011-12-01DL13-DE018Duelist League 13 participation cardsDuelist League-Serie 13Rare

2013-10-10LCJW-DE164Legendary Collection 4: Joey's World Mega PackLegendary Collection 4: Mega PackCommon

2017-04-13SR04-DE022Dinosmasher's Fury Structure DeckDinosmasher's Fury Structure DeckCommon

2018-12-06OP07-DE009OTS Tournament Pack 9OTS Tournament Pack 9Super Rare

2021-11-18MGED-DE057Maximum Gold: El DoradoMaximum Gold: El DoradoRare

2021-12-02BROL-DE089Brothers of LegendBrothers of LegendUltra Rare

2023-06-01WISU-DE055Wild SurvivorsWild SurvivorsRare

2023-06-01WISU-DE055Wild SurvivorsWild SurvivorsCollector's Rare


Release dateCard codeSetItalian nameRarity

2009-08-27ANPR-IT062Ancient ProphecyAntica ProfeziaCommon

2011-12-01DL13-IT018Duelist League 13 participation cardsSerie Duelist League 13Rare

2013-10-10LCJW-IT164Legendary Collection 4: Joey's World Mega PackCollezione Leggendaria 4: Mega-PackCommon

2017-04-13SR04-IT022Dinosmasher's Fury Structure DeckFuria del Dinodistruttore Structure DeckCommon

2018-12-06OP07-IT009OTS Tournament Pack 9OTS Buste da Torneo 9Super Rare

2021-11-18MGED-IT057Maximum Gold: El DoradoOro Massimo : EldoradoRare

2021-12-02BROL-IT089Brothers of LegendFratelli della LeggendaUltra Rare

2023-06-01WISU-IT055Wild SurvivorsSopravvissuti SelvaggiRare

2023-06-01WISU-IT055Wild SurvivorsSopravvissuti SelvaggiCollector's Rare


Release dateCard codeSetPortuguese nameRarity

2013-10-11LCJW-PT164Legendary Collection 4: Joey's World Mega PackMega Pacote da Coleção Lendária 4: O Mundo de JoeyCommon

2017-04-13SR04-PT022Dinosmasher's Fury Structure DeckFúria do Dinosmagador Deck EstruturalCommon

2018-12-06OP07-PT009OTS Tournament Pack 9OTS Pacote de Torneio 9Super Rare

2021-11-18MGED-PT057Maximum Gold: El DoradoOuro Máximo : El DoradoRare

2021-12-02BROL-PT089Brothers of LegendIrmãos das LendasUltra Rare

2023-06-01WISU-PT055Wild SurvivorsSobreviventes SelvagensRare

2023-06-01WISU-PT055Wild SurvivorsSobreviventes SelvagensCollector's Rare


Release dateCard codeSetSpanish nameRarity

2009-08-27ANPR-SP062Ancient ProphecyProfecía AntiguaCommon

2011-12-01DL13-SP018Duelist League 13 participation cardsDuelist League 13Rare

2013-10-10LCJW-SP164Legendary Collection 4: Joey's World Mega PackColección Legendaria 4: El Mundo de Joey Mega PackCommon

2017-04-13SR04-SP022Dinosmasher's Fury Structure DeckFuria de Dinodespedazador Baraja de EstructuraCommon

2018-12-06OP07-SP009OTS Tournament Pack 9OTS Sobre Torneo 9Super Rare

2021-11-18MGED-SP057Maximum Gold: El DoradoOro Máximo : El DoradoRare

2021-12-02BROL-SP089Brothers of LegendHermanos de LeyendaUltra Rare

2023-06-01WISU-SP055Wild SurvivorsSupervivientes SalvajesRare

2023-06-01WISU-SP055Wild SurvivorsSupervivientes SalvajesCollector's Rare

OCG sets


Release dateCard codeSetJapanese nameRarity

2009-04-18ANPR-JP062Ancient ProphecyANCIENT PROPHECYCommon

2012-08-11DE04-JP034Duelist Edition Volume 4デュエリストエディション Volume 4Common

18SP-JP409Special Pack 40th Anniversary Edition Vol.4Common

18SP-JP409Special Pack 40th Anniversary Edition Vol.4Super Rare

2021-10-1021TP-JP411Tournament Pack 2021 Vol.4トーナメントパック 2021 Vol.4Common


Release dateCard codeSetKorean nameRarity

2009-09-23ANPR-KR062Ancient Prophecy태고의 예언Common

Card search categories
Other card information
External links

"Fossil Dig" pages