
Garuda the Wind Spirit

  • ️Wed Dec 01 2004

The Arabic, Chinese, Croatian, Greek and Portuguese names given are not official.

The Chinese and Portuguese lores given are not official.

Garuda the Wind Spirit
風 (かぜ) の精 (せい) 霊 (れい) ガルーダ
English Garuda the Wind Spirit
Chinese 風之精靈 迦樓羅
French Garuda l'Esprit du Vent
German Garuda, der Windgeist
Italian Garuda lo Spirito del Vento
Korean 바람의 정령 가루다
Portuguese Garuda o Espírito do Vento
Spanish Garuda el Espíritu del Viento
Japanese (kana) かぜのせいれい ガルーダ
Japanese (base) 風の精霊 ガルーダ
Japanese (rōmaji) Kaze no Seirei Garūda
Card type Monster
Attribute WIND
Types Winged Beast / Effect
Level 4
ATK / DEF 1600 / 1200
Passcode 12800777
Card effect types
Card descriptions


This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Normal Set. This card can only be Special Summoned by removing from play 1 WIND monster in your Graveyard. During your opponent's End Phase, you can select 1 face-up monster your opponent controls, and change its battle position.


Cette carte ne peut être Invoquée que par Invocation Spéciale en retirant du jeu 1 monstre VENT de votre Cimetière. Tant que cette carte reste face recto sur le Terrain, durant chacune des End Phases de votre adversaire vous pouvez changer la Position de combat d'1 de ses Cartes Monstres face recto.


Diese Karte kann nur als Spezialbeschwörung beschworen werden, indem du 1 WIND Monster von deinem Friedhof aus dem Spiel entfernst. Solange diese Karte offen auf dem Spielfeld liegt, kannst du in jeder End Phase deines Gegners die Position einer offenen Monsterkarte deines Gegners ändern.


Questa carta non può essere Evocata Normalmente o Posizionata. Questa carta può essere Evocata solo Specialmente rimuovendo dal gioco 1 mostro VENTO nel tuo Cimitero. Durante l'End Phase del tuo avversario, puoi scegliere 1 mostro scoperto controllato dal tuo avversario, e cambiare la sua posizione.


Este card não pode ser Invocado/Baixado por Invocação-Normal. Este card só pode ser Invocado por Invocação-Especial ao banir 1 monstro VENTO do seu Cemitério. Durante a Fase Final do seu oponente, você pode selecionar 1 monstro com a face para cima que seu oponente controla e mudar a sua posição de batalha.


Esta carta no puede ser Invocada de Modo Normal, ni Colocada. Esta carta sólo puede ser Invocada de Modo Especial retirando del juego 1 Monstruo de VIENTO en tu Cementerio. Durante la End Phase de tu adversario, puedes seleccionar 1 monstruo boca arriba que controle tu adversario y cambiar su posición de batalla.






이 카드는 일반 소환 / 세트할 수 없다. 자신의 묘지의 바람 속성 몬스터 1장을 게임에서 제외하고 특수 소환한다.상대 턴 종료시에 상대 필드 위에 앞면 표시로 존재하는 몬스터 1장의 표시 형식을 변경할 수 있다.
TCG sets


Release Number Set Rarity
2004-12-01 LON-EN070 Labyrinth of Nightmare Common
2011-03-04 SDDL-EN014 Dragunity Legion Structure Deck Common

English—North America

North American English
Release Number Set Rarity
2003-03-01 LON-070 Labyrinth of Nightmare Common


European English
Release Number Set Rarity
LON-E070 Labyrinth of Nightmare Common


Release Number SetFrench name Rarity
2003-03-01 LDC-F070 Labyrinth of Nightmare Le Labyrinthe Des Cauchemars Common
2011-03-03 SDDL-FR014 Dragunity Legion Structure Deck Légion Dragunité Deck de Structure Common


Release Number SetGerman name Rarity
2003-02-01 LON-G070 Labyrinth of Nightmare Labyrinth of Nightmare Common
2011-03-03 SDDL-DE014 Dragunity Legion Structure Deck Dragunity Legion Structure Deck Common


Release Number SetItalian name Rarity
2003-03-01 LDI-I070 Labyrinth of Nightmare Labirinto Dell'Incubo Common
2011-03-03 SDDL-IT014 Dragunity Legion Structure Deck Legione Dragunità Structure Deck Common


Release Number SetSpanish name Rarity
2011-03-03 SDDL-SP014 Dragunity Legion Structure Deck Legión Dracounidad Baraja de Estructura Common
OCG sets


Release Number SetJapanese name Rarity
2001-07-21 LN-19 Labyrinth of Nightmare (Japanese) - 悪夢の迷宮 - Common
2002-12-12 DL3-102 Duelist Legacy Volume.3 DUELIST LEGACY Volume.3 Common
2007-10-01 TP03-JP005 Tournament Pack 2007 Vol.3 トーナメントパック 2007 Vol.3 Common
2010-06-19 SD19-JP015 Structure Deck: Dragunity Drive STRUCTURE DECK -ドラグニティ・ドライブ- Common
2020-08-29 SR11-JP020 Structure Deck R: Dragunity Drive ストラクチャーデッキR -ドラグニティ・ドライブ- Common


Release Number Set Rarity
2003-06-19 LON-070 Labyrinth of Nightmare Common


Release Number SetKorean name Rarity
2004-09-02 LON-KR070 Labyrinth of Nightmare 악몽의 미궁 Common
2009-05-20 TP03-KR005 Tournament Pack 2009 Vol.3 (Korean) 토너먼트 팩 2009 Vol.3 Common
2010-09-07 SD19-KR015 Structure Deck: Dragunity Drive STRUCTURE DECK (스트럭처 덱) —드래그니티 드라이브— Common
2020-11-18 SR11-KR020 Structure Deck R: Dragunity Drive 스트럭처 덱 R -드래그니티 드라이브- Common
Video game sets
Card search categories
Other card information
External links
Video gameDate#NameCostAlignmentATKDEFStatus
Worldwide Edition: Stairway to the Destined Duel2003-04-15Unlimited
Ultimate Masters: World Championship Tournament 20062006-02-23???Unlimited
GX Tag Force2006-09-14???Unlimited

"Garuda the Wind Spirit" pages


Attribute Spirit 属 (ぞく) 性 (せい) の精 (せい) 霊 (れい)
