
Heartless Drop Off

  • ️Thu May 03 2018
Heartless Drop Off
無 (む) 情 (じょう) なはたき落 (お) とし
English Heartless Drop Off
French Laissez Tomber Sans Cœur
German Herzloses Fallenlassen
Italian Caduta Spietata
Korean 무정한 드롭 오프
Portuguese Jogar Fora Impiedoso
Spanish Soltar Con Crueldad
Japanese (kana) むじょうなはたきおとし
Japanese (base) 無情なはたき落とし
Japanese (rōmaji) Mujōna Hataki Otoshi
Japanese (translated) Ruthless Duster Drop
Card type Trap
Property Counter
Passcode 47439573
Card effect types
Card descriptions


When a face-up card(s) on the field and/or in the GY is added to your opponent's hand by an effect: Look at their hand, also banish the added card(s) and all cards with the same name, if any.


Lorsqu'une ou plusieurs cartes face recto sur le Terrain et/ou dans le Cimetière sont ajoutées à la main de votre adversaire par un effet : regardez sa main, et aussi, bannissez les cartes ajoutées et toutes les cartes du même nom, s'il y en a.


Wenn eine oder mehr offene Karten auf dem Spielfeld und/oder im Friedhof durch einen Effekt der Hand deines Gegners hinzugefügt werden: Sieh dir seine Hand an, zusätzlich verbanne die hinzugefügten Karten und alle Karten mit denselben Namen, falls es welche gibt.


Quando una o più carte scoperte sul Terreno e/o nel Cimitero vengono aggiunte alla mano del tuo avversario da un effetto: guarda la sua mano, inoltre bandisci le carte aggiunte e tutte le carte con lo stesso nome, se ce ne sono.


Quando um ou mais cards com a face para cima no campo e/ou no Cemitério forem adicionados à mão do seu oponente por um efeito: olhe a mão dele e, além disso, bana o(s) card(s) adicionado(s) e todos os cards com o mesmo nome, se houver.


Cuando una o más cartas boca arriba en el Campo y/o el Cementerio son añadidas a la mano de tu adversario por un efecto: mira su mano, y además destierra las cartas añadidas y todas las cartas con el mismo nombre, si hay alguna.




① : 필드의 앞면 표시의 카드 또는 묘지의 카드가, 효과로 상대의 패에 넣어졌을 때에 발동할 수 있다. 상대의 패를 확인하고, 그 중에서 패에 넣은 카드 및 그 같은 이름의 카드를 전부 제외한다.
TCG sets


Release Number Set Rarity
2018-05-03 FLOD-EN078 Flames of Destruction Rare
2019-08-29 MP19-EN051 2019 Gold Sarcophagus Tin Mega Pack Common


Release Number SetFrench name Rarity
2018-05-03 FLOD-FR078 Flames of Destruction Les Flammes de la Destruction Rare
2019-08-29 MP19-FR051 2019 Gold Sarcophagus Tin Mega Pack Boîte Sarcophage Doré 2019 Méga Pack Common


Release Number SetGerman name Rarity
2018-05-03 FLOD-DE078 Flames of Destruction Flames of Destruction Rare
2019-08-29 MP19-DE051 2019 Gold Sarcophagus Tin Mega Pack 2019 Gold Sarcophagus Tin Mega Pack Common


Release Number SetItalian name Rarity
2018-05-03 FLOD-IT078 Flames of Destruction Fiamme della Distruzione Rare
2019-08-29 MP19-IT051 2019 Gold Sarcophagus Tin Mega Pack Tin Sarcofago d'Oro 2019 Mega-Pack Common


Release Number SetPortuguese name Rarity
2018-05-04 FLOD-PT078 Flames of Destruction Chamas da Destruição Rare
2019-08-30 MP19-PT051 2019 Gold Sarcophagus Tin Mega Pack Mega-Pacote da Lata Sarcófago Dourado 2019 Common


Release Number SetSpanish name Rarity
2018-05-03 FLOD-SP078 Flames of Destruction Llamas de la Destrucción Rare
2019-08-29 MP19-SP051 2019 Gold Sarcophagus Tin Mega Pack Lata Cofre de Oro Sellado 2019 Mega Pack Common
OCG sets


Release Number SetJapanese name Rarity
2018-01-13 FLOD-JP078 Flames of Destruction フレイムズ・オブ・デストラクション Common


Release Number SetKorean name Rarity
2018-04-10 FLOD-KR078 Flames of Destruction 플레임즈 오브 디스트럭션 Common
Card search categories
Other card information
External links

"Heartless Drop Off" pages