Jirai Gumo 地 (じ) 雷 (らい) 蜘 (グ) 蛛 (モ) |
English |
Jirai Gumo |
Chinese |
地雷蜘蛛 |
French |
Jirai Gumo |
German |
Jirai Gumo |
Italian |
Jirai Gumo |
Korean |
지뢰거미 |
Portuguese |
Jirai Gumo |
Spanish |
Jirai Gumo |
Japanese (kana) |
じらいグモ |
Japanese (base) |
地雷蜘蛛 |
Japanese (rōmaji) |
Jiraigumo |
Japanese (translated) |
Landmine Spider |
Card type |
Monster |
Attribute |
Types |
Insect / Effect |
Level |
4     |
2200 / 100 |
Passcode |
94773007 |
Card effect types |
Statuses | Unlimited |
Card descriptions
When this card declares an attack: Toss a coin and call it. If you call it wrong, lose half your LP. |
Lorsque cette carte déclare une attaque : prenez une pièce et jouez à pile ou face. Si vous perdez, perdez la moitié de vos LP. |
Wenn diese Karte einen Angriff deklariert: Wirf eine Münze und sage das Ergebnis voraus. Falls du falsch vorausgesagt hast, verlierst du die Hälfte deiner LP. |
Quando questa carta dichiara un attacco: lancia una moneta e scegli testa o croce. Se sbagli, perdi la metà dei tuoi LP. |
Quando este card declarar um ataque: lance uma moeda e escolha cara ou coroa. Se você perder, perca metade dos seus PV. |
Cuando esta carta declara un ataque: lanza una moneda y elige cara o cruz. Si fallas, pierde la mitad de tus LP. |
このカードの攻撃宣言時、コイントスで裏表を当てる。当たりの場合はそのまま攻撃する。ハズレの場合は自分のライフポイントを半分失い攻撃する。 |
這張卡攻擊宣言時,猜硬幣的正反。猜中的話就繼續攻擊。猜不中的話自己的基本分減半再攻擊。 |
이 카드의 공격 선언시, 코인 토스로 앞뒷면을 맞춘다. 맞추면 그대로 공격한다. 못맞추면 자신의 라이프 포인트를 절반 상실하고 공격한다. |
When you attack with this card, toss a coin and call it. If you call it right, attack normally. If you call it wrong, reduce your Life Points by half before attacking. |
A stealthy spider that lurks out of sight under the ground. It makes prey out of anything that passes over its lair. |
When you attack with this card, toss a coin and call it. If you call it right, attack normally. If you call it wrong, reduce your Life Points by half before attacking. |
TCG sets
Release dateCard codeSetRarity
Release dateCard codeSetRarity
Release dateCard codeSetRarity
Release dateCard codeSetFrench nameRarity
Release dateCard codeSetGerman nameRarity
Release dateCard codeSetItalian nameRarity
Release dateCard codeSetPortuguese nameRarity
Release dateCard codeSetSpanish nameRarity
OCG sets
Release dateCard codeSetJapanese nameRarity
Release dateCard codeSetRarity
Release dateCard codeSetKorean nameRarity
Video game sets
Card search categories
Other card information |
External links |
- Yugioh-Card card database: 4373 ()