
Jirai Gumo

  • ️Wed Jun 26 2002

The Arabic, Chinese, Croatian, Greek, Polish and Thai names given are not official. (card names)

The Chinese lore given is not official.

Jirai Gumo
地 (じ) 雷 (らい) 蜘 (グ) 蛛 (モ)
English Jirai Gumo
Chinese 地雷蜘蛛
French Jirai Gumo
German Jirai Gumo
Italian Jirai Gumo
Korean 지뢰거미
Portuguese Jirai Gumo
Spanish Jirai Gumo
Japanese (kana) じらいグモ
Japanese (base) 地雷蜘蛛
Japanese (rōmaji) Jiraigumo
Japanese (translated) Landmine Spider
Card type Monster
Attribute EARTH
Types Insect / Effect
Level 4
ATK / DEF 2200 / 100
Passcode 94773007
Card effect types
Card descriptions


When this card declares an attack: Toss a coin and call it. If you call it wrong, lose half your LP.


Lorsque cette carte déclare une attaque : prenez une pièce et jouez à pile ou face. Si vous perdez, perdez la moitié de vos LP.


Wenn diese Karte einen Angriff deklariert: Wirf eine Münze und sage das Ergebnis voraus. Falls du falsch vorausgesagt hast, verlierst du die Hälfte deiner LP.


Quando questa carta dichiara un attacco: lancia una moneta e scegli testa o croce. Se sbagli, perdi la metà dei tuoi LP.


Quando este card declarar um ataque: lance uma moeda e escolha cara ou coroa. Se você perder, perca metade dos seus PV.


Cuando esta carta declara un ataque: lanza una moneda y elige cara o cruz. Si fallas, pierde la mitad de tus LP.






이 카드의 공격 선언시, 코인 토스로 앞뒷면을 맞춘다. 맞추면 그대로 공격한다. 못맞추면 자신의 라이프 포인트를 절반 상실하고 공격한다.
When you attack with this card, toss a coin and call it. If you call it right, attack normally. If you call it wrong, reduce your Life Points by half before attacking.
A stealthy spider that lurks out of sight under the ground. It makes prey out of anything that passes over its lair.
When you attack with this card, toss a coin and call it. If you call it right, attack normally. If you call it wrong, reduce your Life Points by half before attacking.
TCG sets


Release dateCard codeSetRarity

2002-06-26MRD-EN089Metal RaidersCommon

2005-07-27DB2-EN054Dark Beginning 2Common

English—North America

Release dateCard codeSetRarity


Release dateCard codeSetRarity

2003-07-23MRD-E089Metal RaidersCommon

2008-07-08RP01-EN039Retro PackCommon


Release dateCard codeSetFrench nameRarity

2002-06-27MRD-F089Metal RaidersMétal RaidersCommon

2005-07-22DB2-FR054Dark Beginning 2Genèse Ténébreuse 2Common

2008-07-08RP01-FR039Retro PackRetro PackCommon

2013-10-10LCJW-FR227Legendary Collection 4: Joey's World Mega PackCollection Légendaire 4: Le Monde de Joey Méga PackCommon

2022-10-06SGX2-FRD05Speed Duel GX: Midterm ParadoxSpeed Duel GX: Le Paradoxe des PartielsCommon

2023-04-20MRD-FR089Metal Raiders (25th Anniversary Edition)Métal RaidersCommon


Release dateCard codeSetGerman nameRarity

2002-06-27MRD-G089Metal RaidersMetal RaidersCommon

2005-07-27DB2-DE054Dark Beginning 2Dark Beginning 2Common

2008-07-08RP01-DE039Retro PackRetro PackCommon

2013-10-10LCJW-DE227Legendary Collection 4: Joey's World Mega PackLegendary Collection 4: Mega PackCommon

2022-10-06SGX2-DED05Speed Duel GX: Midterm ParadoxSpeed Duel GX: Midterm ParadoxCommon

2023-04-20MRD-DE089Metal Raiders (25th Anniversary Edition)Metal RaidersCommon


Release dateCard codeSetItalian nameRarity

2003-08-07PMT-I089Metal RaidersPredoni MetalliciCommon

2005-07-22DB2-IT054Dark Beginning 2Inizio Oscuro 2Common

2008-07-08RP01-IT039Retro PackRetro PackCommon

2013-10-10LCJW-IT227Legendary Collection 4: Joey's World Mega PackCollezione Leggendaria 4: Mega-PackCommon

2022-10-06SGX2-ITD05Speed Duel GX: Midterm ParadoxSpeed Duel GX: Esami ParadoxCommon

2023-04-20MRD-IT089Metal Raiders (25th Anniversary Edition)Predoni MetalliciCommon


Release dateCard codeSetPortuguese nameRarity

2002-06-01PMT-P089Metal RaidersPredadores MetálicosCommon

2013-10-11LCJW-PT227Legendary Collection 4: Joey's World Mega PackMega Pacote da Coleção Lendária 4: O Mundo de JoeyCommon

2022-10-06SGX2-PTD05Speed Duel GX: Midterm ParadoxSpeed Duel GX: Paradoxo IntermediárioCommon

2023-04-20MRD-PT089Metal Raiders (25th Anniversary Edition)Predadores MetálicosCommon


Release dateCard codeSetSpanish nameRarity

2002-06-27PMT-S089Metal RaidersPredadores MetálicosCommon

2005-07-22DB2-SP054Dark Beginning 2Principio Oscuro 2Common

2013-10-10LCJW-SP227Legendary Collection 4: Joey's World Mega PackColección Legendaria 4: El Mundo de Joey Mega PackCommon

2022-10-06SGX2-SPD05Speed Duel GX: Midterm ParadoxSpeed Duel GX: Parcial ParadojaCommon

2023-04-20MRD-SP089Metal Raiders (25th Anniversary Edition)Predadores MetálicosCommon

OCG sets


Release dateCard codeSetJapanese nameRarity

2000-03-01Booster 7Booster 7Common

2001-02-22ME-29Metal Raiders (Japanese)鋼鉄の襲撃者Rare

2003-01-23DL4-026Duelist Legacy Volume.4DUELIST LEGACY Volume.4Common

2004-12-09BE2-JP054Beginner's Edition 2BEGINNER'S EDITION 2Common


Release dateCard codeSetRarity

2002-10-24MRD-089Metal RaidersCommon


Release dateCard codeSetKorean nameRarity

2004-03-09MRD-K089Metal Raiders강철의 습격자Common

2006-09-28BP2-KR054Beginner's Edition 2비기너즈 팩 Vol.2Common

Video game sets
Card search categories
Other card information
External links
Video gameDate#NameCostAlignmentATKDEFStatus
Duel Monsters II: Dark duel Stories1999-07-08367Present
Duel Monsters III: Tri-Holy God Advent / Dark Duel Stories2000-07-13367????????????Present
Duel Monsters 4: Battle of Great Duelist2000-12-07367Present
Duel Monsters 7: The Duelcity Legend / The Sacred Cards2002-07-04367 384?????????Unlimited
The Eternal Duelist Soul2002-10-15Unlimited
Worldwide Edition: Stairway to the Destined Duel2003-04-15Unlimited
Nightmare Troubadour2005-07-21???Unlimited
GX Duel Academy2005-11-1301621000Unlimited
Ultimate Masters: World Championship Tournament 20062006-02-23???Unlimited
GX Tag Force2006-09-14???Unlimited