
Left Arm of the Forbidden One

  • ️Fri Mar 08 2002

The Arabic, Croatian, Greek and Thai names given are not official.

Left Arm of the Forbidden One
封 (ふう) 印 (いん) されし者 (もの) の左 (ひだり) 腕 (うで)
English Left Arm of the Forbidden One
Simplified Chinese 被封印者的左臂
French Bras Gauche de l'Interdit
German Linker Arm der Verbotenen
Italian Braccio Sx del Proibito
Korean 봉인된 자의 왼쪽 팔
Portuguese Braço Esquerdo de "O Proibido"
Spanish Brazo Izquierdo del Prohibido
Japanese (kana) ふうされしもののひだり
Japanese (base) 封されし者の左
Japanese (rōmaji) Fuuin-sareshi mono no Hidariude
Japanese (translated) Left Arm of the Sealed One
Card type Monster
Attribute DARK
Types Spellcaster / Normal
Level 1
ATK / DEF 200 / 300
Passcode 07902349
Card descriptions


Bras gauche interdit scellé par la magie. Toute personne rompant ce sceau connaîtra la puissance infinie.


Ein verbannter linker Arm, der durch einen Zauber versiegelt ist. Wer dieses Siegel bricht, erhält unbegrenzte Macht.


Un braccio sinistro proibito reso inaccessibile dalla magia. Chiunque rompa il sigillo che lo chiude conoscerà potenza infinita.


Um braço esquerdo, proibido e selado por magia. Qualquer um que romper este selo obterá poder infinito.


Un brazo izquierdo prohibido, sellado mágicamente. Quienquiera que rompa este sello conocerá el poder infinito.


封 (ふう) 印 (いん) された左 (ひだり) 腕 (うで) 。封 (ふう) 印 (いん) を解 (ほど) くと、無 (む) 限 (げん) の力 (ちから) を得 (え) られる。

Simplified Chinese



봉인된 자의 왼쪽 팔. 봉인을 풀면 무한한 힘을 얻게 된다.
Unlimited power is sealed within.
One of the five limbs of Exodia, the forbidden monster. If all five cards gather in the hand of the player, he wins.
One of the five limbs of Exodia, the forbidden monster. If all five cards gather in the hand of the player, he wins.
TCG sets

English—North America


Release dateCard codeSetRarity

2008-07-08RP01-EN020Retro PackRare


Release dateCard codeSetRarity


Release dateCard codeSetFrench nameRarity

2002-03-08LDD-F100Legend of Blue Eyes White DragonLa Légende du Dragon Blanc aux Yeux BleusUltra Rare

2008-07-08RP01-FR020Retro PackRetro PackRare

2010-12-01DL11-FR005Duelist League 2 participation cardsLigue du Duelliste 2Rare

2012-09-27LCYW-FR305Legendary Collection 3: Yugi's World Mega PackCollection Légendaire 3: Le Monde de Yugi Méga PackSecret Rare

2015-03-19PGL2-FR025Premium Gold: Return of the BlingGold Premium 2Gold Rare

2015-11-12YGLD-FRA21Yugi's Legendary DecksDecks Légendaires de YugiUltra Rare

2016-10-06LDK2-FRY06Legendary Decks IIDecks Legendaires IICommon

2022-11-17BLCR-FR105Battles of Legend: Crystal RevengeBatailles de Légende : la Vengeance du CristalStarlight Rare

2023-04-20LOB-FR123Legend of Blue Eyes White Dragon (25th Anniversary Edition)La Légende du Dragon Blanc aux Yeux BleusUltra Rare

2024-09-19MP24-FR00525th Anniversary Tin: Dueling MirrorsBoîte Du 25E Anniversaire : Les Miroirs Du DuelQuarter Century Secret Rare


Release dateCard codeSetFrench-Canadian nameRarity

2003-07-26LDD-C123Legend of Blue Eyes White DragonLa Légende du Dragon Blanc aux Yeux BleusUltra Rare


Release dateCard codeSetGerman nameRarity

2002-03-08LOB-G100Legend of Blue Eyes White DragonLegend of Blue Eyes White DragonUltra Rare

2004-12-17DB1-DE138Dark Beginning 1Dark Beginning 1Common

2008-07-08RP01-DE020Retro PackRetro PackRare

2012-09-27LCYW-DE305Legendary Collection 3: Yugi's World Mega PackLegendary Collection 3: Mega PackSecret Rare

2015-03-19PGL2-DE025Premium Gold: Return of the BlingPremium Gold 2Gold Rare

2015-11-12YGLD-DEA21Yugi's Legendary DecksYugi's Legendary DecksUltra Rare

2016-10-06LDK2-DEY06Legendary Decks IILegendary Decks IICommon

2022-11-17BLCR-DE105Battles of Legend: Crystal RevengeBattles of Legend: Crystal RevengeStarlight Rare

2023-04-20LOB-DE123Legend of Blue Eyes White Dragon (25th Anniversary Edition)Legend of Blue Eyes White DragonUltra Rare

2024-09-19MP24-DE00525th Anniversary Tin: Dueling Mirrors25th Anniversary Tin: Dueling MirrorsQuarter Century Secret Rare


Release dateCard codeSetItalian nameRarity

2002-03-08LDD-I100Legend of Blue Eyes White DragonLa Leggenda del Drago Bianco Occhi BluUltra Rare

2008-07-08RP01-IT020Retro PackRetro PackRare

2010-12-01DL11-IT005Duelist League 2 participation cardsSerie Duelist League 2Rare

2012-09-27LCYW-IT305Legendary Collection 3: Yugi's World Mega PackCollezione Leggendaria 3 Mega-PackSecret Rare

2015-03-19PGL2-IT025Premium Gold: Return of the BlingPremium Oro 2Gold Rare

2015-11-12YGLD-ITA21Yugi's Legendary DecksI Deck Leggendari di YugiUltra Rare

2016-10-06LDK2-ITY06Legendary Decks III Deck Leggendari IICommon

2022-11-17BLCR-IT105Battles of Legend: Crystal RevengeBattaglie della Leggenda: Vendetta CristalloStarlight Rare

2023-04-20LOB-IT123Legend of Blue Eyes White Dragon (25th Anniversary Edition)La Leggenda del Drago Bianco Occhi BluUltra Rare

2024-09-19MP24-IT00525th Anniversary Tin: Dueling MirrorsTin 25º Anniversario : Specchi DuellantiQuarter Century Secret Rare


Release dateCard codeSetPortuguese nameRarity

2002-03-01LDB-P123Legend of Blue Eyes White DragonA Lenda do Dragão Branco de Olhos AzuisUltra Rare

2015-03-20PGL2-PT025Premium Gold: Return of the BlingPremière Ouro 2: Um Mar de OuroGold Rare

2015-11-13YGLD-PTA21Yugi's Legendary DecksDecks Lendários do YugiUltra Rare

2016-10-07LDK2-PTY06Legendary Decks IIDecks Lendários IICommon

2022-11-17BLCR-PT105Battles of Legend: Crystal RevengeBatalha das Lendas: Vingança CristalinaStarlight Rare

2023-04-20LOB-PT123Legend of Blue Eyes White Dragon (25th Anniversary Edition)A Lenda do Dragão Branco de Olhos AzuisUltra Rare

2024-09-19MP24-PT00525th Anniversary Tin: Dueling MirrorsLata Do 25º Aniversário: Duelo EspelhadoQuarter Century Secret Rare


Release dateCard codeSetSpanish nameRarity

2002-03-08LDD-S123Legend of Blue Eyes White DragonLeyenda del Dragón Blanco de Ojos AzulesUltra Rare

2004-12-01DB1-SP138Dark Beginning 1Principio Oscuro 1Common

2012-09-27LCYW-SP305Legendary Collection 3: Yugi's World Mega PackColección Legendaria 3: El Mundo de Yugi Mega PackSecret Rare

2015-03-19PGL2-SP025Premium Gold: Return of the BlingDorada Premium 2Gold Rare

2015-11-12YGLD-SPA21Yugi's Legendary DecksBarajas Legendarias de YugiUltra Rare

2016-10-06LDK2-SPY06Legendary Decks IIBarajas Legendarias IICommon

2022-11-17BLCR-SP105Battles of Legend: Crystal RevengeBatallas de Leyenda: Venganza del CristalStarlight Rare

2023-04-20LOB-SP123Legend of Blue Eyes White Dragon (25th Anniversary Edition)Leyenda del Dragón Blanco de Ojos AzulesUltra Rare

2024-09-19MP24-SP00525th Anniversary Tin: Dueling MirrorsLata 25º Aniversario : Duelo EspejoQuarter Century Secret Rare

OCG sets


Release dateCard codeSetJapanese nameRarity

2000-08-10PG-64Phantom God幻の召喚神Secret Rare

2002-08-22DL2-088Duelist Legacy Volume.2DUELIST LEGACY Volume.2Rare

2004-02-05BP1-004Beginners PackBEGINNERS PACKSecret Rare

2004-06-24BE1-JP138Beginner's Edition 1BEGINNER'S EDITION 1Common

2011-05-14BE01-JP119Beginner's Edition 1 (2011)BEGINNER'S EDITION 1 [ 2011 ]Common

2014-03-0815AY-JPA21Memories of the Duel King: Duelist Kingdom Arc15周年記念商品 決闘王の記憶 -決闘者の王国編-Ultra Rare

2015-11-28MB01-JP006Millennium Box Gold Editionミレニアムボックス ゴールドエディションMillennium Rare

2022-09-10WPP3-JPS03World Premiere Pack 2022WORLD PREMIERE PACK 2022Prismatic Secret Rare

2023-11-25Terminal World (set)TERMINAL WORLDUltra Rare


Release dateCard codeSetRarity

Simplified Chinese

Release dateCard codeSetSimplified Chinese nameRarity

BB01-SC148Secret Treasures PackCommon

BB01-SC148Secret Treasures PackSecret Rare

BB01-SC148Secret Treasures PackQuarter Century Secret Rare


Release dateCard codeSetKorean nameRarity

2003-12-09LOB-K123Legend of Blue Eyes White Dragon푸른 눈의 백룡의 전설Ultra Rare

2006-04-11BP1-KR138Beginner's Edition 1비기너즈 팩 Vol.1Common

2008-09-10ESP1-KR058Expansion Pack Vol.1익스팬션 팩 Vol.1Common

2015-12-16MB01-KR006Millennium DeckMILLENNIUM DECKMillennium Rare

2018-03-0715AY-KRA21Memories of the Duel King: Duelist Kingdom Arc결투왕의 기억 - 듀얼리스트 킹덤 편 - 스페셜 세트Ultra Rare

2018-08-1415AY-KRA21Yugi's Uncut Card Sheet promotion유희왕 빈 봉투 팩 응모 이벤트Ultra Rare

2022-12-20WPP3-KRS03World Premiere Pack 2022WORLD (월드) PREMIERE (프리미어) PACK (팩) 2022Prismatic Secret Rare

2024-02-16Terminal World (set)TERMINAL (터미널) WORLD (월드) Ultra Rare

Video game sets
Card search categories
Other card information
External links
Video gameDate#NameCostAlignmentATKDEFStatus
Duel Monsters1998-12-16020Present
Duel Monsters II: Dark duel Stories1999-07-08020Present
Duel Monsters III: Tri-Holy God Advent / Dark Duel Stories2000-07-1302055Black Magic??????Present
Duel Monsters 4: Battle of Great Duelist2000-12-07020Present
Duel Monsters 7: The Duelcity Legend / The Sacred Cards2002-07-04020 66?????????Limited
The Eternal Duelist Soul2002-10-15Limited
Duel Monsters 8: Reshef of Destruction / Reshef of Destruction2003-03-2002066?????????Limited
Worldwide Edition: Stairway to the Destined Duel2003-04-15Unlimited
Nightmare Troubadour2005-07-21???Unlimited
GX Duel Academy2005-11-1300165000Limited
Ultimate Masters: World Championship Tournament 20062006-02-23???Unlimited
GX Tag Force2006-09-14???Unlimited
GX Spirit Caller2006-11-30???Unlimited
World Championship 20072007-03-15???Unlimited
GX Tag Force 22007-09-18???Limited