
List of Super Rare cards

Super Rares in Starter Decks[]

Note: In every Starter Deck that has been released (except the 2006 starter Deck) has so far included two Super Rares.

Super Rares in SDY[]

Super Rares in SDK[]

Super Rares in SDP[]

Super Rares in SDJ[]

Super Rares in SYE[]

Super Rares in SKE[]

Super Rares in Booster Packs[]

Super Rares from LOB to AST[]

Super Rares in LOB (Legend of Blue-Eyes White Dragon)[]

Super Rares in MRD (Metal Raiders)[]

Super Rares in MRL/SRL (Magic Ruler/Spell Ruler)[]

Super Rares in PSV (Pharaoh's Servant)[]

Super Rares in LON (Labyrinth of Nightmare)[]

Super Rares in LOD (Legacy of Darkness)[]

Super Rares in PGD (Pharaonic Guardian)[]

Super Rares in MFC (Magician's Force)[]

Super Rares in DCR (Dark Crisis)[]

Super Rares in IOC (Invasion of Chaos)[]

Super Rares in AST (Ancient Sanctuary)[]

Super Rares from Dark Beginning (Volumes 1 and 2)[]

Note: Super Rares in these 2 Sets have a limitation of 20 cards.

Super Rares in DB1 (Dark Beginning Volume 1)[]

Super Rares in DB2 (Dark Beginning Volume 2)[]

Super Rares in Dark Revelation (Volumes 1 and 2)[]

Note: Super Rares in DR1 and DR2 Sets have a limitation of 19 Cards.

Super Rares in DR1 (Dark Revelation Volume 1)[]

Super Rares in DR2 (Dark Revelation Volume 2)[]

Super Rares in Dark Revelation (Volumes 3 and 4)[]

Note: Super Rares in DR3 and DR04 have a limitation of 28 Cards.

Super Rares in DR3 (Dark Revelation Volume 3)[]

Super Rares in DR04 (Dark Revelation Volume 4)[]

Super Rares from SOD onwards[]

Note: From this point, the number of Super Rares in a Booster Pack became 7 instead of the previous 10.

Super Rares in SOD (Soul of the Duelist)[]

Super Rares in RDS (Rise of Destiny)[]

Super Rares in FET (Flaming Eternity)[]

Super Rares in TLM (The Lost Millennium)[]

Super Rares in CRV (Cybernetic Revolution)[]

Super Rares in EEN (Elemental Energy)[]

Super Rares in SOI (Shadow of Infinity)[]

Super Rares in EOJ (Enemy of Justice)[]

Super Rares in POTD (Power of the Duelist)[]

Super Rares in CDIP (Cyberdark Impact)[]

Super Rares in STON (Strike of Neos)[]

Super Rares in FOTB (Force of the Breaker)[]

Temporary Change from TAEV to LODT[]

Note: From this point, the number of Super Rares in a Booster Pack from TAEV to GLAS that have previously been 7 have now been changed to 9 and that the number of Super Rares from PTDN to LODT that have been previously 9 with TAEV to GLAS have now been changed to 11.

Super Rares in TAEV (Tactical Evolution)[]

Super Rares in GLAS (Gladiator's Assault)[]

Super Rares in PTDN (Phantom Darkness)[]

Super Rares in LODT (Light of Destruction)[]

Super Rares from TDGS onwards[]

Note: From this point, the number of Super Rares in a Booster Pack that have been previously 9 and 11 have now been changed to 14.

Super Rares in TDGS (The Duelist Genesis)[]

Super Rares in CSOC (Crossroads of Chaos)[]

Super Rares in CRMS (Crimson Crisis)[]

Super Rares in RGBT (Raging Battle)[]

Super Rares in ANPR (Ancient Prophecy)[]

Super Rares in SOVR (Stardust Overdrive)[]

Super Rares in ABPF (Absolute Powerforce)[]

Super Rares in TSHD (The Shining Darkness)[]

Super Rares in DREV (Duelist Revolution)[]

Super Rares in STBL (Starstrike Blast)[]

Super Rares in STOR (Storm of Ragnarok)[]

Super Rares in EXVC (Extreme Victory)[]

Super Rares in GENF (Generation Force)[]

Super Rares in PHSW (Photon Shockwave)[]

Super Rares in ORCS (Order of Chaos)[]

Super Rares in GAOV (Galactic Overlord)[]

Super Rares in REDU (Return of the Duelist)[]

Super Rares in ABYR (Abyss Rising)[]

Super Rares in CBLZ (Cosmo Blazer)[]

Super Rares in LTGY (Lord of the Tachyon Galaxy)[]

Super Rares in JOTL (Judgment of the Light)[]

Super Rares in SHSP (Shadow Specters)[]

Super Rares in LVAL (Legacy of the Valiant)[]

Super Rares in PRIO (Primal Origin)[]

Super Rares in DUEA (Duelist Alliance)[]

Super Rares in NECH (The New Challengers)[]

Super Rares in SECE (Secrets of Eternity)[]

Super Rares in CROS (Crossed Souls)[]

Super Rares in CORE (Clash of Rebellions)[]

Super Rares in DOCS (Dimension of Chaos)[]

Super Rares in BOSH (Breakers of Shadow)[]

Super Rares in SHIV (Shining Victories)[]

Super Rares in TDIL (The Dark Illusion)[]

Super Rares in INOV (Invasion Vengenance)[]

Super Rares in RATE (Raging Tempest)[]

Super Rares in MACR (Maximum Crisis)[]

Super Rares in COTD (Code of the Duelist)[]

Super Rares in CIBR (Circuit Break)[]

Super Rares in EXFO (Extreme Force)[]

Super Rares in FLOD (Flames of Destruction)[]

Super Rares in CYHO (Cybernetic Horizon)[]

Super Rares in SOFU (Soul Fusion)[]

Super Rares in SAST (Savage Strike)[]

Super Rares in DANE (Dark Neostorm)[]

Super Rares in RIRA (Rising Rampage)[]

Super Rares in CHIM (Chaos Impact)[]

Super Rares in IGAS (Ignition Assault)[]

Super Rares in ETCO (Eternity Code)[]

Super Rares in ROTD (Rise of the Duelist)[]

Super Rares in PHRA (Phantom Rage)[]

Super Rares in BLVO (Blazing Vortex)[]

Common (C)
Rare (R)
Secret Rare (ScR)
Parallel Rare (PR)
Gold Rare (GUR)
Millennium Rare (MLR)
Duel Terminal Parallel Rare
Yu-Gi-Oh! Rush Duel-specific
  • Rush Rare (RR)
  • Gold Rush Rare (GRR)
  • Over Rush Rare (ORR)
Yu-Gi-Oh! BAM-specific
