
Machine Duplication

  • ️Wed Dec 01 2004

The Arabic, Croatian and Greek names given are not official. (card names)

Machine Duplication
機 (き) 械 (かい) 複 (ふく) 製 (せい) 術 (じゅつ)
English Machine Duplication
Chinese 機械複製術
French Machine de Duplication
German Maschinenduplizierung
Italian Duplicazione di Macchine
Korean 기계 복제술
Portuguese Duplicação de Maquinas
Spanish Duplicación de Máquina
Japanese (kana) きかいふくせいじゅつ
Japanese (base) 機械複製術
Japanese (rōmaji) Kikai Fukusei Jutsu
Japanese (translated) Machine Duplication Technique
Card type Spell
Property Normal
Passcode 63995093
Card effect types
Card descriptions


Target 1 Machine monster you control with 500 or less ATK; Special Summon up to 2 monsters from your Deck with the same name as that face-up monster.


Ciblez 1 monstre Machine que vous contrôlez avec max. 500 ATK ; Invoquez Spécialement max. 2 monstres du même nom que le monstre face recto depuis votre Deck.


Wähle 1 Maschine-Monster mit 500 oder weniger ATK, das du kontrollierst; beschwöre bis zu 2 Monster mit demselben Namen wie das offene Monster als Spezialbeschwörung von deinem Deck.


Scegli come bersaglio 1 mostro Macchina che controlli con ATK 500 o inferiore; Evoca Specialmente dal tuo Deck fino a 2 mostri con lo stesso nome di quel mostro scoperto.


Escolha 1 monstro Máquina que você controla com 500 ou menos de ATK; Invoque por Invocação-Especial até 2 monstros do seu Deck com o mesmo nome que esse monstro com a face para cima.


Selecciona 1 monstruo Máquina que controles y que tenga 500 ATK o menos; Invoca de Modo Especial, desde tu Deck, hasta 2 monstruos con el mismo nombre que ese monstruo boca arriba.






①: 자신 필드의 공격력 500 이하인 기계족 몬스터 1장을 대상으로 하고 발동할 수 있다. 덱에서 그 앞면 표시 몬스터의 같은 이름의 몬스터를 2장까지 특수 소환한다.
TCG sets


Release dateCard codeSetRarity

2004-12-01RDS-EN041Rise of DestinyRare

2004-12-01RDS-EN041Rise of DestinyUltimate Rare

2006-11-25DR3-EN101Dark Revelation Volume 3Rare

2015-10-23AP08-EN023Astral Pack EightCommon

2020-11-12MAGO-EN140Maximum GoldRare

2023-01-19AMDE-EN054Amazing DefendersRare


Release dateCard codeSetFrench nameRarity

2004-11-01RDS-FR041Rise of DestinyAvènement du DestinRare

2004-11-01RDS-FR041Rise of DestinyAvènement du DestinUltimate Rare

2006-11-25DR3-FR101Dark Revelation Volume 3Sombre Révélation Volume 3Rare

2007-01-17SD10-FR029Structure Deck - Machine Re-VoltDeck de Structure: Ré-Volt des MachinesCommon

2010-02-18SDMM-FR026Machina Mayhem Structure DeckDévastation Méchabot Deck de StructureCommon

2012-09-27LCYW-FR145Legendary Collection 3: Yugi's World Mega PackCollection Légendaire 3: Le Monde de Yugi Méga PackSuper Rare

2015-10-23AP08-FR023Astral Pack EightPaquet Astral HuitCommon

2017-04-13SR03-FR029Machine Reactor Structure DeckLe Réacteur Des Machines Deck de StructureCommon

2018-08-17OP08-FR008OTS Tournament Pack 8OTS Pack de Tournoi 8Super Rare

2020-11-12MAGO-FR140Maximum GoldOr MaximumRare

2021-10-14SDCS-FR032Structure Deck: Cyber StrikeDeck de Structure : Assaut CyberCommon

2023-01-19AMDE-FR054Amazing DefendersIncroyables DéfenseursRare


Release dateCard codeSetGerman nameRarity

2004-12-01RDS-DE041Rise of DestinyRise of DestinyRare

2004-12-01RDS-DE041Rise of DestinyRise of DestinyUltimate Rare

2006-11-25DR3-DE101Dark Revelation Volume 3Dark Revelation Volume 3Rare

2007-01-17SD10-DE029Structure Deck - Machine Re-VoltStructure Deck: Machine Re-VoltCommon

2010-02-18SDMM-DE026Machina Mayhem Structure DeckMachina Mayhem Structure DeckCommon

2012-09-27LCYW-DE145Legendary Collection 3: Yugi's World Mega PackLegendary Collection 3: Mega PackSuper Rare

2015-10-23AP08-DE023Astral Pack EightAstral Pack HachtCommon

2017-04-13SR03-DE029Machine Reactor Structure DeckMachine Reactor Structure DeckCommon

2018-08-17OP08-DE008OTS Tournament Pack 8OTS Tournament Pack 8Super Rare

2020-11-12MAGO-DE140Maximum GoldGold Series: Maximum GoldRare

2021-10-14SDCS-DE032Structure Deck: Cyber StrikeStructure Deck: Cyber StrikeCommon

2023-01-19AMDE-DE054Amazing DefendersAmazing DefendersRare


Release dateCard codeSetItalian nameRarity

2004-12-01RDS-IT041Rise of DestinyAscesa del DestinoRare

2004-12-01RDS-IT041Rise of DestinyAscesa del DestinoUltimate Rare

2006-11-25DR3-IT101Dark Revelation Volume 3Rivelazione Oscura Volume 3Rare

2007-01-17SD10-IT029Structure Deck - Machine Re-VoltStructure Deck: Rivolta delle MacchineCommon

2010-02-18SDMM-IT026Machina Mayhem Structure DeckI Mek Devastatori Structure DeckCommon

2012-09-27LCYW-IT145Legendary Collection 3: Yugi's World Mega PackCollezione Leggendaria 3 Mega-PackSuper Rare

2015-10-23AP08-IT023Astral Pack EightAstral Pack OttoCommon

2017-04-13SR03-IT029Machine Reactor Structure DeckMacchine Respingitrici Structure DeckCommon

2018-08-17OP08-IT008OTS Tournament Pack 8OTS Buste da Torneo 8Super Rare

2020-11-12MAGO-IT140Maximum GoldOro MassimoRare

2021-10-14SDCS-IT032Structure Deck: Cyber StrikeStructure Deck: Cyber AttaccoCommon

2023-01-19AMDE-IT054Amazing DefendersIncredibili DifensoriRare


Release dateCard codeSetPortuguese nameRarity

2004-12-01RDS-PT041Rise of DestinyAscenção do DestinoRare

2004-12-01RDS-PT041Rise of DestinyAscenção do DestinoUltimate Rare

2015-10-23AP08-PT023Astral Pack EightPacote Astral OitoCommon

2017-04-13SR03-PT029Machine Reactor Structure DeckDeck Estrutural Reação das MáquinasCommon

2018-08-17OP08-PT008OTS Tournament Pack 8OTS Pacote de Torneio 8Super Rare

2020-11-12MAGO-PT140Maximum GoldOuro MáximoRare

2021-10-14SDCS-PT032Structure Deck: Cyber StrikeDeck Estrutural: Golpe CibernéticoCommon

2023-01-19AMDE-PT054Amazing DefendersDefensores IncríveisRare


Release dateCard codeSetSpanish nameRarity

2004-11-01RDS-SP041Rise of DestinyAuge del DestinoRare

2004-11-01RDS-SP041Rise of DestinyAuge del DestinoUltimate Rare

2006-11-25DR3-SP101Dark Revelation Volume 3Revelación Oscura Volumen 3Rare

2007-01-17SD10-SP029Structure Deck - Machine Re-VoltBaraja de Estructura: Revuelta de las MáquinasCommon

2010-02-18SDMM-SP026Machina Mayhem Structure DeckVorágine de la Maquinaria Baraja de EstructuraCommon

2012-09-27LCYW-SP145Legendary Collection 3: Yugi's World Mega PackColección Legendaria 3: El Mundo de Yugi Mega PackSuper Rare

2015-10-23AP08-SP023Astral Pack EightSobre Astral OchoCommon

2017-04-13SR03-SP029Machine Reactor Structure DeckReactor de las Máquinas Baraja De EstructuraCommon

2018-08-17OP08-SP008OTS Tournament Pack 8OTS Sobre Torneo 8Super Rare

2020-11-12MAGO-SP140Maximum GoldOro MáximoRare

2021-10-14SDCS-SP032Structure Deck: Cyber StrikeBaraja de Estructura: Ciber AtaqueCommon

2023-01-19AMDE-SP054Amazing DefendersDefensores IncreíblesRare

OCG sets


Release dateCard codeSetJapanese nameRarity

2004-08-05RDS-JP041Rise of DestinyRISE OF DESTINYRare

2005-12-08EE3-JP101Expert Edition Volume 3EXPERT EDITION Volume 3Rare

2006-09-14SD10-JP029Structure Deck - Machine Re-VoltSTRUCTURE DECK -機械の叛乱-Common

2016-09-24SR03-JP029Structure Deck R: Machine Dragon Re-VoltSTRUCTURE DECK R -機械竜叛乱-Normal Parallel Rare

2018-04-0118TP-JP202Tournament Pack 2018 Vol.2トーナメントパック 2018 Vol.2Super Rare

2021-05-15SD41-JP032Structure Deck: Cyber Style's Successorストラクチャーデッキ -サイバー流の後継-Common

2024-04-0124TP-JP208Tournament Pack 2024 Vol.2トーナメントパック 2024 Vol.2Normal Parallel Rare


Release dateCard codeSetRarity

Traditional Chinese

Release dateCard codeSetTraditional Chinese nameRarity


Release dateCard codeSetKorean nameRarity

2006-02-07RDS-KR041Rise of Destiny운명의 시작Rare

2006-02-07RDS-KR041Rise of Destiny운명의 시작Ultimate Rare

2008-07-05HGP3-KR101Expert Edition Volume 3하이 그레이드 팩 Vol.3Rare

2008-04-30SD10-KR029Structure Deck - Machine Re-VoltSTRUCTURE DECK (스트럭처 덱) - 기계의 반란 - 스페셜 에디션Common

2012-04-10ESP4-KR023Expansion Pack Vol.4익스팬션 팩 Vol.4Common

2017-02-21SR03-KR029Structure Deck R: Machine Dragon Re-VoltSTRUCTURE DECK (스트럭처 덱)  R - 기계룡반란 -Normal Parallel Rare

2021-08-10SD41-KR032Structure Deck: Cyber Style's Successor스트럭처 덱 -사이버류의 후계자-Common

Video game sets

Pack 34

Shop-Super Mechs

The Lost Guardian Deck
Card search categories
Other card information
External links
Video gameDate#NameCostAlignmentATKDEFStatus
Nightmare Troubadour2005-07-21???Unlimited
Ultimate Masters: World Championship Tournament 20062006-02-23???Unlimited
GX Tag Force2006-09-14???Unlimited

"Machine Duplication" pages