
Magic Ruler (Japanese)

Magic Ruler is a Japanese Booster Pack in the Yu-Gi-Oh! Official Card Game (OCG). It is the first Booster Pack in the OCG Series 2.

Its name comes from the high volume of Spell Cards, which are known as Magic Cards in the Japanese version and were previously known as Magic Cards in other languages.

Other languages also had a set named Magic Ruler, which was a combination of this set and the Japanese Pharaoh's Servant, but was later renamed to Spell Ruler.

This set has been reprinted in the Duelist Legacy Volume.1, which features the same cover cards "Relinquished" and "Spellbinding Circle".


This booster comes with cards which were video game-only at that time, including "High Tide Gyojin", "Whiptail Crow", "Dark Witch", "Axe of Despair", "Malevolent Nuzzler" and "Guardian of the Throne Room".

This is the first set to contain a Ritual Monster after Dark Ceremony Edition. Magic Ruler introduces Continuous Spell Cards and Quick-Play Spell Cards to the OCG.

Magic Ruler contains highly sought after Spell Cards, including "Snatch Steal", "The Forceful Sentry", "Mystical Space Typhoon" and "Giant Trunade".


Each pack contained 5 cards and each box contained 30 packs.

The set contained 50 cards, or 53 in the Master Set. This comprised of:






Magic Ruler

Card numberEnglish nameJapanese nameRarityCategory
MR-01"Penguin Knight"「ペンギン・ナイト」CommonEffect Monster
MR-02"Axe of Despair"「デーモンの斧」Super RareEquip Spell Card
MR-03"Black Pendant"「黒いペンダント」RareEquip Spell Card
MR-04"Horn of Light"「光の角」CommonEquip Spell Card
MR-05"Malevolent Nuzzler"「悪魔のくちづけ」CommonEquip Spell Card
MR-06"Spellbinding Circle"「六芒星の呪縛」Ultra Rare
Ultra Parallel Rare
Continuous Trap Card
MR-07"Metal Fish"「メタル・フィッシュ」CommonNormal Monster
MR-08"Electric Snake"「エレクトリック・スネーク」CommonEffect Monster
MR-09"Queen Bird"「クイーン・バード」CommonNormal Monster
MR-10"Ameba"「アメーバ」CommonEffect Monster
MR-11"Peacock"「クジャック」CommonNormal Monster
MR-12"Maha Vailo"「マハー・ヴァイロ」CommonEffect Monster
MR-13"Guardian of the Throne Room"「王室前のガーディアン」CommonNormal Monster
MR-14"Fire Kraken"「ファイヤー・クラーケン」CommonNormal Monster
MR-15"Minar"「イビー」CommonEffect Monster
MR-16"Griggle"「グリグル」CommonEffect Monster
MR-17"Tyhone #2"「レッド・ドラゴン」CommonNormal Monster
MR-18"Ancient One of the Deep Forest"「深き森の長老」CommonNormal Monster
MR-19"Dark Witch"「ヴァルキリー」CommonNormal Monster
MR-20"Weather Report"「ウェザー・レポート」CommonFlip monster
MR-21"Mechanical Snail"「メカニカルスネイル」CommonNormal Monster
MR-22"Giant Turtle Who Feeds on Flames"「炎を食らう大亀」CommonNormal Monster
MR-23"Liquid Beast"「リクイド・ビースト」CommonNormal Monster
MR-24"Hiro's Shadow Scout"「悪魔の偵察者」Super RareFlip monster
MR-25"High Tide Gyojin"「満ち潮のマーマン」CommonNormal Monster
MR-26"Invader of the Throne"「王座の侵略者」Super RareFlip monster
MR-27"Whiptail Crow"「ウィップテイル・ガーゴイル」CommonNormal Monster
MR-28"Slot Machine"「スロットマシーンAM-7」Ultra Rare
Ultra Parallel Rare
Normal Monster
MR-29"Relinquished"「サクリファイス」Ultra Rare
Ultra Parallel Rare
Effect Ritual Monster
MR-30"Red Archery Girl"「弓を引くマーメイド」CommonNormal Monster
MR-31"Gravekeeper's Servant"「墓守の使い魔」CommonContinuous Spell Card
MR-32"Curse of Fiend"「邪悪な儀式」CommonNormal Spell Card
MR-33"Upstart Goblin"「成金ゴブリン」CommonNormal Spell Card
MR-34"Toll"「通行税」RareContinuous Spell Card
MR-35"Final Destiny"「最終戦争」CommonNormal Spell Card
MR-36"Snatch Steal"「強奪」CommonEquip Spell Card
MR-37"Chorus of Sanctuary"「聖域の歌声」CommonField Spell Card
MR-38"Confiscation"「押収」RareNormal Spell Card
MR-39"Delinquent Duo"「いたずら好きな双子悪魔」CommonNormal Spell Card
MR-40"Darkness Approaches"「闇の訪れ」RareNormal Spell Card
MR-41"Fairy's Hand Mirror"「天使の手鏡」CommonNormal Trap Card
MR-42"Tailor of the Fickle"「移り気な仕立屋」CommonQuick-Play Spell Card
MR-43"Rush Recklessly"「突進」CommonQuick-Play Spell Card
MR-44"The Reliable Guardian"「頼もしき守護者」CommonQuick-Play Spell Card
MR-45"The Forceful Sentry"「強引な番兵」Super RareNormal Spell Card
MR-46"Chain Energy"「魔力の枷」CommonContinuous Spell Card
MR-47"Mystical Space Typhoon"「サイクロン」CommonQuick-Play Spell Card
MR-48"Giant Trunade"「ハリケーン」CommonNormal Spell Card
MR-49"Painful Choice"「苦渋の選択」CommonNormal Spell Card
MR-50"Snake Fang"「毒蛇の牙」CommonNormal Trap Card

External links[]


Series 1
Series 2
Series 3


25th Anniversary Edition


Series 4
Series 5
Series 6
Series 7
Series 8
Series 9
Series 10
Series 11
Series 12
Series 13

Series 2 sets (April 1, 2000 – March 21, 2002)

Booster Packs
Magic Ruler (April 20)
Pharaoh's Servant (July 13)
Curse of Anubis (September 28)
Thousand Eyes Bible (December 14)
Spell of Mask (April 19)
Labyrinth of Nightmare (July 21)
Struggle of Chaos (September 20)
Mythological Age (November 29)
Pharaonic Guardian (March 21)
Reprint sets
Legend of Blue Eyes White Dragon (May 18)
Booster R1 (June 23)
Phantom God (August 10)
Booster R2 (September 9)
Revival of Black Demons Dragon (October 26)
Booster R3 (November 23)
Metal Raiders (February 22)
Booster Chronicle (August 30)
Starter and
Structure Decks
EX-R Starter Box (November 23)
Structure Deck: Yugi (June 28)
Structure Deck: Joey (October 25)
Structure Deck: Kaiba (January 24)
Structure Deck: Pegasus (March 21)
Limited Edition 2 (April 1)
Premium Pack 3 (August 10)
Premium Pack 4 (January 18)
Limited Edition 3 (April 1)
Premium Pack 5 (December 22)
Video games
and guides
Duel Monsters III: Tri-Holy God Advent (July 13)
Duel Monsters III: Tri-Holy God Advent Game Guide 1 (July 13)
Duel Monsters III: Tri-Holy God Advent Game Guide 2 (August 10)
Duel Monsters 4: Battle of Great Duelist (December 7)
Yugi Deck
Kaiba Deck
Jonouchi Deck
Duel Monsters 4: Battle of Great Duelist Game Guide 1 (December 7)
Duel Monsters 4: Battle of Great Duelist Game Guide 2 (December 21)
Duel Monsters 5 Expert 1 (July 5)
Duel Monsters 5 Expert 1 Game Guide 1 (July 5)
Duel Monsters 5 Expert 1 Game Guide 2 (August 8)
True Duel Monsters 2: Succeeded Memories (September 6)
True Duel Monsters 2: Succeeded Memories Game Guide (September 6)
Duel Monsters 6: Expert 2 (December 20)
Duel Monsters 6: Expert 2 Game Guide 1 (December 20)
Duel Monsters 6: Expert 2 Game Guide 2 (January 28)
and books