
Maha Vailo

  • ️Wed Dec 01 2004

The Arabic, Chinese, Croatian, Greek and Thai names given are not official.

The Chinese lore given is not official.

Maha Vailo
English Maha Vailo
Chinese 摩訶毘盧
French Maha Vailo
German Maha Vailo
Italian Maha Vailo
Korean 마하바일로
Portuguese Maha Vailo
Spanish Maha Vailo
Japanese マハー・ヴァイロ
Japanese (rōmaji) Mahā Vairo
Japanese (translated) Maha Vairo
Card type Monster
Attribute LIGHT
Types Spellcaster / Effect
Level 4
ATK / DEF 1550 / 1400
Passcode 93013676
Card effect types
Card descriptions


This card gains 500 ATK for each Equip Card equipped to this card.


Cette carte gagne 500 ATK pour chaque Carte Équipement équipée à cette carte.


Diese Karte erhält 500 ATK für jede Ausrüstungskarte, mit der sie ausgerüstet ist.


Questa carta guadagna 500 ATK per ogni Carta Equipaggiamento equipaggiata a questa carta.


Este card ganha 500 de ATK para cada Card de Equipamento equipado a este card.


Esta carta gana 500 ATK por cada Carta de Equipo equipada a esta carta.






①: 이 카드의 공격력은, 이 카드에 장착된 장착 카드의 수 × 500 올린다.
In addition to the effects of Equip Card, the ATK of this monster is increased by 500 points for each card equipped to this monster.
A magician who is always dressed in an outfit of navy blue. He always sits cross-legged and meditates.
In addition to the effects of Equip Cards, the ATK of this monster is increased by 500 points for each card equipped to this monster.
TCG sets


Release Number Set Rarity
2004-12-01 SRL-EN012 Spell Ruler Super Rare
2004-10-12 DB1-EN009 Dark Beginning 1 Common
2013-06-28 BP02-EN006 Battle Pack 2: War of the Giants Common
2013-06-28 BP02-EN006 Battle Pack 2: War of the Giants Mosaic Rare

English—North America

North American English
Release Number Set Rarity
MRL-012 Magic Ruler Super Rare
2002-09-16 SRL-012 Spell Ruler Super Rare
2003-03-30 SDJ-016 Starter Deck: Joey Common
2008-11-21 DLG1-EN054 Dark Legends Common
2011-05-29 DT05-EN007 Duel Terminal 5a Duel Terminal Normal Parallel Rare
2015-05-29 YS15-ENF09 Saber Force Starter Deck Common


European English
Release Number Set Rarity
MRL-E012 Spell Ruler Super Rare
2008-07-08 RP01-EN053 Retro Pack Common
2015-05-28 YS15-ENY07 2-Player Starter Deck Yuya & Declan Common


Release Number SetFrench name Rarity
2002-09-16 MDM-F012 Spell Ruler Maître des Magies Super Rare
2003-03-30 DDJ-F016 Starter Deck: Joey Deck de Démarrage: Joey Common
2008-07-08 RP01-FR053 Retro Pack Retro Pack Common
2013-06-27 BP02-FR006 Battle Pack 2: War of the Giants Battle Pack 2: La Guerre des Géants Common
2013-06-27 BP02-FR006 Battle Pack 2: War of the Giants Battle Pack 2: La Guerre des Géants Mosaic Rare
2015-05-28 YS15-FRY07 2-Player Starter Deck Yuya & Declan Deck de Démarrage pour 2 Joueurs Yuya & Declan Common


Release Number SetGerman name Rarity
2002-09-16 SRL-G012 Spell Ruler Spell Ruler Super Rare
2003-03-30 SDJ-G016 Starter Deck: Joey Starter Deck: Joey Wheeler Common
2004-12-17 DB1-DE009 Dark Beginning 1 Dark Beginning 1 Rare
2008-07-08 RP01-DE053 Retro Pack Retro Pack Common
2013-06-27 BP02-DE006 Battle Pack 2: War of the Giants Battle Pack 2: War of the Giants Common
2013-06-27 BP02-DE006 Battle Pack 2: War of the Giants Battle Pack 2: War of the Giants Mosaic Rare
2015-05-28 YS15-DEY07 2-Player Starter Deck Yuya & Declan 2-Player Starter Deck Yuya & Declan Common


Release Number SetItalian name Rarity
2002-10-21 SDM-I012 Spell Ruler Sovrano della Magia Super Rare
2003-03-30 MIJ-I016 Starter Deck: Joey Mazzo Introduttivo: Joey Common
2008-07-08 RP01-IT053 Retro Pack Retro Pack Common
2013-06-27 BP02-IT006 Battle Pack 2: War of the Giants Battle Pack 2: Guerra dei Giganti Common
2013-06-27 BP02-IT006 Battle Pack 2: War of the Giants Battle Pack 2: Guerra dei Giganti Mosaic Rare
2015-05-28 YS15-ITY07 2-Player Starter Deck Yuya & Declan Starter Deck per 2 Giocatori Yuya & Declan Common


Release Number SetPortuguese name Rarity
DIJ-P016 Starter Deck: Joey Deck Inicial do Joey Common
2013-06-28 BP02-PT006 Battle Pack 2: War of the Giants Pacote de Batalha 2: Guerra dos Gigantes Common
2013-06-28 BP02-PT006 Battle Pack 2: War of the Giants Pacote de Batalha 2: Guerra dos Gigantes Mosaic Rare
2015-05-29 YS15-PTY07 2-Player Starter Deck Yuya & Declan Deck Inicial para 2-Duelistas Yuya & Declan Common


Release Number SetSpanish name Rarity
2002-09-16 SDH-S012 Spell Ruler Señor de Hechizos Super Rare
2003-03-30 BIJ-S016 Starter Deck: Joey Baraja de Inicio: Joey Common
2004-12-01 DB1-SP009 Dark Beginning 1 Principio Oscuro 1 Rare
2013-06-27 BP02-SP006 Battle Pack 2: War of the Giants Battle Pack 2: Guerra de los Gigantes Common
2013-06-27 BP02-SP006 Battle Pack 2: War of the Giants Battle Pack 2: Guerra de los Gigantes Mosaic Rare
2015-05-28 YS15-SPY07 2-Player Starter Deck Yuya & Declan Baraja de Principiante para 2 Jugadores Yuya & Declan Common
OCG sets


Release Number SetJapanese name Rarity
2000-04-20 MR-12 Magic Ruler (Japanese) - 魔法の支配者 - Common
2002-06-20 DL1-009 Duelist Legacy Volume.1 DUELIST LEGACY Volume.1 Rare
2002-11-01 PC1-001 World Ranking Promos: Series 1 Common
2002-11-01 PC1-001 World Ranking Promos: Series 1 Normal Parallel Rare
2004-06-24 BE1-JP009 Beginner's Edition 1 BEGINNER'S EDITION 1 Common
2010-04-27 DT09-JP007 Duel Terminal "Vylon Descends!!" デュエルターミナル 「ヴァイロン降臨!!」 Duel Terminal Normal Parallel Rare
2011-05-14 BE01-JP008 Beginner's Edition 1 (2011) BEGINNER'S EDITION 1 [ 2011 ] Common
2014-04-19 DC01-JP006 Deck Custom Pack 01 デッキカスタムパック 01 Common
2014-04-19 DC01-JP006 Deck Custom Pack 01 デッキカスタムパック 01 Normal Parallel Rare
2015-03-21 VS15-JPS09 Duelist Entry Deck VS デュエリストエントリーデッキVS Common


Release Number Set Rarity
MRL-012 Magic Ruler Super Rare


Release Number SetKorean name Rarity
2004-05-07 SRL-K012 Spell Ruler 마법의 지배자 Rare
2004-08-16 SDJ-KR016 Starter Deck: Joey STARTER DECK (스타터 덱) - 조이 편 - Common
2006-04-11 BP1-KR009 Beginner's Edition 1 비기너즈 팩 Vol.1 Rare
2015-07-11 VS15-KRS09 Duelist Entry Deck VS: Saber Force 듀얼리스트 엔트리 덱 VS 세이버 포스 Common
Video game sets
Card search categories
Other card information
External links
Video gameDate#NameCostAlignmentATKDEFStatus
Duel Monsters II: Dark duel Stories1999-07-08493Present
Duel Monsters III: Tri-Holy God Advent / Dark Duel Stories2000-07-13493????????????Present
Duel Monsters 4: Battle of Great Duelist2000-12-07493Present
Duel Monsters 7: The Duelcity Legend / The Sacred Cards2002-07-04493 195?????????Unlimited
The Eternal Duelist Soul2002-10-15Unlimited
Nightmare Troubadour2005-07-21???Unlimited
GX Duel Academy2005-11-1302181000Unlimited
Ultimate Masters: World Championship Tournament 20062006-02-23???Unlimited
5D's Tag Force 42009-09-17Present