
Only twice per turn

This Property entry details every card with an effect(s) with a predetermined number of activations per turn. The restriction is applied to the card(s) of the same name instead of individual copies. Therefore, these cards are written as "The effect of '[...]' can only be activated up to twice per turn" or "You can use this effect of '[...]' up to twice per turn" instead of "Up to twice per turn,". For cases of "Up to twice per turn", see Limited activations.

See also: Only once per turn, Only thrice per turn

All OCG/TCG "Only twice per turn" cards[]

 Japanese namePrimary typeSecondary typeAttributeTypeLevel/ RankATKDEF
Click & Echoクリック&エコーEffect MonsterWATERSea Serpent23002100
Constellar Kausセイクリッド・カウストEffect MonsterLIGHTBeast-Warrior41800700
Gate Guardian of Water and Thunder水雷魔神-ゲート・ガーディアンEffect Monster
Fusion Monster
Gate Guardian of Wind and Water風水魔神-ゲート・ガーディアンEffect Monster
Fusion Monster
Gorgonic Ghoulゴルゴニック・グールEffect MonsterDARKRock1100100
Great Poseidon Beetleポセイドン・オオカブトEffect MonsterEARTHInsect725002300
Lancea, Ancestral Dragon of the Ice Mountain氷霊山の龍祖 ランセアEffect Monster
Synchro Monster
Majespecter Draco - Ryuマジェスペクター・ドラコEffect Monster
Xyz Monster
Pendulum Monster
Majesty Hyperionマジェスティ・ヒュペリオンEffect MonsterDARKFairy821002700
Marincess Sea Star海晶乙女シースターEffect MonsterWATERCyberse2800400
Mystic Macrocarpa Seed幻妖種ミトラEffect MonsterTuner monsterEARTHPlant35001000
Neo Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon真青眼の究極竜Effect Monster
Fusion Monster
Number 80: Rhapsody in BerserkNo.80 狂装覇王ラプソディ・イン・バーサークEffect Monster
Xyz Monster
Photon Pirateフォトン・パイレーツEffect MonsterLIGHTMachine310001000
Windwitch - Diamond BellWW-ダイヤモンド・ベルEffect Monster
Synchro Monster
Yuki-Onna, the Absolute Zero Mayakashi零氷の魔妖-雪女Effect Monster
Link Monster
 Japanese nameCard typeProperty
Abyss Script - Abysstainment魔界台本「魔界の宴咜女」Spell Card
Continuous Spell Card
Continuous Spell Card
Dragonoid Generatorドラゴノイド・ジェネレーターSpell Card
Continuous Spell Card
Continuous Spell Card
Mimighoul CharmSpell Card
Continuous Spell Card
Continuous Spell Card
P.U.N.K. JAM Extreme SessionP.U.N.K.JAMエクストリーム・セッションSpell Card
Field Spell Card
Field Spell Card

All Anime "Only twice per turn" cards[]

 Japanese nameCard typeProperty
Dragonoid Generatorドラゴノイド・ジェネレーターSpell CardContinuous Spell Card
Gouki Dark Mask剛鬼ザ・ダークマスクSpell CardEquip Spell Card

All Manga "Only twice per turn" cards[]