
Player (YDT1)

The player character in Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Duel Transer is the character controlled by the person playing the game. They choose the name and gender of the character, control their actions and contents of their Deck.


The player received a invitation from Surtr to the Duel of Legends Cup, on the island Ragnarok.

This biography is currently incomplete.


The player has a choice of six appearances for each gender. If one were to enter the KONAMI Code (substituting "B" and "A" for the Wii Remote's "2" and "1" respectively) in the selection screen, however, one more appearance per gender is unlocked, both with their own Starter Deck. [1] All of these can be replicated in Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's World Championship 2010: Reverse of Arcadia, though some clothes have slight color differences that are unaffected by the color slider.

If the player chooses a female character, they are often erroneously referred to as "he".

Gender Name Clothing Hair Face Picture
Male Rider Leather top and bottom WC11 hair 4
Player Male 1 (YDT1)
Prince Stuffed collar uniform WC11 hair 1
Player Male 2 (YDT1)
Average Joe Rough style WC11 hair 2
Player Male 3 (YDT1)
Friendly Teen Denim jacket Marcel's hair
Player Male 4 (YDT1)
Gruff King King replica model
Player Male 5 (YDT1)
Tough Guy Wild style WC11 hair 3
Player Male 6 (YDT1)
Dark Magician (requires KONAMI Code) Dark Magician (costume)
Player Male 7 (YDT1)
Female Casual Teen One-piece WC11 hair 8
Player Female 1 (YDT1)
School Student Sailor uniform WC11 hair 2
Player Female 2 (YDT1)
Tough Girl Rough style WC11 hair 1
Player Female 3 (YDT1)
Idol Witch's dress Alice's hair
Player Female 4 (YDT1)
Secretary Career suit
Player Female 5 (YDT1)
Rider Leather top and bottom WC11 hair 3
Player Female 6 (YDT1)
Dark Magician Girl (requires KONAMI Code) Dark Magician Girl (costume)
Player Female 7 (YDT1)
Player Female 4 (YDT1 JP)

Much like its original wielder, "Idol's" clothes were edited for international versions to be less suggestive.


Depending on the gender of the player, they get a different starting Deck.

  • Player
  • Akiza
  • Andre
  • Armstrong
  • Blister
  • Blitz
  • Bolt
  • Breo
  • Bruno
  • Carly
  • Crow
  • Devack
  • Elsworth
  • Greiger
  • Hunter
  • Jack
  • Jakob
  • Jean
  • Kalin
  • Lawton
  • Lazar
  • Leo
  • Lester
  • Luna
  • MC
  • Mina
  • Misty
  • Nervin
  • Primo
  • Rally
  • Randsborg
  • Rathie
  • Rex
  • Roman
  • Sherry
  • Tank
  • Tenzen
  • Trudge
  • Yusei
Game original