
Pre-Preparation of Rites

  • ️Thu May 05 2016
Pre-Preparation of Rites
儀 (ぎ) 式 (しき) の下 (した) 準 (じゅん) 備 (び)
English Pre-Preparation of Rites
French Pré-Préparation des Rites
German Vor-Vorbereitung der Riten
Italian Pre-Preparazione dei Riti
Korean 의식의 밑준비
Portuguese Pré-preparação de Ritos
Spanish Pre-Preparación de Rituales
Japanese (kana) ぎしきのしたじゅんび
Japanese (base) 儀式の下準備
Japanese (rōmaji) Gishki no Shitajunbi
Card type Spell
Property Normal
Passcode 13048472
Card effect types
Card descriptions


Add 1 Ritual Spell from your Deck to your hand, and add 1 Ritual Monster from your Deck or GY to your hand whose name is mentioned on that Ritual Spell. You can only activate 1 "Pre-Preparation of Rites" per turn.


Ajoutez 1 Magie Rituelle depuis votre Deck à votre main, et ajoutez 1 Monstre Rituel dont le nom est mentionné sur la Magie Rituelle depuis votre Deck ou Cimetière à votre main. Vous ne pouvez activer qu'1 "Pré-Préparation des Rites" par tour.


Füge deiner Hand 1 Ritualzauber von deinem Deck hinzu und füge deiner Hand 1 Ritualmonster, dessen Name auf jenem Ritualzauber erwähnt wird, von deinem Deck oder Friedhof hinzu. Du kannst nur 1 „Vor-Vorbereitung der Riten“ pro Spielzug aktivieren.


Aggiungi 1 Magia Rituale dal tuo Deck alla tua mano, e aggiungi dal tuo Deck o Cimitero alla tua mano 1 Mostro Rituale il cui nome è menzionato su quella Magia Rituale. Puoi attivare solo 1 "Pre-Preparazione dei Riti" per turno.


Adicione 1 Magia de Ritual do seu Deck à sua mão e adicione 1 Monstro de Ritual do seu Deck ou Cemitério à sua mão cujo nome seja mencionado nessa Magia de Ritual. Você só pode ativar 1 "Pré-preparação de Ritos" por turno.


Añade a tu mano 1 Mágica de Ritual en tu Deck, y añade a tu mano 1 Monstruo de Ritual en tu Deck o Cementerio cuyo nombre sea mencionado en esa Mágica de Ritual. Sólo puedes activar 1 "Pre-Preparación de Rituales" por turno.




이 카드명의 카드는 1턴에 1장밖에 발동할 수 없다. ①: 덱에서 의식 마법 카드 1장을 고르고, 추가로 그 의식 마법 카드에 카드명이 쓰여진 의식 몬스터 1장을 자신의 덱 / 묘지에서 고른다. 그 카드 2장을 패에 넣는다.
TCG sets


Release dateCard codeSetRarity

2016-05-05SHVI-EN065Shining VictoriesSuper Rare

2023-06-01WISU-EN056Wild SurvivorsRare


Release dateCard codeSetFrench nameRarity

2016-05-05SHVI-FR065Shining VictoriesLes Victoires ScintillantesSuper Rare

2017-08-24MP17-FR0342017 Mega-Tin Mega Pack2017 Méga-Boîte Méga-PackSuper Rare

2018-06-28BLRR-FR090Battles of Legend: Relentless RevengeBatailles de Légende : Vengeance ImpitoyableUltra Rare

2023-06-01WISU-FR056Wild SurvivorsLes Survivants SauvagesRare


Release dateCard codeSetGerman nameRarity

2016-05-05SHVI-DE065Shining VictoriesShining VictoriesSuper Rare

2017-08-24MP17-DE0342017 Mega-Tin Mega Pack2017 Mega-Tin Mega PackSuper Rare

2018-06-28BLRR-DE090Battles of Legend: Relentless RevengeBattles of Legend: Relentless RevengeUltra Rare

2023-06-01WISU-DE056Wild SurvivorsWild SurvivorsRare


Release dateCard codeSetItalian nameRarity

2016-05-05SHVI-IT065Shining VictoriesVittorie BrillantiSuper Rare

2017-08-24MP17-IT0342017 Mega-Tin Mega Pack2017 Mega-Tin Mega PackSuper Rare

2018-06-28BLRR-IT090Battles of Legend: Relentless RevengeBattaglie della Leggenda: Vendetta ImplacabileUltra Rare

2023-06-01WISU-IT056Wild SurvivorsSopravvissuti SelvaggiRare


Release dateCard codeSetPortuguese nameRarity

2016-05-06SHVI-PT065Shining VictoriesConquistas BrilhantesSuper Rare

2017-08-24MP17-PT0342017 Mega-Tin Mega PackMega-Pacote da Mega-Latas 2017Super Rare

2018-06-28BLRR-PT090Battles of Legend: Relentless RevengeBatalha das Lendas: Vingança ImplacávelUltra Rare

2023-06-01WISU-PT056Wild SurvivorsSobreviventes SelvagensRare


Release dateCard codeSetSpanish nameRarity

2016-05-05SHVI-SP065Shining VictoriesVictorias BrillantesSuper Rare

2017-08-24MP17-SP0342017 Mega-Tin Mega Pack2017 Mega-Lata Mega PackSuper Rare

2018-06-28BLRR-SP090Battles of Legend: Relentless RevengeBatallas de Leyenda: Venganza ImplacableUltra Rare

2023-06-01WISU-SP056Wild SurvivorsSupervivientes SalvajesRare

OCG sets


Release dateCard codeSetJapanese nameRarity

2016-01-09SHVI-JP065Shining Victoriesシャイニング・ビクトリーズRare

2018-03-2418SP-JP110Special Pack 20th Anniversary Edition Vol.1SPECIAL PACK 20th ANNIVERSARY EDITION Vol.1Common

2018-03-2418SP-JP110Special Pack 20th Anniversary Edition Vol.1SPECIAL PACK 20th ANNIVERSARY EDITION Vol.1Super Rare

2022-04-0122TP-JP202Tournament Pack 2022 Vol.2トーナメントパック 2022 Vol.2Super Rare


Release dateCard codeSetKorean nameRarity

2016-05-17SHVI-KR065Shining Victories샤이닝 빅토리즈Rare

2019-02-02AE13-KR010Advanced Event Pack 2019 Vol.1어드밴스드 이벤트 팩 2019 Vol.1Super Rare

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"Pre-Preparation of Rites" pages