
Relay Soul

  • ️Fri Apr 25 2014

The Arabic, Croatian and Greek names given are not official. (card names)

Relay Soul
魂 (たましい) のリレー
English Relay Soul
French Relais d'Âme
German Seelenwechsel
Italian Passaggio d'Anima
Korean 영혼의 릴레이
Portuguese Permutar Alma
Spanish Relevo de Alma
Japanese (kana) たましいのリレー
Japanese (base) 魂のリレー
Japanese (rōmaji) Tamashī no Rirē
Card type Trap
Property Normal
Passcode 42776960
Card effect types
Card descriptions


Special Summon 1 monster from your hand. While it is face-up on your field, you take no damage. When it leaves the field, your opponent wins the Duel.


Invoquez Spécialement 1 monstre depuis votre main. Tant qu'il est face recto sur votre Terrain, vous ne recevez aucun dommage. Lorsqu'il quitte le Terrain, votre adversaire gagne le Duel.


Beschwöre 1 Monster als Spezialbeschwörung von deiner Hand. Solange es offen auf deiner Spielfeldseite liegt, erhältst du keinen Schaden. Wenn es das Spielfeld verlässt, gewinnt dein Gegner das Duell.


Evoca Specialmente 1 mostro dalla tua mano. Mentre esso è scoperto sul tuo Terreno, non subisci nessun danno. Quando esso lascia il Terreno, il tuo avversario vince il Duello.


Invoque por Invocação-Especial 1 monstro da sua mão. Enquanto ele estiver com a face para cima no seu campo, você não sofre dano. Quando ele deixar o campo, seu oponente vence o Duelo.


Invoca 1 monstruo de Modo Especial desde tu mano. Mientras éste esté boca arriba en tu Campo, no recibes daño. Cuando éste deja el Campo, tu adversario gana el Duelo.




①: 패에서 몬스터 1장을 특수 소환한다. 이 효과로 특수 소환한 몬스터가 자신 필드에 앞면 표시로 존재하는 한, 자신이 받는 모든 데미지는 0 이 된다. 그 몬스터가 필드에서 벗어났을 때에 상대는 듀얼에서 승리한다.
TCG sets


Release dateCard codeSetRarity

2014-04-25DRLG-EN008Dragons of LegendSuper Rare


Release dateCard codeSetFrench nameRarity

2014-04-24DRLG-FR008Dragons of LegendLes Dragons de LégendeSuper Rare

2016-08-18DRL3-FR048Dragons of Legend: UnleashedLe Déchaînement des Dragons de LégendeUltra Rare

2020-09-10DLCS-FR010Dragons of Legend: The Complete SeriesLes Dragons de Légende : la Série ComplèteCommon


Release dateCard codeSetGerman nameRarity

2014-04-24DRLG-DE008Dragons of LegendDragons of LegendSuper Rare

2016-08-18DRL3-DE048Dragons of Legend: UnleashedDragons of Legend: UnleashedUltra Rare

2020-09-10DLCS-DE010Dragons of Legend: The Complete SeriesDragons of Legend: The Complete SeriesCommon


Release dateCard codeSetItalian nameRarity

2014-04-24DRLG-IT008Dragons of LegendDraghi della LeggendaSuper Rare

2016-08-18DRL3-IT048Dragons of Legend: UnleashedDraghi della Leggenda ScatenatiUltra Rare

2020-09-10DLCS-IT010Dragons of Legend: The Complete SeriesDraghi della Leggenda: la Serie CompletaCommon


Release dateCard codeSetPortuguese nameRarity

2014-04-25DRLG-PT008Dragons of LegendDragões das LendasSuper Rare

2016-08-18DRL3-PT048Dragons of Legend: UnleashedDragões das Lendas ReveladosUltra Rare

2020-09-10DLCS-PT010Dragons of Legend: The Complete SeriesDragões das Lendas: a Serie CompletaCommon


Release dateCard codeSetSpanish nameRarity

2014-04-24DRLG-SP008Dragons of LegendDragones de LeyendaSuper Rare

2016-08-18DRL3-SP048Dragons of Legend: UnleashedDragones de Leyenda DesatadosUltra Rare

2020-09-10DLCS-SP010Dragons of Legend: The Complete SeriesDragones de Leyenda: las Series CompletasCommon

OCG sets


Release dateCard codeSetJapanese nameRarity


Release dateCard codeSetJapanese-Asian nameRarity


Release dateCard codeSetKorean nameRarity

Card search categories
Other card information
External links

"Relay Soul" pages
