
Rise of the Snake Deity

  • ️Wed Aug 15 2007

The Arabic, Croatian and Greek names given are not official.

Rise of the Snake Deity
蛇 (じゃ) 神 (しん) 降 (こう) 臨 (りん)
English Rise of the Snake Deity
French Avènement du Dieu Serpent
German Aufstieg der Schlangengottheit
Italian Ascesa della Divinità dei Serpenti
Korean 사신강림
Portuguese Ascenção da Divindade Serpente
Spanish Ascenso del Dios Serpiente
Japanese (kana) じゃしんこうりん
Japanese (base) 蛇神降臨
Japanese (rōmaji) Jashin Kōrin
Japanese (translated) Advent of the Snake Deity
Card type Trap
Property Normal
Passcode 16067089
Card effect types
Card descriptions


Lorsque "Vénominon, Roi des Serpents Venimeux" face recto que vous contrôlez est détruit, sauf au combat : Invoquez Spécialement 1 "Vénominaga, Déesse des Serpents Venimeux" depuis votre main ou Deck.


Wenn ein offener „Vennominon der König der giftigen Schlangen“, den du kontrollierst, zerstört wird, außer durch Kampf: Beschwöre 1 „Vennominaga die Gottheit der giftigen Schlangen“ als Spezialbeschwörung von deiner Hand oder deinem Deck.


Quando un "Vennominon, il Re dei Serpenti Velenosi" scoperto che controlli viene distrutto, eccetto che in battaglia: Evoca Specialmente 1 "Vennominaga, la Divinità dei Serpenti Velenosi" dalla tua mano o Deck.


Quando um "Vennominon, o Rei das Serpentes Venenosas" com a face para cima que você controla for destruído, exceto em batalha: Invoque por Invocação-Especial 1 "Vennominaga, a Divindade das Serpentes Venenosas" da sua mão ou do Deck.


Cuando un "Vennominon, Rey de las Serpientes Venenosas" boca arriba que controles es destruido, excepto en batalla: Invoca de Modo Especial, desde tu mano o Deck, 1 "Vennominaga, Dios de las Serpientes Venenosas".




자신 필드 위에 앞면 표시로 존재하는 "독사왕 베노미논"이 파괴되었을 때 발동할 수 있다. 자신의 패 또는 덱에서 "독사신 베노미너거" 1장을 특수 소환한다.
TCG sets


Release dateCard codeSetRarity

2007-08-15TAEV-EN069Tactical EvolutionCommon

2012-02-17RYMP-EN083Ra Yellow Mega PackCommon

2021-05-06ANGU-EN059Ancient GuardiansRare


Release dateCard codeSetFrench nameRarity

2007-08-04TAEV-FR069Tactical EvolutionÉvolution TactiqueCommon

2012-02-16RYMP-FR083Ra Yellow Mega PackMega-Pack Jaune RaCommon

2021-05-06ANGU-FR059Ancient GuardiansLes Anciens GardiensRare


Release dateCard codeSetGerman nameRarity

2007-08-15TAEV-DE069Tactical EvolutionTactical EvolutionCommon

2011-10-20LCGX-DE219Legendary Collection 2: The Duel Academy Years Mega PackLegendary Collection 2: Mega-PackCommon

2012-02-16RYMP-DE083Ra Yellow Mega PackRa Yellow Mega PackCommon

2021-05-06ANGU-DE059Ancient GuardiansAncient GuardiansRare


Release dateCard codeSetItalian nameRarity

2007-08-15TAEV-IT069Tactical EvolutionEvoluzione TatticaCommon

2011-10-20LCGX-IT219Legendary Collection 2: The Duel Academy Years Mega PackCollezione Leggendaria 2: Mega-PackCommon

2012-02-16RYMP-IT083Ra Yellow Mega PackMega Pack Ra GialloCommon

2021-05-06ANGU-IT059Ancient GuardiansAntichi GuardianiRare


Release dateCard codeSetPortuguese nameRarity

2021-05-06ANGU-PT059Ancient GuardiansGuardiões AntigosRare


Release dateCard codeSetSpanish nameRarity

2007-08-15TAEV-SP069Tactical EvolutionEvolución TácticaCommon

2012-02-16RYMP-SP083Ra Yellow Mega PackMega Pack Ra AmarilloCommon

2021-05-06ANGU-SP059Ancient GuardiansGuardianes AntiguosRare

OCG sets


Release dateCard codeSetJapanese nameRarity

2007-05-12TAEV-JP069Tactical EvolutionTACTICAL EVOLUTIONCommon

2012-05-12DE02-JP028Duelist Edition Volume 2デュエリストエディション Volume 2Common


Release dateCard codeSetKorean nameRarity

2007-06-08TAEV-KR069Tactical Evolution전술의 발전Common

Video game sets
Card search categories
Other card information
External links
Video gameDate#NameCostAlignmentATKDEFStatus

"Rise of the Snake Deity" pages
