Selection Box Vol. 02
Selection Box Vol. 02 is an original pack in the video game Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links. It was only available during a limited period between Jan 12, 2019 and Jan 24, 2019 and can no longer be purchased in-game. The majority of the cards in the set are reprints of those in other sets, though a handful of new cards are also included.
Each box of Selection Box Vol. 02 contains 60 packs. Each pack contains 12 different cards, which will always consist of 7 Normal (aka Common) cards, 4 Rare cards, and 1 Super Rare or Ultra Rare card. There is a guaranteed number of copies of each individual card per box, depending on its rarity:
"Angel of Zera" This monster already has a high ATK, but will gain additional ATK for each of your opponent's banished cards. In addition, even if this card is banished, it will Special Summon itself on the next Standby Phase.
"Eccentric Boy" A Tuner monster that allows you to use a monster in your hand as a Synchro Material. This means that uf you have a Level 5 monster in your hand, you'll be able to Synchro Summon a Level 8 Synchro Monster immediately. However, the Synchro Summoned monster will have its effect negated, so be sure to Synchro Summon a monster with high ATK/DEF.
"The Tricky" A monster that can be Special Summoned from your hand by discarding 1 card. It can be used for a plethora of combos, such as using it as a tribute, or discarding a card that activates in the Graveyard.
"Drowning Mirror Force" A Trap Card that can be activated when your opponent declares a direct attack. All of your opponent's monsters in attack position will be sent back to your opponent's Deck. Use it to turn the tides of battle!