
Shadow of Eyes

  • ️Sun Oct 20 2002

The Arabic, Chinese, Croatian, Greek and Thai names given are not official. (card names)

The Chinese lore given is not official.

Shadow of Eyes
誘 (ゆう) 惑 (わく) のシャドウ
English Shadow of Eyes
Chinese 誘惑之影
French L’Ombre des Yeux
German Augenschatten
Italian Ombra degli Occhi
Korean 유혹의 새도우
Portuguese Sombra dos Olhos
Spanish Sombra de Ojos
Japanese (kana) ゆうわくのシャドウ
Japanese (base) 誘惑のシャドウ
Japanese (rōmaji) Yūwaku no Shadō
Japanese (translated) Shadow of Seduction
Other names The Alluring Shadow
Card type Trap
Property Normal
Passcode 58621589
Card effect types
Card descriptions


When a monster(s) is Set on your opponent's field: Target 1 of those Set monsters; change that Set monster to face-up Attack Position. (Flip Effects are not activated.)


Lorsqu'un ou plusieurs monstres sont Posés sur le Terrain de votre adversaire : ciblez 1 de ces monstres Posés ; changez le monstre Posé en Position d'Attaque face recto. (Les Effets Flip ne sont pas activés.)


Wenn ein oder mehr Monster auf die Spielfeldseite deines Gegners gesetzt werden: Wähle 1 der gesetzten Monster; ändere das gesetzte Monster in die offene Angriffsposition. (Flippeffekte werden nicht aktiviert.)


Quando uno o più mostri vengono Posizionati sul Terreno del tuo avversario: scegli come bersaglio 1 di quei mostri Posizionati; metti scoperto in Posizione di Attacco quel mostro Posizionato. (Gli Effetti Scoperta non si attivano.)


Quando um ou mais monstros forem Baixados no campo do seu oponente: escolha 1 desses monstros Baixados; coloque esse monstro Baixado com a face para cima em Posição de Ataque. (Efeitos de Virar não são ativados.)


Cuando uno o más monstruos son Colocados en el Campo de tu adversario: selecciona 1 de esos monstruos Colocados; cambia ese monstruo Colocado a Posición de Ataque boca arriba. (Los Efectos de Volteo no se activan).






상대 몬스터가 수비 표시로 세트되었을 때, 발동 가능. 그 몬스터를 앞면 공격 표시로 한다(이때, 리버스 효과 몬스터의 효과는 발동하지 않는다).
TCG sets


Release dateCard codeSetRarity

2002-10-20PSV-EN075Pharaoh's ServantCommon

2004-10-12DB1-EN189Dark Beginning 1Common

English—North America


Release dateCard codeSetRarity


Release dateCard codeSetFrench nameRarity

2002-10-20SDP-F075Pharaoh's ServantServiteur du PharaonCommon

2013-10-10LCJW-FR109Legendary Collection 4: Joey's World Mega PackCollection Légendaire 4: Le Monde de Joey Méga PackCommon

2019-01-24SS02-FRC17Speed Duel Starter Decks: Duelists of TomorrowDecks de Démarrage Speed Duel : Les Duellistes de DemainCommon


Release dateCard codeSetGerman nameRarity

2002-10-20PSV-G075Pharaoh's ServantPharaoh's ServantCommon

2004-12-17DB1-DE189Dark Beginning 1Dark Beginning 1Common

2013-10-10LCJW-DE109Legendary Collection 4: Joey's World Mega PackLegendary Collection 4: Mega PackCommon

2019-01-24SS02-DEC17Speed Duel Starter Decks: Duelists of TomorrowSpeed Duel Starter Decks: Duelists of TomorrowCommon


Release dateCard codeSetItalian nameRarity

2002-10-20SDF-I075Pharaoh's ServantServitore del FaraoneCommon

2013-10-10LCJW-IT109Legendary Collection 4: Joey's World Mega PackCollezione Leggendaria 4: Mega-PackCommon

2019-01-24SS02-ITC17Speed Duel Starter Decks: Duelists of TomorrowStarter Deck Speed Duel: Duellanti di DomaniCommon


Release dateCard codeSetPortuguese nameRarity

2013-10-11LCJW-PT109Legendary Collection 4: Joey's World Mega PackMega Pacote da Coleção Lendária 4: O Mundo de JoeyCommon

2019-01-24SS02-PTC17Speed Duel Starter Decks: Duelists of TomorrowDecks Iniciais Speed Duel: Duelistas do AmanhãCommon


Release dateCard codeSetSpanish nameRarity

2004-12-01DB1-SP189Dark Beginning 1Principio Oscuro 1Common

2013-10-10LCJW-SP109Legendary Collection 4: Joey's World Mega PackColección Legendaria 4: El Mundo de Joey Mega PackCommon

2019-01-24SS02-SPC17Speed Duel Starter Decks: Duelists of TomorrowBarajas de Principiante Speed Duel: Duelistas del MañanaCommon

OCG sets


Release dateCard codeSetJapanese nameRarity

2000-12-14TB-25Thousand Eyes Bible- 千眼の魔術書 -Rare

2002-12-12DL3-022Duelist Legacy Volume.3DUELIST LEGACY Volume.3Common

2004-06-24BE1-JP189Beginner's Edition 1BEGINNER'S EDITION 1Common

2008-06-24DT02-JP047Duel Terminal - Invasion of Worms!!DUEL TERMINAL「ワームの侵攻!!」Duel Terminal Normal Parallel Rare

2011-05-14BE01-JP162Beginner's Edition 1 (2011)BEGINNER'S EDITION 1 [ 2011 ]Common


Release dateCard codeSetKorean nameRarity

2004-06-19PSV-K075Pharaoh's Servant파라오의 사도Common

2006-04-11BP1-KR189Beginner's Edition 1비기너즈 팩 Vol.1Common

Video game sets
Card search categories
Other card information
External links
Video gameDate#NameCostAlignmentATKDEFStatus
Nightmare Troubadour2005-07-21???Unlimited
Ultimate Masters: World Championship Tournament 20062006-02-23???Unlimited
GX Tag Force2006-09-14???Unlimited

"Harpie" 「ハーピィ」
