
Solemn Warning

  • ️Tue Aug 17 2010

The Arabic, Azerbaijani, Chinese, Croatian, Greek, Thai and Turkish names given are not official.

Solemn Warning
神 (かみ) の警 (けい) 告 (こく)
English Solemn Warning
Chinese 神之警告
French Avertissement Divin
German Ernste Warnung
Italian Avvertimento Solenne
Korean 신의 경고
Portuguese Aviso Solene
Spanish Advertencia Solemne
Japanese (kana) かみのけいこく
Japanese (base) 神の警告
Japanese (rōmaji) Kami no Keikoku
Japanese (translated) God's Warning
Card type Trap
Property Counter
Passcode 84749824
Card effect types
Card descriptions


When a monster(s) would be Summoned, OR when a Spell/Trap Card, or monster effect, is activated that includes an effect that Special Summons a monster(s): Pay 2000 LP; negate the Summon or activation, and if you do, destroy it.


Lorsqu'un ou plusieurs monstres vont être Invoqués, OU lorsqu'une Carte Magie/Piège ou un effet de monstre qui inclut un effet qui Invoque Spécialement un ou plusieurs monstres est activé : payez 2000 LP ; annulez l'Invocation ou l'activation, et si vous le faites, détruisez-les.


Wenn ein oder mehr Monster beschworen würden ODER wenn eine Zauber-/Fallenkarte oder ein Monstereffekt aktiviert wird, die oder der einen Effekt enthält, der ein oder mehr Monster als Spezialbeschwörung beschwört: Zahle 2000 LP; annulliere die Beschwörung oder Aktivierung und falls du dies tust, zerstöre sie oder es.


Quando uno o più mostri stanno per essere Evocati OPPURE quando viene attivata una Carta Magia/Trappola, o l'effetto di un mostro, che include un effetto che Evoca Specialmente uno o più mostri: paga 2000 LP; annulla l'Evocazione oppure l'attivazione e, se lo fai, distruggila.


Quando um ou mais monstros seriam Invocados, OU quando um Card de Magia/Armadilha, ou efeito de monstro, for ativado que inclua um efeito que Invoque um ou mais monstros por Invocação-Especial: pague 2000 PV; negue a Invocação ou ativação e, se isso acontecer, destrua-o.


Cuando uno o más monstruos fueran a ser Invocados, O cuando es activada una Carta Mágica/de Trampa o efecto de monstruo, que incluya un efecto que Invoque de Modo Especial uno o más monstruos: paga 2000 LP; niega la Invocación o activación y, si lo haces, destrúyela.


①:2000LP (ライフポイント) を払って以下の効果を発動できる。


①: 2000 LP를 지불하고 이하의 효과를 발동할 수 있다.
● 몬스터를 특수 소환하는 효과를 포함하는, 몬스터의 효과 / 마법 / 함정 카드가 발동했을 때에 발동할 수 있다. 그 발동을 무효로 하고 파괴한다.
● 자신 또는 상대가 몬스터를 일반 소환 / 반전 소환 / 특수 소환할 시기에 발동할 수 있다. 그것을 무효로 하고, 그 몬스터를 파괴한다.
TCG sets


Release dateCard codeSetFrench nameRarity

2010-08-12DREV-FR077Duelist RevolutionRévolution des DuellistesUltra Rare

2010-08-12DREV-FR077Duelist RevolutionRévolution des DuellistesUltimate Rare

2011-10-27CT08-FR015Collectible Tins 2011 Wave 2Boîtes à Collectionner 2011 Vague 2Super Rare

2012-09-27LCYW-FR301Legendary Collection 3: Yugi's World Mega PackCollection Légendaire 3: Le Monde de Yugi Méga PackCommon

2014-06-27DL18-FR019Duelist League 18 participation cardsLigue du Duelliste 18Rare

2014-11-20NKRT-FR035Noble Knights of the Round Table Box SetTable Ronde du Chevalier Noble CoffretPlatinum Rare

2015-03-19PGL2-FR068Premium Gold: Return of the BlingGold Premium 2Gold Rare

2015-08-27SDSE-FR039Synchron Extreme Structure DeckSynchronique Extreme Deck de StructureCommon

2017-03-30DUSA-FR085Duelist SagaLa Saga des DuellistesUltra Rare

2018-01-18SR05-FR037Structure Deck: Wave of LightDeck de Structure : Onde de LumiereCommon

2020-10-22SDCH-FR036Structure Deck: Spirit CharmersDeck de Estructure : les Charmeuses SpirituellesCommon


Release dateCard codeSetGerman nameRarity

2010-08-12DREV-DE077Duelist RevolutionDuelist RevolutionUltra Rare

2010-08-12DREV-DE077Duelist RevolutionDuelist RevolutionUltimate Rare

2011-10-27CT08-DE015Collectible Tins 2011 Wave 2Sammel-Tins 2011 Wave 2Super Rare

2012-09-27LCYW-DE301Legendary Collection 3: Yugi's World Mega PackLegendary Collection 3: Mega PackCommon

2014-06-27DL18-DE019Duelist League 18 participation cardsDuelist League-Serie 18Rare

2014-11-20NKRT-DE035Noble Knights of the Round Table Box SetNoble Knights of the Round Table Box SetPlatinum Rare

2015-03-19PGL2-DE068Premium Gold: Return of the BlingPremium Gold 2Gold Rare

2015-08-27SDSE-DE039Synchron Extreme Structure DeckSynchron Extreme Structure DeckCommon

2017-03-30DUSA-DE085Duelist SagaDuelist SagaUltra Rare

2018-01-18SR05-DE037Structure Deck: Wave of LightStructure Deck: Wave of LightCommon

2020-10-22SDCH-DE036Structure Deck: Spirit CharmersStructure Deck: Spirit CharmersCommon


Release dateCard codeSetItalian nameRarity

2010-08-12DREV-IT077Duelist RevolutionLa Rivoluzione del DuellanteUltra Rare

2010-08-12DREV-IT077Duelist RevolutionLa Rivoluzione del DuellanteUltimate Rare

2011-10-27CT08-IT015Collectible Tins 2011 Wave 2Tin da Collezione 2011 Emissione 2Super Rare

2012-09-27LCYW-IT301Legendary Collection 3: Yugi's World Mega PackCollezione Leggendaria 3 Mega-PackCommon

2014-06-27DL18-IT019Duelist League 18 participation cardsSerie Duelist League 18Rare

2014-11-20NKRT-IT035Noble Knights of the Round Table Box SetNobili Cavalieri della Tavola Rotonda Box SetPlatinum Rare

2015-03-19PGL2-IT068Premium Gold: Return of the BlingPremium Oro 2Gold Rare

2015-08-27SDSE-IT039Synchron Extreme Structure DeckSynchron Estremi Structure DeckCommon

2017-03-30DUSA-IT085Duelist SagaSaga dei DuellantiUltra Rare

2018-01-18SR05-IT037Structure Deck: Wave of LightStructure Deck: Ondata de LuceCommon

2020-10-22SDCH-IT036Structure Deck: Spirit CharmersStructure Deck: Ammaliatrici di SpiritiCommon


Release dateCard codeSetPortuguese nameRarity

2014-06-27DL18-PT019Duelist League 18 participation cardsLiga dos Duelistas 18Rare

2014-11-21NKRT-PT035Noble Knights of the Round Table Box SetColeção Nobre Cavaleiros da Tavola RedondaPlatinum Rare

2015-03-20PGL2-PT068Premium Gold: Return of the BlingPremière Ouro 2: Um Mar de OuroGold Rare

2015-08-28SDSE-PT039Synchron Extreme Structure DeckSincron Extremo Deck EstruturalCommon

2017-05-26DUSA-PT085Duelist SagaSaga dos DuelistasUltra Rare

2018-01-18SR05-PT037Structure Deck: Wave of LightDeck Estrutural: Onda de LuzCommon

2020-10-22SDCH-PT036Structure Deck: Spirit CharmersDeck Estrutural: Encantadoras EspirituaisCommon


Release dateCard codeSetSpanish nameRarity

2010-08-12DREV-SP077Duelist RevolutionLa Revolución de los DuelistasUltra Rare

2010-08-12DREV-SP077Duelist RevolutionLa Revolución de los DuelistasUltimate Rare

2011-10-27CT08-SP015Collectible Tins 2011 Wave 2Latas Coleccionables 2011 Lanzamiento 2Super Rare

2012-09-27LCYW-SP301Legendary Collection 3: Yugi's World Mega PackColección Legendaria 3: El Mundo de Yugi Mega PackCommon

2014-06-27DL18-SP019Duelist League 18 participation cardsDuelist League 18Rare

2014-11-20NKRT-SP035Noble Knights of the Round Table Box SetColección Noble Caballero de la Mesa RedondaPlatinum Rare

2015-03-19PGL2-SP068Premium Gold: Return of the BlingDorada Premium 2Gold Rare

2015-08-27SDSE-SP039Synchron Extreme Structure DeckSincrón Extremo Baraja de EstructuraCommon

2017-03-30DUSA-SP085Duelist SagaLa Saga del DuelistaUltra Rare

2018-01-18SR05-SP037Structure Deck: Wave of LightBaraja de Estructura: Onda de LuzCommon

2020-10-22SDCH-SP036Structure Deck: Spirit CharmersBaraja de Estructura: Encantadoras de EspíritusCommon

OCG sets


Release dateCard codeSetJapanese nameRarity

2010-04-17DREV-JP077Duelist RevolutionDUELIST REVOLUTIONCommon

2013-01-12GS05-JP020Gold Series 2013GOLD SERIES 2013Common

2013-01-12GS05-JP020Gold Series 2013GOLD SERIES 2013Gold Rare

2013-01-12GS05-JP020Gold Series 2013GOLD SERIES 2013Gold Secret Rare

2017-02-1120AP-JP07920th Anniversary Pack 2nd Wave20th ANNIVERSARY PACK 2nd WAVESuper Parallel Rare

2020-07-04SD39-JP040Structure Deck: Masters of the Spiritual Artsストラクチャーデッキ -精霊術の使い手-Common


Release dateCard codeSetKorean nameRarity

2010-07-17DREV-KR077Duelist Revolution듀얼리스트의 혁명Common

2011-04-10EV11-KR003National Championship 2011 (Korean)National Championship 2011Secret Rare

2013-04-02GS05-KR020Gold Series 2013골드 시리즈 2013Common

2013-04-02GS05-KR020Gold Series 2013골드 시리즈 2013Gold Rare

2013-04-02GS05-KR020Gold Series 2013골드 시리즈 2013Gold Secret Rare

2017-05-1120AP-KR07920th Anniversary Pack 2nd WaveCHRONICLE (크로니클) PACK (팩) 2nd WAVESuper Parallel Rare

2020-10-16SD39-KR040Structure Deck: Masters of the Spiritual Arts스트럭처 덱 - 정령술의 마스터 -Common

Card search categories
Other card information
External links

"Solemn Warning" pages