
Spell Shield Type-8

  • ️Sat Mar 19 2005

The Arabic, Chinese, Croatian, Greek and Thai names given are not official. (card names)

The Chinese lore given is not official.

Spell Shield Type-8
八 (はち) 式 (しき) 対 (たい) 魔 (ま) 法 (ほう) 多 (た) 重 (じゅう) 結 (けっ) 界 (かい)
English Spell Shield Type-8
Chinese 八式對魔法多重結界
French Sort de Bouclier Type 8
German Zauberschild Typ 8
Italian Scudo Magico Tipo-8
Korean 8식대 마법다중결계
Portuguese Escudo Mágico Tipo-8
Spanish Escudo de Hechizos Tipo 8
Japanese (kana) はちしきたいまほうたじゅうけっかい
Japanese (base) 八式対魔法多重結界
Japanese (rōmaji) Hachishiki Tai Mahō Tajū Kekkai
Japanese (translated) Multi-Layered Anti-Spell Shield Type-8
Card type Trap
Property Counter
Passcode 38275183
Card effect types
Card descriptions


Activate 1 of these effects.
● When a Spell Card is activated that targets exactly 1 monster on the field: Negate the activation, and if you do, destroy it.
● When a Spell Card is activated: Send 1 Spell Card from your hand to the Graveyard; negate the activation, and if you do, destroy it.


Sélectionnez et activez 1 des effets suivants : ● Annulez l'activation et l'effet d'une Carte Magie qui désigne 1 monstre sur le Terrain et détruisez cette Carte Magie. ● Envoyez 1 Carte Magie de votre main au Cimetière pour annuler l'activation et l'effet d'une Carte Magie et la détruire.


Aktiviere 1 dieser Effekte.
● Wenn eine Zauberkarte aktiviert wird, die genau 1 Monster auf dem Spielfeld als Ziel wählt: Annulliere die Aktivierung und falls du dies tust, zerstöre sie.
● Wenn eine Zauberkarte aktiviert wird: Lege 1 Zauberkarte von deiner Hand auf den Friedhof; annulliere die Aktivierung und falls du dies tust, zerstöre sie.


Seleziona ed attiva uno dei seguenti effetti:
● Annulla l'attivazione e l'effetto di una Carta Magia che bersaglia un Mostro sul Terreno e distruggi quella carta.
● Manda 1 Carta Magia dalla tua mano al Cimitero per annullare l'attivazione e l'effetto di una Carta Magia e distruggila.


Selecione e ative 1 dos seguintes efeitos:
● Negue a ativação de um Spell Card que designe como alvo 1 monstro no campo e destrua aquela carta.
● Envie 1 Spell Card da sua mão ao Cemitério para negar a ativação de um Spell Card e destrua aquela carta.


Activa 1 de estos efectos.
● Cuando es activada una Carta Mágica que selecciona exactamente a 1 monstruo en el Campo: niega la activación y, si lo haces, destruye la carta.
● Cuando es activada una Carta Mágica: manda al Cementerio, desde tu mano, 1 Carta Mágica; niega la activación y, si lo haces, destruye la carta.






다음 효과 중 1개를 선택해 발동한다.
● 필드 위의 몬스터 1장을 대상으로 한 마법의 발동과 효과를 무효로 하여 그 카드를 파괴한다
● 패에서 마법 카드 1장을 묘지로 보내는 일로 마법의 발동과 효과를 무효로 하여 그 카드를 파괴한다
TCG sets

English—North America

North American English
Release Number Set Rarity
2003-10-10 MFC-043 Magician's Force Super Rare


Release Number SetFrench name Rarity
2005-03-19 DR1-FR098 Dark Revelation Volume 1 Sombre Révélation 1 Super Rare
SD3-FR030 Structure Deck: Blaze of Destruction Common
SD4-FR031 Structure Deck: Fury from the Deep Common
SD6-FR033 Structure Deck: Spellcaster's Judgment Common
2008-04-09 GLD1-FR045 Gold Series Collection Gold Common
2012-05-24 BP01-FR097 Battle Pack: Epic Dawn Battle Pack: L’Aube Épique Common
2012-05-24 BP01-FR097 Battle Pack: Epic Dawn Battle Pack: L’Aube Épique Starfoil Rare


Release Number SetPortuguese name Rarity
2005-03-01 DR1-PT098 Dark Revelation Volume 1 Revelação Negra Volume 1 Super Rare
SD3-PT030 Structure Deck: Blaze of Destruction Common
SD4-PT031 Structure Deck: Fury from the Deep Common


Release Number SetSpanish name Rarity
2005-03-19 DR1-SP098 Dark Revelation Volume 1 Revelación Oscura Volumen 1 Super Rare
SD3-SP030 Structure Deck: Blaze of Destruction Common
SD4-SP031 Structure Deck: Fury from the Deep Common
2008-04-09 GLD1-SP045 Gold Series Serie Dorada Common
2012-05-24 BP01-SP097 Battle Pack: Epic Dawn Battle Pack: Amanecer Épico Common
2012-05-24 BP01-SP097 Battle Pack: Epic Dawn Battle Pack: Amanecer Épico Starfoil Rare
OCG sets


Release Number SetJapanese name Rarity
2002-07-18 302-043 Advent of Union ユニオンの降臨 Super Rare
2004-09-23 EE1-JP098 Expert Edition Volume 1 EXPERT EDITION Volume.1 Super Rare
SD3-JP030 Structure Deck: Blaze of Destruction Common
SD4-JP031 Structure Deck: Fury from the Deep Common
SD6-JP033 Structure Deck: Spellcaster's Judgment Common


Release Number Set Rarity
2004-01-19 MFC-043 Magician's Force Super Rare
Video game sets
Card search categories
Other card information
External links
Video gameDate#NameCostAlignmentATKDEFStatus
Nightmare Troubadour2005-07-21???Unlimited
Ultimate Masters: World Championship Tournament 20062006-02-23???Unlimited
GX Tag Force2006-09-14???Unlimited

"Spell Shield Type-8" pages