
The Dragon Dwelling in the Deep

  • ️Fri Feb 12 2010

The Croatian and Greek names given are not official.

The Dragon Dwelling in the Deep
海 (かい) 底 (てい) に潜 (ひそ) む深 (しん) 海 (かい) 竜 (りゅう)
English The Dragon Dwelling in the Deep
French Dragon des Profondeurs
German Der in der Tiefe hausende Drache
Italian Il Drago che Dimora negli Abissi
Korean 해저에 숨은 심해룡
Spanish El Dragón que Vive en lo Profundo
Japanese (kana) かいていにひそむしんかいりゅう
Japanese (base) 海底に潜む深海竜
Japanese (rōmaji) Kaitei ni Hisomu Shinkairyū
Japanese (translated) Seabed-Lurking Deep-Sea Dragon
Card type Monster
Attribute WATER
Types Sea Serpent / Effect
Level 4
ATK / DEF 1700 / 1400
Passcode 04404099
Card effect types
Card descriptions


Place 1 Ocean Counter on this card during each player's Standby Phases. When this card is removed from the field, all Fish-Type and Sea Serpent-Type monsters you control gain 200 ATK for each Ocean Counter on this card, until the End Phase.


Placez 1 Compteur Océan sur cette carte durant la Standby Phase de chaque joueur. Lorsque cette carte est retirée du Terrain, tous les monstres de Type Poisson et Serpent de Mer que vous contrôlez gagnent 200 points d'ATK pour chaque Compteur Océan sur cette carte, jusqu'à la End Phase.


Lege während der Standby Phase jedes Spielers 1 Ozean-Zählmarke auf diese Karte. Wenn diese Karte vom Spielfeld entfernt wird, erhalten alle Monster vom Typ Fisch und Seeschlange, die du kontrollierst, bis zur End Phase 200 ATK für jede Ozean-Zählmarke auf dieser Karte.


Metti 1 Segnalino Oceano su questa carta durante la Standby Phase di ogni giocatore. Quando questa carta viene rimossa dal Terreno, tutti i mostri di Tipo Pesce e Serpente Marino che controlli guadagnano 200 ATK per ogni Segnalino Oceano su questa carta, fino alla End Phase.


Durante a Standby Phase de cada jogador, coloque 1 Ocean Counter nesta carta. Quando esta carta é removida do campo, todos os monstros Fish-Type e Sea Serpent-Type que você controla ganham 200 de ATK para cada Ocean Counter nesta carta, até a End Phase.


Pon 1 Contador de Océano en esta carta durante la Standby Phase de cada jugador. Cuando esta carta es retirada del Campo, todos los monstruos de Tipo Pez y Serpiente Marina que controles ganan 200 ATK por cada Contador de Océano en esta carta, hasta la End Phase.




서로의 스텐바이 페이즈마다 이 카드에 오션 카운터를 1개 놓는다. 이 카드가 필드 위에서 벗어났을 때, 이 카드에 얹혀 있는 오션 카운터 1개당, 자신 필드 위에 존재하는 어류족 / 해룡족 몬스터의 공격력은 엔드 페이즈시까지 200포인트 올린다.
TCG sets


Release Number Set Rarity
2010-02-12 ABPF-EN086 Absolute Powerforce Super Rare


Release Number SetFrench name Rarity
2010-02-11 ABPF-FR086 Absolute Powerforce Puissance Absolue Super Rare


Release Number SetGerman name Rarity
2010-02-11 ABPF-DE086 Absolute Powerforce Absolute Powerforce Super Rare


Release Number SetItalian name Rarity
2010-02-11 ABPF-IT086 Absolute Powerforce Potere Assoluto Super Rare


Release Number SetSpanish name Rarity
2010-02-11 ABPF-SP086 Absolute Powerforce Fuerza Absoluta Super Rare
OCG sets


Release Number SetJapanese name Rarity
2010-09-18 EXP3-JP037 Extra Pack Volume 3 EXTRA PACK Volume 3 Common


Release Number SetKorean name Rarity
2010-11-18 EXP3-KR037 Extra Pack Volume 3 엑스트라 팩 Volume 3 Common
Card search categories
Other card information
External links

"The Dragon Dwelling in the Deep" pages