
The Transmigration Prophecy

  • ️Wed Feb 28 2007

The Arabic, Chinese, Croatian and Greek names given are not official. (card names)

The Transmigration Prophecy
転 (てん) 生 (せい) の予 (よ) 言 (げん)
English The Transmigration Prophecy
Chinese 转生的预言
French La Prophétie de la Transmigration
German Die Auswanderungsprophezeiung
Italian La Profezia della Trasmigrazione
Korean 전생의 예언
Portuguese A Profecia da Transmigração
Spanish La Profecía de la Transmigración
Japanese (kana) てんせいのよげん
Japanese (base) 転生の予言
Japanese (rōmaji) Tensei no Yogen
Card type Trap
Property Normal
Passcode 46652477
Card effect types
Card descriptions


Target 2 cards in the Graveyard(s); shuffle those targets into the Deck(s).


Ciblez 2 cartes dans le(s) Cimetière(s) ; mélangez les cibles dans le Deck de leur propriétaire.


Wähle 2 Karten in den Friedhöfen; mische die gewählten Ziele in die Decks.


Scegli come bersaglio 2 carte in uno o più Cimiteri; mischia quei bersagli nei rispettivi Deck.


Escolha 2 cards em quaisquer CemitérioS; embaralhe os alvos no(s) Deck(s).


Selecciona 2 cartas en cualquier Cementerio o ambos; baraja esos objetivos de vuelta en los Decks respectivos.




①: 서로 묘지의 카드를 합계 2장 대상으로 하고 발동할 수 있다. 그 카드를 주인의 덱으로 되돌린다.
TCG sets


Release Number Set Rarity
2007-02-28 STON-EN054 Strike of Neos Rare
2007-02-28 STON-EN054 Strike of Neos Ultimate Rare
2011-10-13 SDGU-EN037 Gates of the Underworld Structure Deck Common
2019-02-14 SDSB-EN035 Structure Deck: Soulburner Common


Release Number SetFrench name Rarity
2007-02-24 STON-FR054 Strike of Neos L'Attaque de Néos Rare
2007-02-24 STON-FR054 Strike of Neos L'Attaque de Néos Ultimate Rare
2011-10-13 SDGU-FR037 Gates of the Underworld Structure Deck Portail du Monde Ténébreux Deck de Structure Common
2019-02-14 SDSB-FR035 Structure Deck: Soulburner Deck de Structure : Soulburner Common


Release Number SetGerman name Rarity
2007-02-28 STON-DE054 Strike of Neos Strike of Neos Rare
2007-02-28 STON-DE054 Strike of Neos Strike of Neos Ultimate Rare
2011-10-13 SDGU-DE037 Gates of the Underworld Structure Deck Gates of the Underworld Structure Deck Common
2019-02-14 SDSB-DE035 Structure Deck: Soulburner Structure Deck: Soulburner Common


Release Number SetItalian name Rarity
2007-02-28 STON-IT054 Strike of Neos Attacco di Neos Rare
2007-02-28 STON-IT054 Strike of Neos Attacco di Neos Ultimate Rare
2011-10-13 SDGU-IT037 Gates of the Underworld Structure Deck Cancelli del Sottosuolo Structure Deck Common
2019-02-14 SDSB-IT035 Structure Deck: Soulburner Structure Deck: Soulburner Common


Release Number SetPortuguese name Rarity
2019-02-14 SDSB-PT035 Structure Deck: Soulburner Deck Estrutural: Queima-Almas Common


Release Number SetSpanish name Rarity
2007-02-28 STON-SP054 Strike of Neos Golpe de Neos Rare
2007-02-28 STON-SP054 Strike of Neos Golpe de Neos Ultimate Rare
2011-10-13 SDGU-SP037 Gates of the Underworld Structure Deck Puertas del Inframundo Baraja de Estructura Common
2019-02-14 SDSB-SP035 Structure Deck: Soulburner Baraja de Estructura: Soulburner Common
OCG sets


Release Number SetJapanese name Rarity
2006-11-16 STON-JP054 Strike of Neos STRIKE OF NEOS Rare
SD21-JP036 Structure Deck: Devil's Gate Common
2012-05-12 DE01-JP108 Duelist Edition Volume 1 デュエリストエディション Volume 1 Rare
2012-11-23 DS13-JPL38 Duelist Set: Version Lightning Star デュエリストセット Ver.ライトニングスター Common
2018-12-08 SD35-JP035 Structure Deck: Soulburner STRUCTURE DECK -ソウルバーナー- Common


Release Number SetKorean name Rarity
2008-01-22 STON-KR054 Strike of Neos 네오스의 공격 Rare
SD21-KR036 Structure Deck: Devil's Gate Common
2013-06-14 DS13-KRL38 Duelist Set: Version Lightning Star 듀얼리스트 세트 (Ver.라이트닝스타) Common
2014-03-26 PC02-KR033 Precious Pack Volume 2 프레셔스 팩 Volume 2 Super Rare
2019-03-19 SD35-KR035 Structure Deck: Soulburner STRUCTURE (스트럭처) DECK (덱) 소울버너 Common
Video game sets
Card search categories
Other card information
External links
Video gameDate#NameCostAlignmentATKDEFStatus
GX Tag Force 22007-09-18???Limited

"The Transmigration Prophecy" pages