
Tribute to The Doomed

  • ️Mon Mar 01 2004

The Arabic, Croatian, Greek and Polish names given are not official.

Tribute to The Doomed
死 (し) 者 (しゃ) への手 (た) 向 (む) け
English Tribute to The Doomed
Chinese 給死者的奠儀
French Hommage aux Damnés
German Ehrung der Verdammten
Italian Tributo al Dannato
Korean 죽은 자에게 흔드는 손
Portuguese Tributo aos Condenados
Spanish Sacrificio a los Condenados
Japanese (kana) ししゃへのたむけ
Japanese (base) 死者への手向け
Japanese (rōmaji) Shisha-e no Tamuke
Japanese (translated) Tribute to the Dead
Other names Tribute to the Doomed
Card type Spell
Property Normal
Passcode 79759861
Card effect types
Card descriptions


Discard 1 card, then target 1 monster on the field; destroy it.


Défaussez 1 carte, puis ciblez 1 monstre sur le Terrain ; détruisez-le.


Wirf 1 Karte ab und wähle dann 1 Monster auf dem Spielfeld; zerstöre es.


Scarta 1 carta, poi scegli come bersaglio 1 mostro sul Terreno; distruggilo.


Descarte 1 card e, depois, escolha 1 monstro no campo; destrua-o.


Descarta 1 carta, y después selecciona 1 monstruo en el Campo; destrúyelo.






자신의 패를 1장 버린다. 필드 위의 몬스터를 1장 선택하여, 그 몬스터를 파괴한다.
Discard 1 card from your hand. Select 1 monster on the field and destroy it.
TCG sets


English—North America

Release dateCard codeSetRarity


Release dateCard codeSetRarity

2003-07-23MRD-E057Metal RaidersSuper Rare


Release dateCard codeSetFrench nameRarity

2002-06-27MRD-F057Metal RaidersMétal RaidersSuper Rare

2006-03-23YSD-FR026Starter Deck 2006Deck de Démarrage 2006Common

2009-06-105DS2-FR024Starter Deck: Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's 2009Deck de Démarrage: Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's 2009Common

2012-05-24BP01-FR066Battle Pack: Epic DawnBattle Pack: L’Aube ÉpiqueCommon

2012-05-24BP01-FR066Battle Pack: Epic DawnBattle Pack: L’Aube ÉpiqueStarfoil Rare

2013-12-05YSKR-FR030Starter Deck Kaiba ReloadedDeck de Démarrage - Kaiba RevientCommon

2014-01-17WGRT-FR065War of the Giants ReinforcementsLa Guerre des Géants RecommenceSuper Rare

2020-05-14SS05-FRB21Speed Duel Starter Decks: Twisted NightmaresDecks de Démarrage Speed Duel : Les Cauchemars TordusCommon


Release dateCard codeSetGerman nameRarity

2002-06-27MRD-G057Metal RaidersMetal RaidersSuper Rare

2004-12-17DB1-DE165Dark Beginning 1Dark Beginning 1Rare

2006-03-23YSD-DE026Starter Deck 2006Starter Deck 2006Common

2009-06-105DS2-DE024Starter Deck: Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's 2009Starter Deck: Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's 2009Common

2012-05-24BP01-DE066Battle Pack: Epic DawnBattle Pack: Epic DawnCommon

2012-05-24BP01-DE066Battle Pack: Epic DawnBattle Pack: Epic DawnStarfoil Rare

2013-12-05YSKR-DE030Starter Deck Kaiba ReloadedStarter Deck - Kaiba ReloadedCommon

2014-01-16WGRT-DE065War of the Giants ReinforcementsWar of the Giants ReinforcementsSuper Rare

2020-05-14SS05-DEB21Speed Duel Starter Decks: Twisted NightmaresSpeed Duel Starter Decks: Twisted NightmaresCommon


Release dateCard codeSetItalian nameRarity

2003-08-07PMT-I057Metal RaidersPredoni MetalliciSuper Rare

2006-03-23YSD-IT026Starter Deck 2006Mazzo Introduttivo 2006Common

2009-06-105DS2-IT024Starter Deck: Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's 2009Starter Deck: Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's 2009Common

2012-05-24BP01-IT066Battle Pack: Epic DawnBattle Pack: Alba EpicaCommon

2012-05-24BP01-IT066Battle Pack: Epic DawnBattle Pack: Alba EpicaStarfoil Rare

2013-12-05YSKR-IT030Starter Deck Kaiba ReloadedStarter Deck Kaiba - Il RitornoCommon

2014-01-16WGRT-IT065War of the Giants ReinforcementsGuerra dei Giganti – I RinforziSuper Rare

2020-05-14SS05-ITB21Speed Duel Starter Decks: Twisted NightmaresSpeed Duel Starter Decks: Incubi DistortiCommon


Release dateCard codeSetPortuguese nameRarity

2002-06-01PMT-P057Metal RaidersPredadores MetálicosSuper Rare

2013-12-06YSKR-PT030Starter Deck Kaiba ReloadedDeck Inicial - Kaiba ReloadedCommon

2014-01-17WGRT-PT065War of the Giants ReinforcementsGuerra dos Gigantes ReforçosSuper Rare

2020-05-14SS05-PTB21Speed Duel Starter Decks: Twisted NightmaresDecks Iniciais de Speed Duel: Pesadelos PerturbadoresCommon


Release dateCard codeSetSpanish nameRarity

2002-06-27PMT-S057Metal RaidersPredadores MetálicosSuper Rare

2004-12-01DB1-SP165Dark Beginning 1Principio Oscuro 1Rare

2006-03-23YSD-SP026Starter Deck 2006Baraja de Inicio 2006Common

2009-06-09, 2009-06-105DS2-SP024Starter Deck: Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's 2009Baraja de Principiante: Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's 2009Common

2012-05-24BP01-SP066Battle Pack: Epic DawnBattle Pack: Amanecer ÉpicoCommon

2012-05-24BP01-SP066Battle Pack: Epic DawnBattle Pack: Amanecer ÉpicoStarfoil Rare

2013-12-05YSKR-SP030Starter Deck Kaiba ReloadedLa Baraja de Principiante Kaiba - VuelveCommon

2014-01-16WGRT-SP065War of the Giants ReinforcementsGuerra de los Gigantes RefuerzosSuper Rare

2020-05-14SS05-SPB21Speed Duel Starter Decks: Twisted NightmaresSpeed Duel Barajas de Principiante: Pesadillas RetorcidasCommon

OCG sets


Release dateCard codeSetJapanese nameRarity

1999-09-23Vol.5Vol.5Ultra Rare

1999-09-23Vol.5Vol.5Ultra Parallel Rare

2000-10-26RB-57Revival of Black Demons Dragon暗黒魔竜復活Super Rare

2002-01-24KA-21Structure Deck: KaibaSTRUCTURE DECK - 海馬編 -Common

2002-08-22DL2-132Duelist Legacy Volume.2DUELIST LEGACY Volume.2Rare

2003-05-22SY2-050Structure Deck: Yugi Volume 2STRUCTURE DECK - 遊戯編 - Volume 2Common

2004-06-24BE1-JP165Beginner's Edition 1BEGINNER'S EDITION 1Rare

2006-03-23YSD-JP026Starter Deck 2006STARTER DECK 2006Common

2009-03-14YSD4-JP024Starter Deck 2009STARTER DECK 2009Common

2011-05-14BE01-JP139Beginner's Edition 1 (2011)BEGINNER'S EDITION 1 [ 2011 ]Rare

2015-04-15EN01-JP015Entry PackエントリーパックCommon


Release dateCard codeSetRarity

2002-10-24MRD-057Metal RaidersSuper Rare

Traditional Chinese

Release dateCard codeSetTraditional Chinese nameRarity

January 29, 2014ST14-TC024Duel Starter DeckCommon


Release dateCard codeSetKorean nameRarity

2004-03-09MRD-K057Metal Raiders강철의 습격자Super Rare

2006-04-11BP1-KR165Beginner's Edition 1비기너즈 팩 Vol.1Rare

2009-10-21YSD4-KR024Starter Deck 2009STARTER (스타터) DECK (덱) 2009Common

Video game sets
Card search categories
Other card information
External links
Video gameDate#NameCostAlignmentATKDEFStatus
The Eternal Duelist Soul2002-10-15Unlimited
Worldwide Edition: Stairway to the Destined Duel2003-04-15Unlimited
Nightmare Troubadour2005-07-21???Unlimited
GX Duel Academy2005-11-1303971000Unlimited
Ultimate Masters: World Championship Tournament 20062006-02-23???Unlimited
GX Tag Force2006-09-14???Unlimited
GX Spirit Caller2006-11-30???Unlimited
World Championship 20072007-03-15???Unlimited

"Tribute to The Doomed" pages