
World Premiere Pack 2023

World Premiere Pack 2023 is an Extra Pack in the Yu-Gi-Oh! Official Card Game. It introduces previously TCG-only cards to the OCG.




Japanese Unlimited Edition


World Premiere Pack 2023

Card numberEnglish nameJapanese nameRarityCategoryPrint
"Right Leg of the Forbidden One"「封されし者の右」Ultra RareNormal MonsterReprint
WPP4-JP001"Labyrinth Heavy Tank"「迷宮の重魔戦車」CommonEffect MonsterNew
WPP4-JP002"Shadow Ghoul of the Labyrinth"「迷宮に潜むシャドウ・グール」Super Rare
Secret Rare
Effect MonsterNew
WPP4-JP003"Gate Guardians Combined"「合体魔神-ゲート・ガーディアン」Ultra Rare
Secret Rare
Effect Fusion MonsterNew
WPP4-JP004"Gate Guardian of Thunder and Wind"「雷風魔神-ゲート・ガーディアン」RareEffect Fusion MonsterNew
WPP4-JP005"Gate Guardian of Wind and Water"「風水魔神-ゲート・ガーディアン」RareEffect Fusion MonsterNew
WPP4-JP006"Gate Guardian of Water and Thunder"「水雷魔神-ゲート・ガーディアン」RareEffect Fusion MonsterNew
WPP4-JP007"Labyrinth Wall Shadow"「ラビリンス・ウォール・シャドウ」Ultra Rare
Secret Rare
Field Spell CardNew
WPP4-JP008"Double Attack! Wind and Thunder!!"「魔風衝撃波」CommonQuick-Play Spell CardNew
WPP4-JP009"Riryoku Guardian"「フォース・オブ・ガーディアン」CommonNormal Spell CardNew
WPP4-JP010"Prey of the Jirai Gumo"「地雷蜘蛛の餌食」CommonContinuous Trap CardNew
WPP4-JP011"Gate Guardian"「ゲート・ガーディアン」CommonEffect MonsterReprint
WPP4-JP012"Sanga of the Thunder"「雷魔神-サンガ」CommonEffect MonsterReprint
WPP4-JP013"Kazejin"「風魔神-ヒューガ」CommonEffect MonsterReprint
WPP4-JP014"Suijin"「水魔神-スーガ」CommonEffect MonsterReprint
WPP4-JP015"Paces, Light of the Ghoti"「ゴーティスの灯ペイシス」RareEffect Tuner monsterNew
WPP4-JP016"Shif, Fairy of the Ghoti"「ゴーティスの妖精シフ」CommonEffect Tuner monsterNew
WPP4-JP017"Zep, Ruby of the Ghoti"「ゴーティスの紅玉ゼップ」CommonEffect Tuner monsterNew
WPP4-JP018"Ixeep, Omen of the Ghoti"「ゴーティスの兆イグジープ」CommonEffect MonsterNew
WPP4-JP019"Eanoc, Sentry of the Ghoti"「ゴーティスの守人イーノック」CommonEffect MonsterNew
WPP4-JP020"Snopios, Shade of the Ghoti"「ゴーティスの陰影スノーピオス」RareEffect MonsterNew
WPP4-JP021"Arionpos, Serpent of the Ghoti"「ゴーティスの大蛇アリオンポス」RareEffect Synchro MonsterNew
WPP4-JP022"Askaan, the Bicorned Ghoti"「ゴーティスの双角アスカーン」Super Rare
Secret Rare
Effect Synchro MonsterNew
WPP4-JP023"Guoglim, Spear of the Ghoti"「ゴーティスの死棘グオグリム」CommonEffect Synchro MonsterNew
WPP4-JP024"Ghoti of the Deep Beyond"「最果てのゴーティス」Ultra Rare
Secret Rare
Effect Synchro MonsterNew
WPP4-JP025"The Most Distant, Deepest Depths"「最果ての宇宙」Super Rare
Secret Rare
Field Spell CardNew
WPP4-JP026"Ghoti Chain"「ゴーティス・チェイン」CommonNormal Trap CardNew
WPP4-JP027"Ghoti Cosmos"「ゴーティス・コスモス」CommonNormal Trap CardNew
WPP4-JP028"Ghoti Fury"「ゴーティス・フューリー」CommonContinuous Trap CardNew
WPP4-JP029"Gold Pride - Leon"「GP-リオン」Super Rare
Secret Rare
Effect Tuner monsterNew
WPP4-JP030"Gold Pride - Nytro Head"「GP-Nヘッド」CommonEffect MonsterNew
WPP4-JP031"Gold Pride - Captain Carrie"「GP-キャプテン・キャリー」RareEffect MonsterNew
WPP4-JP032"Gold Pride - Roller Baller"「GP-RB」CommonEffect MonsterNew
WPP4-JP033"Gold Pride - Pin Baller"「GP-PB」Super Rare
Secret Rare
Effect Fusion MonsterNew
WPP4-JP034"Gold Pride - Star Leon"「GP-スター・リオン」Ultra Rare
Secret Rare
Effect Synchro MonsterNew
WPP4-JP035"Gold Pride - Chariot Carrie"「GP-チャリオット・キャリー号」Ultra Rare
Secret Rare
Effect Xyz MonsterNew
WPP4-JP036"Gold Pride - Nytro Blaster"「GP-Nブラスサー」CommonEffect Link MonsterNew
WPP4-JP037"Gold Pride - The Crowd Goes Wild!"「GP-ゴー・ワイルド」RareNormal Spell CardNew
WPP4-JP038"Gold Pride - That Came Out of Nowhere!"「GP-アウト・オブ・ノーウェア」CommonQuick-Play Spell CardNew
WPP4-JP039"Gold Pride - Pedal to the Metal!"「GP-ペダル・トゥ・メタル」CommonQuick-Play Spell CardNew
WPP4-JP040"Gold Pride - Better Luck Next Time!"「GP-ベター・ラック」RareContinuous Spell CardNew
WPP4-JP041"Gold Pride - Start Your Engines!"「GP-スタート・エンジン」CommonNormal Trap CardNew
WPP4-JP042"Gold Pride - It's Neck and Neck!"「GP-ネック・アンド・ネック」CommonNormal Trap CardNew
WPP4-JP043"Orphebull the Harmonious Bullfighter Bard"「渾然たる闘牛詩-オルフェブル」CommonEffect MonsterNew
WPP4-JP044"Vanguard of the Underground Emperor"「地底王の尖兵」CommonEffect MonsterNew
WPP4-JP045"Bayerock Dragon"「岩竜ベアロック」CommonEffect MonsterNew
WPP4-JP046"Zalamander Catalyzer"「炎魔の触媒」CommonEffect MonsterNew
WPP4-JP047"Minairuka"「ミナイルカ」CommonEffect MonsterNew
WPP4-JP048"Moissa Knight, the Comet General"「彗聖の将-ワンモア・ザ・ナイト」CommonEffect Pendulum MonsterNew
WPP4-JP049"Garura, Wings of Resonant Life"「共命の翼ガルーラ」Super Rare
Secret Rare
Effect Fusion MonsterNew
WPP4-JP050"Tilting Entrainment"「振子特急エントレインメント」CommonEffect Synchro MonsterNew
WPP4-JP051"Diabolantis the Menacing Mantis"「魔螂ディアボランティス」CommonEffect Synchro MonsterNew
WPP4-JP052"Golden Cloud Beast - Malong"「金雲獣-馬龍」RareEffect Tuner Synchro MonsterNew
WPP4-JP053"Imperial Princess Quinquery"「召煌女クインクエリ」CommonEffect Xyz MonsterNew
WPP4-JP054"Pitknight Earlie"「ピットナイト・アーリィ」RareEffect Link MonsterNew
WPP4-JP055"Spellbound"Super Rare
Secret Rare
Quick-Play Spell CardNew
WPP4-JP056"Xyz Align"「エクシーズ・アライン」RareQuick-Play Spell CardNew
WPP4-JP057"Made to Order Mermaid Outfit Outfitter"「かなり魅湧な受注水産」RareNormal Spell CardNew
WPP4-JP058"Pendulum Pendant"「ペンデュラム・ペンダント」CommonNormal Spell CardNew
WPP4-JP059"Moray of Avarice"「貪欲なウツボ」Common
Secret Rare
Normal Spell CardNew
WPP4-JP060"Mimesis Elephant"「ミメシスエレファント」CommonContinuous Trap CardNew
WPP4-JP061"Destructive Daruma Karma Cannon"「魔砲戦機ダルマ・カルマ」CommonNormal Trap CardNew
WPP4-JP062"How Did Dai Get Here?"「奇異界開」CommonNormal Trap CardNew
WPP4-JP063"Camelot, Realm of Noble Knights and Noble Arms"「聖騎士と聖剣の巨城」CommonField Spell CardNew
WPP4-JP064"Time Thief Power Reserve"「クロノダイバー・パワーリザブブ」RareContinuous Trap CardNew
WPP4-JP065"SPYRAL Double Agent"「SPYRAL-ダブルフェイク」CommonEffect MonsterNew
WPP4-JP066"Dark Magician Girl"「ブラック・マジシャン・ガール」Quarter Century Secret RareEffect MonsterReprint, international artwork
Card numberEnglish nameKorean nameRarityCategoryPrint
"Right Leg of the Forbidden One""봉인된 자의 오른쪽 다리"Ultra RareNormal MonsterReprint
WPP4-KR001"Labyrinth Heavy Tank"CommonEffect MonsterNew
WPP4-KR002"Shadow Ghoul of the Labyrinth"Super Rare
Secret Rare
Effect MonsterNew
WPP4-KR003"Gate Guardians Combined""합체마신-게이트 가디언"Ultra Rare
Secret Rare
Effect Fusion MonsterNew
WPP4-KR004"Gate Guardian of Thunder and Wind""번개풍 마신-게이트 가디언"RareEffect Fusion MonsterNew
WPP4-KR005"Gate Guardian of Wind and Water""풍수 마신-게이트 가디언"RareEffect Fusion MonsterNew
WPP4-KR006"Gate Guardian of Water and Thunder""수번개 마신-게이트 가디언"RareEffect Fusion MonsterNew
WPP4-KR007"Labyrinth Wall Shadow"Ultra Rare
Secret Rare
Field Spell CardNew
WPP4-KR008"Double Attack! Wind and Thunder!!""마풍충격파"CommonQuick-Play Spell CardNew
WPP4-KR009"Riryoku Guardian""포스 오브 가디언"CommonNormal Spell CardNew
WPP4-KR010"Prey of the Jirai Gumo"CommonContinuous Trap CardNew
WPP4-KR011"Gate Guardian""게이트 가디언"CommonEffect MonsterReprint
WPP4-KR012"Sanga of the Thunder""번개 마신-썬가"CommonEffect MonsterReprint
WPP4-KR013"Kazejin""풍 마신-휴가"CommonEffect MonsterReprint
WPP4-KR014"Suijin""수 마신-스가"CommonEffect MonsterReprint
WPP4-KR015"Paces, Light of the Ghoti""고티스의 빛 페이시스"RareEffect Tuner monsterNew
WPP4-KR016"Shif, Fairy of the Ghoti""고티스의 요정 시프"CommonEffect Tuner monsterNew
WPP4-KR017"Zep, Ruby of the Ghoti""고티스의 홍옥 제프"CommonEffect Tuner monsterNew
WPP4-KR018"Ixeep, Omen of the Ghoti""고티스의 전조 이그지프"CommonEffect MonsterNew
WPP4-KR019"Eanoc, Sentry of the Ghoti""고티스의 수호인 이녹"CommonEffect MonsterNew
WPP4-KR020"Snopios, Shade of the Ghoti""고티스의 음영 스노피오스"RareEffect MonsterNew
WPP4-KR021"Arionpos, Serpent of the Ghoti""고티스의 대사 아리온포스"RareEffect Synchro MonsterNew
WPP4-KR022"Askaan, the Bicorned Ghoti""고티스의 쌍각 아스칸"Super Rare
Secret Rare
Effect Synchro MonsterNew
WPP4-KR023"Guoglim, Spear of the Ghoti""고티스의 사극 구오그림"CommonEffect Synchro MonsterNew
WPP4-KR024"Ghoti of the Deep Beyond""저편의 고티스"Ultra Rare
Secret Rare
Effect Synchro MonsterNew
WPP4-KR025"The Most Distant, Deepest Depths""저편의 우주"Super Rare
Secret Rare
Field Spell CardNew
WPP4-KR026"Ghoti Chain""고티스 체인"CommonNormal Trap CardNew
WPP4-KR027"Ghoti Cosmos"CommonNormal Trap CardNew
WPP4-KR028"Ghoti Fury""고티스 퓨리"CommonContinuous Trap CardNew
WPP4-KR029"Gold Pride - Leon""GP (골드 프라이드) -리온"Super Rare
Secret Rare
Effect Tuner monsterNew
WPP4-KR030"Gold Pride - Nytro Head""GP (골드 프라이드) -N (나이트로) 헤드"CommonEffect MonsterNew
WPP4-KR031"Gold Pride - Captain Carrie""GP (골드 프라이드) -캡틴 캐리"RareEffect MonsterNew
WPP4-KR032"Gold Pride - Roller Baller""GP (골드 프라이드) -RB (롤러볼러) "CommonEffect MonsterNew
WPP4-KR033"Gold Pride - Pin Baller""GP (골드 프라이드) -PB (핀 볼러) "Super Rare
Secret Rare
Effect Fusion MonsterNew
WPP4-KR034"Gold Pride - Star Leon""GP (골드 프라이드) -스타 리온"Ultra Rare
Secret Rare
Effect Synchro MonsterNew
WPP4-KR035"Gold Pride - Chariot Carrie""GP (골드 프라이드) -채리엇 캐리호"Ultra Rare
Secret Rare
Effect Xyz MonsterNew
WPP4-KR036"Gold Pride - Nytro Blaster""GP (골드 프라이드) -N (나이트로) 블래스터"CommonEffect Link MonsterNew
WPP4-KR037"Gold Pride - The Crowd Goes Wild!""GP (골드 프라이드) -고 와일드"RareNormal Spell CardNew
WPP4-KR038"Gold Pride - That Came Out of Nowhere!""GP (골드 프라이드) -아웃 오브 노웨어"CommonQuick-Play Spell CardNew
WPP4-KR039"Gold Pride - Pedal to the Metal!""GP (골드 프라이드) -페달 투 메탈"CommonQuick-Play Spell CardNew
WPP4-KR040"Gold Pride - Better Luck Next Time!""GP (골드 프라이드) -베터 럭"RareContinuous Spell CardNew
WPP4-KR041"Gold Pride - Start Your Engines!""GP (골드 프라이드) -스타트 엔진"CommonNormal Trap CardNew
WPP4-KR042"Gold Pride - It's Neck and Neck!""GP (골드 프라이드) -넥 앤드 넥"CommonNormal Trap CardNew
WPP4-KR043"Orphebull the Harmonious Bullfighter Bard"CommonEffect MonsterNew
WPP4-KR044"Vanguard of the Underground Emperor"CommonEffect MonsterNew
WPP4-KR045"Bayerock Dragon"CommonEffect MonsterNew
WPP4-KR046"Zalamander Catalyzer"CommonEffect MonsterNew
WPP4-KR047"Minairuka"CommonEffect MonsterNew
WPP4-KR048"Moissa Knight, the Comet General""예성의 장-원모어 더 나이트"CommonEffect Pendulum MonsterNew
WPP4-KR049"Garura, Wings of Resonant Life""공명의 날개 가루라"Super Rare
Secret Rare
Effect Fusion MonsterNew
WPP4-KR050"Tilting Entrainment"CommonEffect Synchro MonsterNew
WPP4-KR051"Diabolantis the Menacing Mantis"CommonEffect Synchro MonsterNew
WPP4-KR052"Golden Cloud Beast - Malong"RareEffect Tuner Synchro MonsterNew
WPP4-KR053"Imperial Princess Quinquery"CommonEffect Xyz MonsterNew
WPP4-KR054"Pitknight Earlie"RareEffect Link MonsterNew
WPP4-KR055"Spellbound"Super Rare
Secret Rare
Quick-Play Spell CardNew
WPP4-KR056"Xyz Align""엑시즈 얼라인"RareQuick-Play Spell CardNew
WPP4-KR057"Made to Order Mermaid Outfit Outfitter"RareNormal Spell CardNew
WPP4-KR058"Pendulum Pendant"CommonNormal Spell CardNew
WPP4-KR059"Moray of Avarice"Common
Secret Rare
Normal Spell CardNew
WPP4-KR060"Mimesis Elephant"CommonContinuous Trap CardNew
WPP4-KR061"Destructive Daruma Karma Cannon"CommonNormal Trap CardNew
WPP4-KR062"How Did Dai Get Here?"CommonNormal Trap CardNew
WPP4-KR063"Camelot, Realm of Noble Knights and Noble Arms""성기사와 성검의 거성"CommonField Spell CardNew
WPP4-KR064"Time Thief Power Reserve""크로노다이버 파워리저브"RareContinuous Trap CardNew
WPP4-KR065"SPYRAL Double Agent""SPYRAL (스파이랄) -더블페이크"CommonEffect MonsterNew
WPP4-KR066"Dark Magician Girl""블랙 매지션 걸"Quarter Century Secret RareEffect MonsterReprint, international artwork

External links[]


+1 Bonus Pack Series
Battle Packs
Booster SP /
Deck Build Packs
TCG equivalents
Collectors Packs /
Collection Pack /
Animation Chronicle
TCG equivalents
Demo Decks
Duelist Packs
Legend Duelist
Legendary Duelists
Expansion Packs
Extra Packs/
World Premiere Packs
Gold Series
Hidden Arsenal
Jump Festas
Mega Packs
Movie Packs
Power-Up Packs /
Enhancement Packs
Premium Packs
Promotion Packs
Special Packs
Star Packs
Speed Duel Booster Packs
Traditional Chinese
  • Starter Packs
Simplified Chinese