
Yu-Gi-Oh! - Episode 041

"The Wrath of Rebecca", known as "The Girl From America" in the Japanese version and "The Girl from the United States" in the Odex dub, is the forty-first episode of the Yu-Gi-Oh! anime. It first aired in Japan in February 6, 2001 and in the United States on October 12, 2002.

Rebecca Hawkins, a prodigy from America, demands the "Blue-Eyes White Dragon" from Solomon Muto.


In Pegasus Castle, Yugi and his friends are reunited with Bakura Ryou and Mokuba Kaiba, who had regained consciousness since his soul was returned to his body. Yugi asks Mokuba if he is ready to leave, but he refuses without Seto Kaiba. Yugi assures Mokuba that Kaiba knows he's okay. In Kaiba's dungeon cell, Kaiba also regains consciousness. And at the hospital, Yugi's grandpa also regains consciousness. Croquet informs everyone present that Maximillion Pegasus will not be attending the award ceremony due to his recent "illness", yet all prizes are still to be awarded, and along with the freed souls of Mokuba, Kaiba and Solomon Muto, he gives Yugi a card called "The Ties of Friendship", a one-of-a-kind card hand-painted by Pegasus himself, as proof of his championship title, along with an envelope containing the check for the three million dollar prize, which Yugi gives to Joey, so he can help his sister, whom he hasn't seen for six years. Outside the castle, the gang meet up with Seto Kaiba, the two brothers embrace and express how they never gave up on each other. Kaiba is grateful for what the friends did, but tells Yugi they will Duel again sooner or later, due to the fact that Kaiba was strongarmed into dueling Yugi, which he agrees with. The spirit of the Millennium Puzzle is proud of Yugi for saving everyone, and tells him to call him "Yami". Yugi says he is glad to have Yami as a friend, and Yami agrees, saying he is glad to be one. Joey asks, since all the boats are gone, how will they get off the island, and suggests they hitch a ride with Kaiba. Bakura then pulls out Pegasus's Millennium Eye and Yami Bakura emerges.

A few days later, Solomon is released from the hospital. Yugi and his friends take him home, where they find an American girl waiting for them. She introduces herself as Rebecca, a twelve-year-old (eight in the dub) prodigy Duelist who is accusing Solomon of stealing her "Blue-Eyes White Dragon". She demands it back, but the gang and Solomon have a problem with this as Seto ripped it up in the first episode and they couldn't tell her.

Rebecca challenges Solomon to a Duel for it. They duel at the new arena in Kaiba Land, where even though Mokuba tells Yugi and his friends all of Kaiba Land's dueling arenas are booked solid for the next three months, but he can manage to get one as a thank you for saving him and his brother. Noticing that Solomon is tired after just being checked out of the hospital, Yugi (not Yami Yugi) offers to take his place and Rebecca accepts, thinking it'll be a good way to beat the newly crowned champion of the Duelist Kingdom tournament. During the Duel, Solomon notices Rebecca's Deck and strategy are very similar to an old friend of his named Arthur Hawkins. Finally, Rebecca reveals herself to be his granddaughter, but continues to accuse him.

Featured Duel: Yugi Muto vs. Rebecca Hawkins[]

Turn 1: Rebecca
Rebecca draws. She then Normal Summons "Witch of the Black Forest" (1100/1200) in Attack Position.

Turn 2: Yugi
Yugi draws. He then Normal Summons "Celtic Guardian" (1400/1200) in Attack Position. "Celtic Guardian" attacks and destroys "Witch of the Black Forest" (Rebecca: 2000 → 1700 LP). Since "Witch of the Black Forest" was sent from the field to the Graveyard, its effect activates, allowing Rebecca to add one monster with 1500 or less DEF from her Deck to her hand.

Turn 3: Rebecca
Rebecca draws. She then Normal Summons "Sangan" (1000/600) in Attack Position.

Turn 4: Yugi
"Celtic Guardian" attacks and destroys "Sangan" (Rebecca: 1700 → 1300 LP). Since "Sangan" was sent from the field to the Graveyard, its effect activates, allowing Rebecca to add one monster with 1500 or lower ATK from her Deck to her hand.

Turn 5: Rebecca
Rebecca draws. She then activates "Tribute to the Doomed" to discard one card from her hand and destroy "Celtic Guardian". Rebecca then Sets a monster.

Turn 6: Yugi
Yugi Normal Summons "Summoned Skull" (2500/1200) in Attack Position. "Summoned Skull" attacks Rebecca's Set monster, "Millennium Shield" (0/3000). The attack fails (Yugi: 2000 → 1500 LP).

Turn 7: Rebecca
Rebecca draws. She then activates "Ring of Magnetism" and equips it to "Millennium Shield", decreasing its DEF by 500 ("Millennium Shield": 0/3000 → 2500). Now if Yugi's monsters attack, they will be forced to attack "Millennium Shield" as long as it is equipped with "Ring of Magnetism".

Turn 8: Yugi
Yugi draws, then passes his turn.

Turn 9: Rebecca
Rebecca draws. She then Normal Summons 'Cannon Soldier" (1400/1300) in Attack Position.

Turn 10: Yugi
"Summoned Skull" attacks "Cannon Soldier", but due to the effect of "Ring of Magnetism", the attack is redirected to "Millennium Shield". The attack fails.

Turn 11: Rebecca
Rebecca draws "Shadow Ghoul". She then Normal Summons another "Witch of the Black Forest" (1100/1200) in Attack Position. She then activates "Cannon Soldier's" effect to Tribute "Witch of the Black Forest" and inflict 500 damage to Yugi (Yugi: 1500 → 1000 LP). Rebecca then activates the effect of "Witch of the Black Forest" to add one monster with 1500 or lower DEF from her Deck to her hand.

Duel continues in the next episode.


  • This is the first onscreen Duel that Yugi plays as himself, instead of switching with Yami Yugi.
  • This is the only time in the English dub that Yugi's mother is seen.
  • While the Kaiba Land sign is kept intact in the dub, it's strangely removed in a later episode.


  • When Rebecca Summons "Cannon Soldier", in both versions it is shown to have 400 ATK instead of 1400. However, when it is defeated by "Summoned Skull" in the next episode, Rebecca takes the correct 1100 damage.
  • In the dub, after Rebecca plays "Witch of the Black Forest" in Attack Position and Yugi wonders why, his side of the Dueling platform shows "Cannon Soldier" which isn't a card either player has on the field at the time.
  • In the dub, after Rebecca's second "Witch of the Black Forest" is destroyed, she states that she can draw a new card, when she is actually choosing a monster and adding it to her hand.
  • "Cannon Soldier"'s blast hits Yugi's Life Points, Rebecca for 400 instead of 500.

Differences in adaptations[]

  • In the Japanese version is a brief moment where Yugi wonders if Bakura was the one who attacked Pegasus.
  • The Japanese writing on top of the hospital is removed in the US version. It says, "Domino Hospital."
  • The Japanese version shows Rebecca getting weepy, and then making a rude gesture, while the US version is changed to show Rebecca looking upset while she rails at Yugi after he destroys "Sangan".
  • All the sweatdrops on Yugi's head are removed in the dub.
  • In the English dub, Yami says he's been called many names: "Pharaoh", and "Yu-Gi-Oh". This creates a continuity error, as Yami lost his memories of his time as Pharaoh by the time the series begins.

Featured cards[]

The following cards appeared in this episode. Cards in italics debuted here.


  1. This card was seen when Rebecca drew this card at turn 11.
  2. Yugi receives this card as a prize for winning the Duelist Kingdom tournament.

#001 "The Heart of the Cards"
#002 "The Gauntlet Is Thrown"
#003 "Journey to the Duelist Kingdom"
#004 "Into the Hornet's Nest"
#005 "The Ultimate Great Moth"
#006 "First Duel"
#007 "Attack from the Deep"
#008 "Everything's Relative"
#009 "Duel With a Ghoul"
#010 "Give Up the Ghost"
#011 "The Dueling Monkey"
#012 "Trial by Red Eyes"
#013 "Evil Spirit of the Ring"
#014 "The Light at the End of the Tunnel"
#015 "Winning Through Intimidation"
#016 "The Scars of Defeat"
#017 "Arena of Lost Souls, Part 1"
#018 "Arena of Lost Souls, Part 2"
#019 "Double Trouble Duel, Part 1"
#020 "Double Trouble Duel, Part 2"
#021 "Double Trouble Duel, Part 3"
#022 "Face Off, Part 1"
#023 "Face Off, Part 2"
#024 "Face Off, Part 3"
#025 "Shining Friendship"
#026 "Champion vs. Creator, Part 1"
#027 "Champion vs. Creator, Part 2"
#028 "The Night Before"
#029 "Duel Identity, Part 1"
#030 "Duel Identity, Part 2"
#031 "Keith's Machinations, Part 1"
#032 "Keith's Machinations, Part 2"
#033 "Best of Friends, Best of Duelists, Part 1"
#034 "Best of Friends, Best of Duelists, Part 2"
#035 "Yugi vs. Pegasus: Match of the Millennium, Part 1"
#036 "Yugi vs. Pegasus: Match of the Millennium, Part 2"
#037 "Yugi vs. Pegasus: Match of the Millennium, Part 3"
#038 "Yugi vs. Pegasus: Match of the Millennium, Part 4"
#039 "Yugi vs. Pegasus: Match of the Millennium, Part 5"
#040 "Aftermath"
#041 "The Wrath of Rebecca"
#042 "The Ties of Friendship"
#043 "Legendary Heroes, Part 1"
#044 "Legendary Heroes, Part 2"
#045 "Legendary Heroes, Part 3"
#046 "Dungeon Dice Monsters, Part 1"
#047 "Dungeon Dice Monsters, Part 2"
#048 "Dungeon Dice Monsters, Part 3"
#049 "Dungeon Dice Monsters, Part 4"

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