
Yu-Gi-Oh! - Episode 053

"Steppin' Out", known as "Blazing Dance Battle" in the Japanese version, is the fifty-third episode of the Yu-Gi-Oh! anime. It first aired in Japan on May 1, 2001, and in the United States on November 23, 2002.

The spirit of the Millennium Puzzle realizes that his memories of ancient Egypt have faded, but Téa is going to help him uncover the mysteries of his past. However, their search is interrupted by the dancing duelist Johnny Steps.


One day after school, Téa is disappointed that it is raining. Joey and Tristan are cleaning the floors and Joey is in a good mood, Tristan asks Joey why he's so happy. Joey says that Serenity is finally getting her eye operation, but Joey is concerned because his mom is going to be there and the two have never really gotten along. Tristan volunteers to go with him to see "Sweet Serenity," but Joey knows Tristan just wants to be with his sister. Meanwhile Yugi finds Téa and asks for assistance; the spirit of the Millennium has many questions about himself and spending the day could help him as she has great advice. She agrees and is told to meet him at Domino Station, at 10:00 tomorrow.

As Yugi gets ready the next day, Yami asks Yugi what he has planned, Yugi says it's a surprise but will be worth it. While waiting at Domino Station, Téa questions how she could help, while she does know a little about the millennium puzzle and the spirit she doesn't know much else. Soon Yugi arrives and lets the spirit come out, at first Yami is upset that Yugi brought him out and it's not a duel but after Téa sees him, he greets her awkwardly. While at a cafe, Yami is daydreaming, Téa shows Yami an article about a new ancient Egypt exhibit at the museum, it could help him. When not excited, Téa awkwardly says they could do something else. Yami apologizes for being out of sorts as he is still questioning who he is as he does not know much about his past. Téa asks if there are parts of his past he does remember: he knows he is from ancient Egypt and now lives in the millennium puzzle but that is all. He says it still remains unclear what the future holds for him. Téa says she feels the same, while not facing the same issue as he is, she is still wondering what her purpose is in life. She does say that she is going to follow her heart and become a dancer, Yami is impressed by that advise as Yugi tells him the same thing. Téa says that even if dancing is not for her, she is still willing to try, he should not see the unknown as a challenge but an adventure. Having gotten inspired, Téa tells Yami, they're going to go out in the city and see what the day has in store for them.

They spend some time at the music store, the park and even go see a film. While out walking they come across a Duel Monsters card shop where players can trade their cards for brand new ones. Yami finds some great cards, and is glad that he is cheering up. He admires his new cards and Téa is glad to see him in a good mood and is inspired. Next they go to the arcade where they witness Johnny Steps, a dance champion challenging people to a dance game. The crowd is amazed at Johnny's moves especially when he beats another competitor. He then asks who wants to go next and he asks Téa, which she is intrigued by, while Yami does advise her to ignore, Téa wants to show off her dance skills. She goes onto the dance stage, despite Johnny being ready to beat her, Téa is unmoved and ready. The dance game starts and Téa is able to keep up with Johnny and impresses the crowd, but Johnny breaks out his "signature move" which is when he moves his leg under his opponent to trip them. Téa manages to avoid the move but Johnny falls behind and tries again but she evades it again, eventually Johnny trips and Téa wins amazing everyone even Yami.

While watching the sunset, Téa comments how much fun she had, Yami is impressed and tells Téa that he has been thinking about what she said about following your heart, he decides that he wants to find out about his past, while concerned Téa assures him he has her support and their friends. Suddenly Johnny shows up and says that he came for a second chance, he wants a rematch since he lost. Yami tells Johnny Téa beat him fair and square, Johnny still demands a rematch. Yami (after asking for Téa's permission) tells Johnny he'll get a rematch but they'll play his way; they will play Duel Monsters if Yami wins Johnny must leave Téa alone but if Johnny wins, she has to go on a date with him.

Major Events[]

  • Yugi trades some of his cards for new ones.
  • Téa battles Johnny Steps in a Dance Dance Revolution match and wins even when Johnny tries to cheat to win.
  • Johnny later challenges Téa to a rematch of Dance Dance Revolution, but Yugi intervenes and says they will play with Duel Monsters instead.
  • If Yugi wins, Johnny must leave Téa alone. If Johnny wins, she has to go on a date with him.
  • Last use of Duelist Kingdom rules, starting in the next episode any level 5 monster must be summoned by sacrificing two monsters instead of automatically summoning it.

Featured Duel: Yami Yugi vs. Johnny Steps[]

Turn 1: Johnny
Johnny Steps draws. He then Normal Summons "Sonic Maid" (1200/900) in Attack Position.

Turn 2: Yami Yugi
Yami Yugi draws "Celtic Guardian" and subsequently Normal Summons it (1400/1200) in Attack Position. "Celtic Guardian" attacks and destroys "Sonic Maid" (Johnny 2000 → 1800).

Turn 3: Johnny
Johnny Steps draws "Water Omotics" and subsequently Normal Summons it (1400/1200) in Attack Position.

Turn 4: Yami Yugi
Yami Yugi draws. He then passes his turn.

Turn 5: Johnny
Johnny draws "Spirit of the Harp" and subsequently Normal Summons it (800/2000) in Defense Position. He then activates "Chorus of Sanctuary" to increase the DEF of every Defense Position monster on his side of the field by 500 ("Spirit of the Harp": 800/2000 → 2500).

Turn 6: Yami Yugi
Yami Yugi draws. He then Normal Summons "Curse of Dragon" (2000/1500) in Attack Position. "Curse of Dragon" attacks and destroys "Water Omotics" (Johnny 1800 → 1200).

Turn 7: Johnny
Johnny draws "Witch of the Black Forest" and subsequently Normal Summons it (1100/1200) in Defense Position. He then activates "Polymerization" to fuse "Witch of the Black Forest" with the "Lady of Faith" in his hand and Fusion Summon "Musician King" (1750/1500) in Attack Position. "Musician King" attacks and destroys "Celtic Guardian" (Yami Yugi 2000 → 1650). Johnny then Sets a card.

Turn 8: Yami Yugi
"Curse of Dragon" attacks "Musician King", but Johnny activates his face-down "Metalmorph" to transform "Musician King" into "Heavy Metal King" as well as increase his ATK and DEF by 300 ("Heavy Metal King": 1750 → 2050/1500 → 1800). "Heavy Metal King" destroys "Curse of Dragon" (Yami Yugi 1650 → 1600). Yami Yugi Normal Summons "Giant Soldier of Stone" (1300/2000) in Defense Position.

Turn 9: Johnny
"Heavy Metal King" attacks "Giant Soldier of Stone". The effect of "Metalmorph" activates, increasing its ATK by half the ATK of "Giant Soldier of Stone" during damage calculation ("Heavy Metal King": 2050 → 2700/1800) only. "Heavy Metal King" destroys "Giant Soldier of Stone". After damage calculation, the effect of "Metalmorph" expires ("Heavy Metal King": 2700 → 2050/1800).

Turn 10: Yami Yugi
(Johnny Steps has “Battle Warrior” in his hand) Yami Yugi Normal Summons "Dark Magician" in Attack Position. "Dark Magician" attacks and destroys "Heavy Metal King" (Johnny 1200 → 750). Johnny thinks there must be a mistake because as the effect of "Metalmorph" should have raised the ATK of "Heavy Metal King" to 3300; making him stronger than "Dark Magician". Yami Yugi explains that the effect of "Metalmorph" on increasing the equipped monster's ATK only activates when "Heavy Metal King" attacks, not when it's attacked by another monster.

Johnny, at this point, asks Yami Yugi for his name. When he finds out that his opponent is the duelist who defeated Maximillion Pegasus at Duelist Kingdom, Johnny quits.


  • Before Johnny and Yami Yugi say, "Let's Duel!", the scene backs out and shows Yami Yugi far away, without the blue band on his left arm.
  • When "Musician King" is first summoned in the Japanese version, it is shown to have 1700 attack points instead of the correct 1750, which is shown in the English dub when first summoned, although when it attacks "Celtic Guardian" in the original, it still causes Yami to lose 350 life points instead of 300.
  • When Johnny activates "Metalmorph", the Musician King's attack points on the card is shown to be 1800 instead of the correct 1750.
  • When "Metalmorph" is played and Musician King becomes "Heavy Metal King", its defense points increase by the wrong amount of 200 instead of 300, causing it to have only 1700 defense points. However, the next time Heavy Metal King attacks, targeting "Giant Soldier of Stone", it is shown to have the correct amount of 1800.
  • Yami Yugi's Life Points aren't shown decreasing after Heavy Metal King destroys "Curse of Dragon".
  • After Summoning the "Dark Magician" and talking to Johnny, Yami Yugi doesn't have the blue band on his left arm again, this time in a close-up scene when pointing to Johnny.


Yugi: Ready or not, Spirit, this is where you take over. (the Millennium Puzzle’s eye flashes, switching control of his body to Yami)
Yami: (blinks a little before turning to the puzzle) Hey! Yugi, I’m not... you can’t — this isn’t a duel! (He looks up to see Téa staring at him) Hello.

Johnny: Boo! (Yami and Téa turn around and see him) Do you geeks mind if I step in?
Téa: (annoyed) Now what do you want from us?
Johnny: I’ve come down here to humbly ask for a second chance.
Téa: Second chance?
Johnny: I’d have easily won if my leg hadn’t cramped up. I think that you owe me a rematch.
Téa: (holds her hand to her head in frustration) Give it up.
Yami: (as Téa turns to him in surprise) Huh — I’ll give you a rematch. But we’ll duel my way.
Téa: What?
Johnny: (angrily, to Yami) Stay out of this, porcupine head. This battle is just between me and the girl!
Yami: Téa, may I finish off your opponent?
Téa: Uh, sure.
Johnny: Good. I’m not afraid of either of you. Name your game, you little freak.
Yami: The game is Duel Monsters. And if you lose, you’re never to bother Téa again.
Johnny: Fine. Only, if I win, the girl will have to go out on a date with Johnny Steps. (Téa looks over at Yami, worried, while Yami simply smiles confidently)

Changes to the English Dub[]

  • 2-B is erased from the bucket in the dub.
  • In the Japanese version, Yugi wants to hook Yami up on a date with Téa. In the English version, he wants Téa to help him find more about himself.
  • The words "Domino Coffee" are erased from the coffeehouse in the dub.
  • The Japanese text on the menu is blurred out in the dub.
  • The Starbucks logo is erased from the cups in the dub.
  • The words "SPACE LEGEND" and "WCC" Picture (in small text) are erased on the poster in the English dub.
  • The Japanese text and little cards are erased from the poster in the dub.
  • A close-up of Yami picking a pack of cards is cut out from the dub because of the text in Japanese on them.
  • The words "BIG WEB" and "GAME" are erased from the arcade shop in the dub.
  • The name of the dance game is never shown or mentioned in the dub.
  • KAIBA LAND is erased from the building in the dub version.
  • In the Japanese version, "Water Omotics" is naked. In the dub, she has a blue dress.
  • When "Musician King" is first summoned in the Japanese version, it is shown to have 1700 attack points instead of the correct 1750, but the dub shows it to first have 1750.
  • Téa's tube top is lengthened to be less revealing, but the length keeps changing throughout the episode; sometimes it almost covers her stomach, but other times, it's barely close to it.
  • Johnny mentioning that he failed an audition once was removed from the dub.

Featured cards[]

The following cards appeared in this episode. Cards in italics debuted in this episode.


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 This card was obtained in a booster pack.
  2. 2.0 2.1 Although this card was shown to be a Trap Card (and Yami Yugi mentioned it to be one), it was played as a Magic Card. It is a Trap Card in the TCG/OCG.

#050 "The Mystery Duelist, Part 1"
#051 "The Mystery Duelist, Part 2"
#052 "The Past Is Present"
#053 "Steppin' Out"
#054 "Obelisk the Tormentor"
#055 "Stalked by the Rare Hunters"
#056 "Yugi vs. The Rare Hunter, Part 1: Battle City Begins"
#057 "Yugi vs. The Rare Hunter, Part 2: Up Against Exodia"
#058 "The ESP Duelist, Part 1"
#059 "The ESP Duelist, Part 2"
#060 "The Master of Magicians, Part 1"
#061 "The Master of Magicians, Part 2"
#062 "The Master of Magicians, Part 3"
#063 "Playing With a Parasite, Part 1"
#064 "Playing With a Parasite, Part 2"
#065 "Mime Control, Part 1"
#066 "Mime Control, Part 2"
#067 "Mime Control, Part 3"
#068 "Legendary Fisherman, Part 1"
#069 "Legendary Fisherman, Part 2"
#070 "Double Duel, Part 1: Yugi and Kaiba vs. Lumis and Umbra"
#071 "Double Duel, Part 2: Yugi and Kaiba vs. Lumis and Umbra"
#072 "Double Duel, Part 3: Yugi and Kaiba vs. Lumis and Umbra"
#073 "Double Duel, Part 4: Yugi and Kaiba vs. Lumis and Umbra"
#074 "The Rescue"
#075 "Friends 'Til the End, Part 1"
#076 "Friends 'Til the End, Part 2"
#077 "Friends 'Til the End, Part 3"
#078 "Friends 'Til the End, Part 4"
#079 "Shadow of a Duel"
#080 "Lights, Camera, Duel"
#081 "Let the Finals Begin!"
#082 "The Dark Spirit Revealed: Yugi vs Bakura, Part 1"
#083 "The Dark Spirit Revealed: Yugi vs Bakura, Part 2"
#084 "The Dark Spirit Revealed: Yugi vs Bakura, Part 3"
#085 "Rage of the Egyptian Gods"
#086 "Awakening of Evil, Part 1"
#087 "Awakening of Evil, Part 2"
#088 "Awakening of Evil, Part 3"
#089 "Awakening of Evil, Part 4"
#090 "Mind Game: Mai vs. Marik, Part 1"
#091 "Mind Game: Mai vs. Marik, Part 2"
#092 "Mind Game: Mai vs. Marik, Part 3"
#093 "A Duel With Destiny: Kaiba vs. Ishizu, Part 1"
#094 "A Duel With Destiny: Kaiba vs. Ishizu, Part 2"
#095 "The Tomb-Keeper's Secret"
#096 "Showdown in the Shadows: Marik vs. Bakura, Part 1"
#097 "Showdown in the Shadows: Marik vs. Bakura, Part 2"

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