Document Zbl 0694.53002 - zbMATH Open
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Spinors and calibrations. (English) Zbl 0694.53002
The author describes this book as a collection of examples. As such, it contains a detailed discussion of the following topics: the classical Lie groups and their simpler representations, inner product spaces of general signature, normed algebras for general signature, the exceptional Lie groups \(G_4\) and \(F_4\), Clifford algebras, the PIN and SPIN groups, the definitions of the various differential geometric structures associated to these groups, and calibrations, with a special emphasis on the special Lagrangian calibrations and the Nance calibrations. The book should be of interest to differential geometers and physicists. It includes exercises so that it may be of use to advanced graduate students as well.
53-02 | Research exposition (monographs, survey articles) pertaining to differential geometry |
57-02 | Research exposition (monographs, survey articles) pertaining to manifolds and cell complexes |
53C27 | Spin and Spin\({}^c\) geometry |
53C40 | Global submanifolds |
58A10 | Differential forms in global analysis |
15A66 | Clifford algebras, spinors |
22E45 | Representations of Lie and linear algebraic groups over real fields: analytic methods |