Document Zbl 0758.01016 - zbMATH Open
Geometry Search for the term Geometry in any field. Queries are case-independent.
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The selected works of J. Frank Adams. Volumes 1 and 2. Edited by J. P. May and C. B. Thomas. (English) Zbl 0758.01016
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. xvi, 536 p./vol 1; xvi, 529 p./vol 2 (1992).
This collection contains Adams’ major research contributions (fifty-three of his published items and two published expository articles). The included items are organized by subject and are arranged chronologically within each of the principal subject areas. Each volume contains (the same) brief introduction which outlines the contents of the collection and mentions the works by Adams which were not included. Likewise, each volume contains a short biographical sketch (slightly more than one page in length). Unfortunately, a complete listing of Adams’ works was not included with these selected works. The volumes are organized as follows: Vol. I: The cobar construction, the Adams spectral sequence, higher order cohomology operations, and the Hopf invariant one problem (4 items); Applications of \(K\)-theory (10); Generalized homology and cohomology theories, and a survey (2); Vol. II: Characteristic classes and calculations in \(K\)-theory (9); Modules over the Steenrod algebra and their Ext groups (7); Finite \(H\)-spaces and compact Lie groups (7); Maps between classifying spaces of compact Lie groups (4); Miscellaneous papers in homotopy theory and cohomology theory (10); Two unpublished expository papers (2).
01A75 | Collected or selected works; reprintings or translations of classics |
55Nxx | Homology and cohomology theories in algebraic topology |
55Pxx | Homotopy theory |
55Txx | Spectral sequences in algebraic topology |
55Uxx | Applied homological algebra and category theory in algebraic topology |
19Lxx | Topological \(K\)-theory |
19M05 | Miscellaneous applications of \(K\)-theory |