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Attribute based broadcast encryption with short ciphertext and decryption key. (English) Zbl 1499.94051

Pernul, Günther (ed.) et al., Computer security – ESORICS 2015. 20th European symposium on research in computer security, Vienna, Austria, September 21–25, 2015, Proceedings. Part II. Cham: Springer. Lect. Notes Comput. Sci. 9327, 252-269 (2015).

Summary: Attribute Based Broadcast Encryption (ABBE) is a combination of Attribute Based Encryption (ABE) and Broadcast Encryption (BE). It allows a broadcaster (or encrypter) to broadcast an encrypted message that can only be decrypted by the receivers who are within a predefined user set and satisfy the access policy specified by the broadcaster. Compared with normal ABE, ABBE allows direct revocation, which is important in many real-time broadcasting applications such as Pay TV. In this paper, we propose two novel ABBE schemes that have distinguishing features: the first scheme is key-policy based and has short ciphertext and constant size decryption key; and the second one is ciphertext-policy based and has constant size ciphertext and short decryption key. Both of our schemes allow access policies to be expressed using AND-gate with positive, negative, and wildcard symbols, and are proven secure under the Decision \(n\)-BDHE assumption without random oracles.
For the entire collection see [Zbl 1492.68027].