
Shumo Chu - Author Profile - zbMATH Open


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Author ID: chu.shumo Recent zbMATH articles by "Chu, Shumo"
Published as: Chu, Shumo

Citations contained in zbMATH Open

3 Publications have been cited 5 times in 5 Documents Cited by Year
Comment on: ’Does an atom interferometer test the gravitational redshift at the Compton frequency?’. Zbl 1235.83005
Hohensee, M. A.; Chu, S.; Peters, A.; Müller, Holger



Practical post-quantum few-time verifiable random function with applications to Algorand. Zbl 1491.94047
Esgin, Muhammed F.; Kuchta, Veronika; Sakzad, Amin; Steinfeld, Ron; Zhang, Zhenfei; Sun, Shifeng; Chu, Shumo



Differentially oblivious database joins: overcoming the worst-case curse of fully oblivious algorithms. Zbl 07706051
Chu, Shumo; Zhuo, Danyang; Shi, Elaine; Chan, T-H. Hubert



Practical post-quantum few-time verifiable random function with applications to Algorand. Zbl 1491.94047
Esgin, Muhammed F.; Kuchta, Veronika; Sakzad, Amin; Steinfeld, Ron; Zhang, Zhenfei; Sun, Shifeng; Chu, Shumo



Differentially oblivious database joins: overcoming the worst-case curse of fully oblivious algorithms. Zbl 07706051
Chu, Shumo; Zhuo, Danyang; Shi, Elaine; Chan, T-H. Hubert



Comment on: ’Does an atom interferometer test the gravitational redshift at the Compton frequency?’. Zbl 1235.83005
Hohensee, M. A.; Chu, S.; Peters, A.; Müller, Holger