
Jorge Guajardo - Author Profile - zbMATH Open


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Author ID: guajardo.jorge Recent zbMATH articles by "Guajardo, Jorge"
Published as: Guajardo, Jorge

Citations contained in zbMATH Open

10 Publications have been cited 75 times in 65 Documents Cited by Year
Provably secure masking of AES. Zbl 1117.94312
Blömer, Johannes; Guajardo, Jorge; Krummel, Volker



Itoh-Tsujii inversion in standard basis and its application in cryptography and codes. Zbl 1030.11070
Guajardo, Jorge; Paar, Christof



Efficient algorithms for elliptic curve cryptosystems. Zbl 0937.94009
Guajardo, Jorge; Paar, Christof



Hyperelliptic curve cryptosystems: closing the performance gap to elliptic curves. Zbl 1274.94105
Pelzl, Jan; Wollinger, Thomas; Guajardo, Jorge; Paar, Christof



RSA key generation with verifiable randomness. Zbl 1055.94518
Juels, Ari; Guajardo, Jorge



Efficient GF\((p^m)\) arithmetic architectures for cryptographic applications. Zbl 1039.68508
Bertoni, Guido; Guajardo, Jorge; Kumar, Sandeep; Orlando, Gerardo; Paar, Christof; Wollinger, Thomas



Dynamic searchable symmetric encryption with minimal leakage and efficient updates on commodity hardware. Zbl 1396.94104
Yavuz, Attila A.; Guajardo, Jorge



Efficient implementation of elliptic curve cryptosystems on the TI MSP430x33x family of microcontrollers. Zbl 0991.94039
Guajardo, Jorge; Blümel, Rainer; Krieger, Uwe; Paar, Christof



Efficient hardware implementation of finite fields with applications to cryptography. Zbl 1105.12003
Guajardo, Jorge; Güneysu, Tim; Kumar, Sandeep S.; Paar, Christof; Pelzl, Jan



Systolic and scalable architectures for digit-serial multiplication in fields \(\text{GF}(p^m)\). Zbl 1123.68300
Bertoni, Guido; Guajardo, Jorge; Orlando, Gerardo



Dynamic searchable symmetric encryption with minimal leakage and efficient updates on commodity hardware. Zbl 1396.94104
Yavuz, Attila A.; Guajardo, Jorge



Efficient hardware implementation of finite fields with applications to cryptography. Zbl 1105.12003
Guajardo, Jorge; Güneysu, Tim; Kumar, Sandeep S.; Paar, Christof; Pelzl, Jan



Provably secure masking of AES. Zbl 1117.94312
Blömer, Johannes; Guajardo, Jorge; Krummel, Volker



Hyperelliptic curve cryptosystems: closing the performance gap to elliptic curves. Zbl 1274.94105
Pelzl, Jan; Wollinger, Thomas; Guajardo, Jorge; Paar, Christof



Efficient GF\((p^m)\) arithmetic architectures for cryptographic applications. Zbl 1039.68508
Bertoni, Guido; Guajardo, Jorge; Kumar, Sandeep; Orlando, Gerardo; Paar, Christof; Wollinger, Thomas



Systolic and scalable architectures for digit-serial multiplication in fields \(\text{GF}(p^m)\). Zbl 1123.68300
Bertoni, Guido; Guajardo, Jorge; Orlando, Gerardo



Itoh-Tsujii inversion in standard basis and its application in cryptography and codes. Zbl 1030.11070
Guajardo, Jorge; Paar, Christof



RSA key generation with verifiable randomness. Zbl 1055.94518
Juels, Ari; Guajardo, Jorge



Efficient implementation of elliptic curve cryptosystems on the TI MSP430x33x family of microcontrollers. Zbl 0991.94039
Guajardo, Jorge; Blümel, Rainer; Krieger, Uwe; Paar, Christof



Efficient algorithms for elliptic curve cryptosystems. Zbl 0937.94009
Guajardo, Jorge; Paar, Christof



all top 5

Cited by 167 Authors

6 Guilley, Sylvain
4 Hutter, Michael
4 Paar, Christof
3 Bruneau, Nicolas
3 Guajardo, Jorge
3 Nikova, Svetla Jordanova
3 Rijmen, Vincent
2 Facon, Adrien
2 Faust, Sebastian
2 Heuser, Annelie
2 Hinterwälder, Gesine
2 Hirano, Takato
2 Kawai, Yutaka
2 Kim, Taehyun
2 Koseki, Yoshihiro
2 Kumar, Sandeep S.
2 Pelzl, Jan
2 Prouff, Emmanuel
2 Rioul, Olivier
2 Schläffer, Martin
2 Schwabe, Peter
2 Standaert, Francois-Xavier
2 Taguchi, Ren
2 Takayasu, Atsushi
2 Teglia, Yannick
2 Wenger, Erich
1 Abdullah, Rosni
1 Akyildiz, Ersan
1 Albrecht, Martin R.
1 Almazrooie, Mishal
1 Aoki, Kazumaro
1 Baktır, Selçuk
1 Ball, Marshall
1 Barreto, Paulo S. L. M.
1 Barthe, Gilles
1 Batina, Lejla
1 Becerra, Nicolás
1 Benhamouda, Fabrice
1 Bilgin, Begül
1 Blazy, Olivier
1 Blömer, Johannes
1 Bonnecaze, Alexis
1 Brumley, Billy Bob
1 Canright, David
1 Carlet, Claude
1 Chang, Ku-Young
1 Chang, Nam Su
1 Chauhan, Amit Kumar
1 Chen, Tzer-Shyong
1 Cho, Hyunsook
1 Cho, Sungmin
1 Choie, YoungJu
1 Christen, Charles
1 Couteau, Geoffroy
1 Cruz-Cortés, Nareli
1 Danger, Jean-Luc
1 Dimitrov, Vassil S.
1 Dodis, Yevgeniy
1 Duc, Alexandre
1 Düll, Michael
1 Dupressoir, François
1 Dziembowski, Stefan
1 Espinosa-Garcia, Joaquin
1 Falcone, Giovanni
1 Fan, Haining
1 Ferradi, Houda
1 Figula, Ágota
1 Galbraith, Steven D.
1 Gashkov, Sergey B.
1 Genelle, Laurie
1 Géraud, Rémi
1 Goldin, Eli
1 Grassi, Lorenzo
1 Grégoire, Benjamin
1 Großschädl, Johann
1 Güneysu, Tim
1 Guo, ErChuan
1 Haase, Björn
1 Han, Dong-Guk
1 Han, Guangguo
1 Hannusch, Carolin
1 Harold, Ndangang Yampa
1 Hasan, M. Anwar
1 Hayasaka, Kenichiro
1 He, Kai
1 Higuchi, Akira
1 Hong, Seokhie
1 Imbert, Laurent
1 Iwamoto, Mitsugu
1 Järvinen, Kimmo U.
1 Jeong, Eunkyung
1 Jirón, Ivan
1 Kang, Ju-Sung
1 Kawahara, Yuto
1 Kim, Changhan
1 Kim, Howon
1 Krummel, Volker
1 Kumar, Kundan
1 Landry, Simon
1 Lauter, Kristin Estella
...and 67 more Authors

Citations by Year