
David L. Rector - Author Profile - zbMATH Open


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Author ID: rector.david-l Recent zbMATH articles by "Rector, David L."
Published as: Rector, D. L.; Rector, David L.


Publications by Year

Citations contained in zbMATH Open

11 Publications have been cited 175 times in 160 Documents Cited by Year
The mod-\(p\) lower central series and the Adams spectral sequence. Zbl 0158.20502
Bousfield, A. K.; Curtis, E. B.; Kan, D. M.; Quillen, D. G.; Rector, D. L.; Schlesinger, J. W.



Steenrod operations in the Eilenberg-Moore spectral sequence. Zbl 0209.27501
Rector, D. L.



Noetherian cohomology rings and finite loop spaces with torsion. Zbl 0543.57030
Rector, D. L.



An unstable Adams spectral sequence. Zbl 0163.17806
Rector, David L.



Subgroups of finite dimensional topological groups. Zbl 0225.22001
Rector, David L.



K-theory of a space with coefficients in a (discrete) ring. Zbl 0234.55008
Rector, David L.



Loop structures on the homotopy type of \(S^3\). Zbl 0239.55009
Rector, David L.



Homotopy theory of rigid profinite spaces. I. Zbl 0449.55013
Rector, D. L.



Lie groups from a homotopy point of view. Zbl 0322.57029
Rector, David; Stasheff, James



A relation between two simplicial algebraic K-theories. Zbl 0215.09802
Gersten, S. M.; Rector, D. L.



Modular characters and K-theory with coefficients in a finite field. Zbl 0323.18009
Rector, D. L.



Noetherian cohomology rings and finite loop spaces with torsion. Zbl 0543.57030
Rector, D. L.



Homotopy theory of rigid profinite spaces. I. Zbl 0449.55013
Rector, D. L.



Lie groups from a homotopy point of view. Zbl 0322.57029
Rector, David; Stasheff, James



Modular characters and K-theory with coefficients in a finite field. Zbl 0323.18009
Rector, D. L.



Subgroups of finite dimensional topological groups. Zbl 0225.22001
Rector, David L.



K-theory of a space with coefficients in a (discrete) ring. Zbl 0234.55008
Rector, David L.



Loop structures on the homotopy type of \(S^3\). Zbl 0239.55009
Rector, David L.



A relation between two simplicial algebraic K-theories. Zbl 0215.09802
Gersten, S. M.; Rector, D. L.



Steenrod operations in the Eilenberg-Moore spectral sequence. Zbl 0209.27501
Rector, D. L.



The mod-\(p\) lower central series and the Adams spectral sequence. Zbl 0158.20502
Bousfield, A. K.; Curtis, E. B.; Kan, D. M.; Quillen, D. G.; Rector, D. L.; Schlesinger, J. W.



An unstable Adams spectral sequence. Zbl 0163.17806
Rector, David L.



all top 5

Cited by 154 Authors

8 Singer, William M.
8 Wu, Jie
7 Mikhaĭlov, Roman Valer’evich
6 Lomonaco, Luciano Amito
6 Nguyễn Hu’u Viêt Hu’ng
5 Ciampella, Adriana
5 Lannes, Jean E.
5 Notbohm, Dietrich
5 Smith, Larry
4 Bousfield, A. K.
4 Heard, Drew
4 Schwartz, Lionel
3 Baues, Hans-Joachim
3 Blanc, David Abraham
3 Brunetti, Maurizio
3 Cho’n, Phan Hoàng
3 Curtis, Edward B.
3 Đặng Võ Phúc
3 Gersten, Stephen M.
3 Lin, Wen-Hsiung
3 Mahowald, Mark Edward
3 Neumann, Frank
3 Tuấn, Ngô A.
3 Yau, Donald Y.
2 Barthel, Tobias
2 Castellana, Natàlia
2 Dwyer, William G.
2 Henn, Hans-Werner
2 Kane, Richard M.
2 Kuribayashi, Katsuhiko
2 May, Jon Peter
2 Møller, Jesper Michael
2 Morel, Fabien
2 Pearson, Paul Thomas
2 Priddy, Stewart B.
2 Rector, David L.
2 Valenzuela, Gabriel
2 Zarati, Said
1 Andersen, Kasper K. S.
1 Anderson, Donald W.
1 Asok, Aravind
1 Bahri, Anthony P.
1 Bartholdi, Laurent
1 Behrens, Mark Joseph
1 Bendersky, Martin
1 Berrick, A. Jon
1 Bourguiba, Dorra
1 Breen, Lawrence S.
1 Broto, Carles
1 Bruner, Robert R.
1 Buchholtz, Ulrik
1 Campbell, H. E. A. Eddy
1 Cathey, Frederick W.
1 Chataur, David
1 Chen, Tai-Wei
1 Chen, Xiaojun
1 Cohen, Frederick Ronald
1 Cohen, Ralph L.
1 Davis, Donald M.
1 Dehon, Francois-Xavier
1 Drummond-Cole, Gabriel C.
1 Faber, Eleonore
1 Fasel, Jean
1 Fresse, Benoit
1 Friedlander, Eric Mark
1 Fuchs, Dmitry Borisovich
1 Gaudens, Gerald
1 Gitler Hammer, Samuel Carlos
1 Giuli, Eraldo
1 Goerss, Paul G.
1 Goodwillie, Thomas Gehret
1 Granja, Gustavo
1 Grodal, Jesper
1 Hackney, Philip
1 Harper, John R.
1 Hartl, Manfred
1 Hikida, Mizuho
1 Hill, Michael A.
1 Hiller, Howard Lyn
1 Huang, Ruizhi
1 Hughes, I. P.
1 Isaksen, Daniel C.
1 Ishiguro, Kenshi
1 Ivanov, Sergei Olegovich
1 Jardine, John Frederick
1 Jones, John D. S.
1 Juhnke-Kubitzke, Martina
1 Kan, Daniel Marinus
1 Kono, Akira
1 Kopeiko, V. I.
1 Kozima, Kazumoto
1 Krueger, Warren M.
1 Kuhn, Nicholas J.
1 Kuku, Aderemi Oluyomi
1 Lam, S. P.
1 Lê Minh Hà
1 Lee, Dae-Woong
1 Lee, Hong-Jae
1 Lei, Fengchun
1 Lellmann, Wolfgang
...and 54 more Authors

Citations by Year