丹麦人的事迹 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书

《丹麦人的事迹》(丹麦语:“Gesta Danorum”;英语:“Deeds of the Danes”)是一部歌颂丹麦历史的爱国主义作品,在12世纪晚期由学者薩克索·格拉瑪提庫斯所撰写。它是現存最充分地記載中世纪丹麦人雄心和事蹟的文学,並是最早的记录爱沙尼亚和拉脱维亚历史的文献之一,所以它也是国民研究丹麦早期历史的重要来源。
人们相信,第十一部至十三部是随后被撰写的。斯汶·奥吉森的《丹麦历史》(history of Denmark)和 達基亞王朝简史(Brevis Historia Regum Dacie,1186年)讲述到萨克索当时决定要写关于王室的故事,这个应该指的是第十一部至十三部间出现的斯文二世家族。
这些文本被很好的保存了下来。在1510至1512年间,巴黎的丹麦语译者克里斯蒂恩·佩德森(Christiern Pedersen)遍历丹麦以寻找萨克索著作的现存副本。那个时候大部分文本还流传于世。 在当时,人们对萨克索的大部分了解都基于《日德兰半岛编年史》中记录的〈萨克索著作摘要〉。它用“丹麦人的事迹”来指代萨克索的著作。但并不清楚萨克索起的原名是什么。
克里斯蒂恩·佩德森最后在隆德(今属瑞典)大主教比格爾·贡纳森的收藏品中发现了《丹麦人的事迹》的副本。大主教很乐意的借给了他。在印刷匠乔斯·巴德(Jodocus Badius)的帮助下,《丹麦人的事迹》终于重现于世。

第一个印刷版也是现存最老的萨克索作品的全本是由克里斯蒂恩·佩德森整理的版本。它用拉丁语书写,于1514年3月15日在法国巴黎由印刷匠乔斯·巴德整理出版。当时的名字叫做《丹麦国王和英雄史》(拉丁语:Danorum Regum heroumque Historiae),并于扉页上注明:...由学者乔斯·巴德印刷,于1514年3月15日在美丽的巴黎出版(拉丁语:impressit in inclyta Parrhisorum academia Jodocus Badius Ascensius Idibus Martiis. MDXIIII. Supputatione Romana.)。
Danorum Regum heroumque Historiae stilo eleganti a Saxone Grammatico natione Zialandico necnon Roskildensis ecclesiae praeposito, abhinc supra trecentos annos conscriptae et nunc primum literaria serie illustratae tersissimeque impressae.
De danske Kongers og Heltes Historie, skrevet i pyntelig Stil for over 300 Aar siden af Saxo Grammaticus, en Sjællandsfar og Provst ved Kirken i Roskilde, og nu for første Gang oplyst ved et Register og omhyggeligt trykt.
Histories of the Kings and heroes of the Danes, composed in elegant style by Saxo Grammaticus, a Sjællander and also provost of the church of Roskilde, over three hundred years ago, and now for the first time illustrated and printed correctly in a learned compilation.
- Christiern Pedersen, published 1514, title: Danorum Regum heroumque Historiae
- Johannes Oporinus, published 1534, title: Saxonis Grammatici Danorum Historiae Libri XVI
- Philip Lonicer, published 1576, title: Danica Historia Libris XVI
- Stephan Hansen Stephanius, published 1645, title: Saxonis Grammatici Historiæ Danicæ Libri XVI
- Christian Adolph Klotz, published 1771, title: Saxonis Grammatici Historiae Danicae libri XVI
- Peter Erasmus Müller, published 1839, title: Saxonis Grammatici Historia Danica
- Alfred Holder, published 1886, title: Saxonis Grammatici Gesta Danorum
- Jørgen Olrik & Hans Ræder, published 1931, title: Saxonis Gesta Danorum
- Karsten Friis-Jensen, published 2005, title: Gesta Danorum ISBN 978-87-12-04025-5, ISBN 87-12-04025-8
- Christiern Pedersen, never published ca. 1540, Lost
- Jon Tursons, never published ca. 1555, Lost
- Anders Sørensen Vedel, published 1575, title: Den Danske Krønicke
- Sejer Schousbölle, published 1752, title: Saxonis Grammatici Historia Danica
- N. F. S. Grundtvig, published 1818-1822, title: Danmarks Krønike af Saxo Grammaticus
- Frederik Winkel Horn, published 1898, title: Saxo Grammaticus: Danmarks Krønike
- Jørgen Olrik, published 1908-1912, title: Sakses Danesaga
- Peter Zeeberg, published 2000, title: Saxos Danmarkshistorie ISBN 87-12-03496-7 (complete) ISBN 87-12-03534-3 (vol 1) ISBN 87-12-03535-1 (vol 2)
- Oliver Elton, published 1894, title: The First Nine Books of the Danish History of Saxo Grammaticus
- Peter Fisher and Hilda Ellis Davidson, published 1979-1980, title: Saxo Grammaticus: The History of the Danes, Books I-IX
- Eric Christiansen, published 1980-1981, title: Saxo Grammaticus: Danorum regum herorumque historia, books X-XVI
- William F. Hansen, published 1983, title: Saxo Grammaticus and the life of Hamlet
- Karsten Friis-Jensen (editor) and Peter Fisher (translator), published 2015, title: Saxo Grammaticus: Gesta Danorum The History of the Danes. Volume 1 includes books I-X and Volume 2 includes books XI-XVI.
- Hermann Jantzen, published 1900, title: Saxo Grammaticus. Die ersten neun Bücher der dänischen Geschichte
- Ludovica Koch & Maria Adele Cipolla, published 1993, title: Sassone Grammatico: Gesta dei re e degli eroi danesi
- Yukio Taniguchi, published 1993, title: Sakuso Guramatikusu: Denmakujin no jiseki
- Santiago Ibáñez Lluch, published 1999, title: Saxo Gramático: Historia Danesa
Gesta Danorum is also translated partially in other English, French and German releases.
萨克索在第三部与第四部中记载到,丹麦国王Rørik Slyngebond赋予Orvendil和Fengi两兄弟日德兰半岛的管辖权。不久之后,Orvendil娶了国王的女儿Geruth(《哈姆雷特》中称为Gertrude)。Amleth则是他们的独子。
- Hilda Ellis Davidson, Peter Fisher (trans), Saxo Grammaticus: The History of the Danes, Books I-IX : I. English Text; II. Commentary, modern English translation, 2002, ISBN 0-85991-502-6
- Saxo Grammaticus, Gesta Danorum, Books I-IX, translated to English by Oliver Elton 1905.
- Saxo Grammaticus, Gesta Danorum, from the Royal Library in Copenhagen, Latin (table of contents in Danish).
- Helle Stangerup, Saxo Hans værk – Hans verden, Høst & Søn forlag 2004, ISBN 87-14-29949-6
- Apoteker Sibbernsens Saxobog, C. A. Reitzels Forlag, Copenhagen, 1927
- Frederik Winkel Horn, Saxo Grammaticus: Danmarks Krønike, Chr. Flors Boghandel, Copenhangen 1911.
- Jørgen Olrik & H Ræder, Saxonis Gesta Danorum, Levin & Munkesgaard, Copenhagen, 1931
- Anders Sørensen Vedel, Den Danske Krønicke Saxo-oversættelse 1575 udgivet i facsimile af Det danske Sprog- og Litteraturselskab, G. E. C Gad, Copenhagen, 1967
- Curt Weibull, Saxo. Kritiska undersökningar i Danmarks historia från Sven Estridsens död till Knut VI., Lund, Blekingska boktryckeriet, 1915 (in Historisk tidskrift för Skåneland, band 6, häfte 1-3)
- On-Line Medieval and Classical History: The Danish History books I-IX(页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆), translated by Oliver Elton (Norroena Society, New York, 1905)."His seven later books are the chief Danish authority for the times which they relate; his first nine, here translated, are a treasure of myth and folk-lore" (Elton, Introduction).
- Gesta Danorum in Latin (also as a single file at the Internet Archive)
- One of the versions in the Danish Royal Library
- Proverbs and proverbial materials in Saxo's Gesta Danorum(页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)
- A Danish translation by Frederik Winkel Horn (1898) at Heimskringla.no[失效連結]
- "Danmarks Riges Krønike af Saxo" i a Danish translation by N.L.S. Grundtvigs (1818) at project Runeberg(页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)
- A Danish translation by Anders Sørensen Vedel (1575) at the Internet Archive