方济各会 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
- ️Tue Feb 24 1209
Ordo Fratrum Minorum(拉丁語)[1] | |
![]() 小兄弟会纹章 | |
原稱 | 遵规小兄弟会 |
簡稱 | OFM |
前身机构 | 遵规小兄弟会 |
成立時間 | 1209年2月24日,816年前 |
創始人 | 亞西西的方濟各 |
創始地 | ![]() |
類型 | 献身生活的托钵修会机构(男子)[1] |
法律地位 | 宗教机构 |
總部 | General Curia Via di S. Maria Mediatrice, 2500165 Roma, Italia[1] |
會員 (2020) | 12,726 (8,771名牧师)[1] |
马西莫·富萨雷利 | |
座右铭 | 平安美善 (拉丁語:Pax et bonum) |
上級組織 | 天主教會 |
分支機構 | 世俗方济各会 (1221年) 圣方济各第三会 (1447年) |
脫離 | 住院小兄弟会 (1209年) 方濟嘉布遣會 (1520年) |
網站 | ofm.org |

方济各会(拉丁語:Ordines Franciscani),又稱方濟會,是天主教托钵修会派别之一。这些修会由亞西西的方濟各于1209年创立,分为三大组:
創始人為亞西西的方濟各,原名乔瓦尼·贝纳多内(Giovanni Benadone),他年輕時常飲酒作樂,父親甚為擔憂,方濟曾在反對王公貴族的戰役中被擄達一年之久,之後又染重病,一步一步地讓他悔改歸正,於1208年之後開始在亚西西周圍遊行,幫助困苦無依之人並重修教堂。過著模仿基督耶穌、極度貧窮的生活,他相信以此種方式才能脫離世俗、不受影響、專心跟從基督。[2]此派修道士的特點是:將所有財物都捐給窮人、靠布施行乞過生活、直屬羅馬教宗的管轄、潛心研究學問、四處講道,甚至最後成為教宗用來壓制異端的工具,這些行乞修會成員對當時西歐的生活產生非常驚人的影響[3]。

天主教在元末中国中断之后,于明末再度进入中国。方济会再次进入中国是从1633年抵达福建福安的利安当(Antonio de Santa Maria Caballero,OFM,1602-1669)神父开始。
- The Poor and the Perfect: The Rise of Learning in the Franciscan Order, 1209–1310 by Neslihan Senocak. (Cornell University Press; 2012) 280 pages; shows how Franciscans shifted away from an early emphasis on poverty and humility and instead emphasized educational roles
- A History of the Franciscan Order: From Its Origins to the Year 1517 by John Richard Humpidge Moorman, Franciscan Institute Publications, 1988. ISBN 978-0-8199-0921-3
- Origins of the Franciscan Order by Cajetan Esser, Franciscan Institute Publications, 1970. ISBN 978-0-8199-0408-9
- The Leonine Union of the Order of Friars Minor by Maurice Carmody, Franciscan Institute Publications, 1994. ISBN 978-1-57659-084-3
- Friars Minor in China: 1294 – 1944, by Arnulf Camps and Pat McCloskey, Franciscan Institute Publications, 1996. ISBN 978-1-57659-002-7
- In the Name of St. Francis: A History of the Friars Minor and Franciscanism until the Early Sixteenth Century, by Grado Giovanni Merlo, translated by Robert J. Karris and Raphael Bonanno, Franciscan Institute Publications, 2009. ISBN 978-1-57659-155-0
- The History of Franciscan Theology, by Kenan Osborne, Franciscan Institute Publications, 1994. ISBN 978-1-57659-032-4
- Friars Minor in Ireland from Their Arrival to 1400, by Francis Cotter, Franciscan Institute Publications, 1994. ISBN 978-1-57659-083-6
- The Franciscan Spirituals and the Capuchin Reform, by Thaddeus MacVicar, Franciscan Institute Publications, 1986. ISBN 978-1-57659-086-7
- Medieval Franciscan Houses, by John R. H. Moorman, Franciscan Institute Publications, 1983. ISBN 978-1-57659-079-9
- A Poor Man's Legacy: An Anthology of Franciscan Poverty, by Cyprian Lynch, Franciscan Institute Publications, 1989. ISBN 978-1-57659-069-0
- The Franciscan Concept of Mission in the High Middle Ages, by E. Randolph Daniel, Franciscan Institute Publications, 1992. ISBN 0-8131-1315-6
- Peace and Good in America, A History of the Holy Name Province, Order of the Friars Minor, 1850s to the Present, by Joseph M. White, Franciscan Institute Publications, 2004. ISBN 978-1-57659-196-3
- The Birth of a Movement, by David Flood and Thaddee Matura, Franciscan Institute Publications, 1975. ISBN 978-0-8199-0567-3
- A History of the Franciscan Order: From Its Origins to the Year 1517 by John R. H. Moorman, Oxford University Press, Oxford, (1968) ISBN 0-19-826425-9; reprint: Franciscan Herald Press, Chicago, IL (1988) ISBN 0-8199-0921-1
- Franciscan Philosophy at Oxford in the Thirteenth Century by D.E. Sharp, Oxford University Press, London (1930); (a more recent ed.: ISBN 0-576-99216-X)
- Medieval Monasticism: Forms of Religious Life in Western Europe in the Middle Ages (3rd Edition) by C.H. Lawrence, ISBN 0-582-40427-4
- The Spiritual Franciscans: From Protest to Persecution in the Century After Saint Francis by David Burr. ISBN 0-271-02128-4
- Francis and Clare: The Complete Works By Ignatius C. Brady, Regis J. Armstrong, Paulist Press, Mahwah, New Jersey, (1982) ISBN 0-8091-2446-7
- The Fraternal Economy: A Pastoral Psychology of Franciscan Economics By David B. Couturier, Cloverdale Books, South Bend (2007) ISBN 978-1-929569-23-6
- Francis of Assisi: Early Documents 3 Volumes. Edited by Regis J. Armstrong, OFM Cap., J.A. Wayne Hellmann, OFM Conv., and William J. Short, OFM. New York: New City Press. Copyright 1999, Franciscan Institute of Saint Bonaventure University, Saint Bonaventure, NY. ISBN 978-1-56548-110-7.
- "The Franciscan Story" by Maurice Carmody, Athena Press Publishing Co. UK (2008). ISBN 1-84748-141-8 ; ISBN 978-1-84748-141-2
- "Santo António de Lisboa - Da Ciência da Escritura ao Livro da Natureza", Maria Cândida Monteiro Pacheco, Imprensa Nacional casa da Moeda,Lisboa, (1997), ISBN 972-27-0855-4
- "O Simbolismo da Natureza em Santo António de Lisboa", José Acácio Aguiar e Castro,Universidade Católica Portugesa- Fundação Engº António de Almeida, Porto, 1997, ISBN UCP 972-9290.13-X /FEAA 972-8386-03-6
- Schmucki, Oktavian (2000) "Die Regel des Johannes von Matha und die Regel des Franziskus von Assisi. Ähnlichkeiten und Eigenheiten. Neue Beziehungen zum Islam" (pp. 219–244) in Cipollone, Giulio (ed.). La Liberazione dei 'Captivi' tra Cristianità e Islam: Oltre la Crociata e il Gihâd: Tolleranza e Servizio Umanitario. (CollectaneaArchivi Vaticani, 46.) Archivio Segreto Vaticano, Vatican City.
- , Masha Halevi, Between Faith and Science: Franciscan Archaeology in the Service of the Holy Places, Middle Eastern Studies Volume 48, Issue 2, 2012pages 249-267 (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)